Sunday, May 19, 2024

In a class by myself


I woke up hearing the sound of a car door slamming. I thought it was Chris coming home from his game. But it happened over and over. Finally I got up to investigate. It was coming from the direction of the barracks. So probably artillary practice. But really – on a Saturday morning at 7am?

I watered the plants. Chris came home and made coffee. We both read e-mail and checked messages. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. While he took his shower, I watched video of Myst V for the parts I had worked on last night to find out what I missed - two very important things. I watched some bonus episodes from the Garden Summit. I made and ate breakfast.

We went to the commissary for groceries. Then we stopped by the library and visited with the librarian. When we got home, Chris put away the food while I jotted notes for my blog.

I got ready for Sewing Class. I took my bag of notions and patterns and beads and beans. I went to the chapel and set up the sewing machines and everything needed to make the frog. Then I realized I didn't have the frog. So I called Chris and he was kind enough to bring it to me.

Since he was there, I asked him to help me re-dress the altar because everything on it had fallen to the floor. Seemed a little odd. But we got everything straight and put some hymnals on it to keep the altar cloth and banner in place.

Chris went home. I stayed for class. I worked on my stack-n-whack project and no one came to interrupt. After two hours, I got texts from Michelle who was looking for a punch bowl. So I left everything there and went home to search. I searched. I didn't find the punch bowl, but I did find other nice bowls that weren't as large. I sent her pics and she picked one.

I read e-mail for awhile. Then I raked part of the lawn and mowed it. Repeat until after 6:30. I went inside to rest and drink. Then I went to the chapel for Project Night.

My machine was still set up. I brought out an iron and started ironing all the half hexagons I had made earlier. MeryAnn came and she talked as I ironed. Then I sat down and we chatted until her husband came. He joined in and then we all packed up to leave. However, after turning off the lights and locking the doors, we stood in the parking lot and continued talking.

It was after 9:30 when I got home. Chris was too tired to watch TV. I posted to my blog. Then I watched some documentary on the computer. After that, I queued up a sleep video and listened to it on headphones while reclining. Later I went to bed.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The cat returns


I got up around 8. I got ready for the day. I checked messages. I got out the frog pattern and beans. I made the frog, noting that it was hard to sew all the curves, and turn inside out. Also there was a lot of clipping involved. Maybe not the best choice for kids. Too late. I posed the frog and took pictures. Then I posted the class announcement to Facebook. I also posted for Project Night.

I walked down to the post office to get the mail. Then I stopped in at the swap shop to say hello and see what was up. They were talking about the new commandment to register all kids at CYS. During, we saw a mouse run through the shop.

I went home and made breakfast. I listened to Mike Adams while eating. I talked to Chris on the phone about the new policy. I laid out in the sun for awhile. I mowed part of the lawn. I put more peanut butter in the bucket traps. I checked messages and read e-mail. I washed up and put on fresh clothes. I worked on my blog while waiting for Michelle to pick me up.

She drove me to the barracks where the German army contingent was having a barbecue. We hung out, then Emily showed us the lumpia she brought. We had some of that. Michelle had brought three bottles of varied really hot sauces. I tried two drops of one on a bite of hamburger. One lady ate a spoonful of it and it had an effect. They told her to drink milk. Then Michelle tried some. She was affected too but is allergic to dairy and gluten so she just drank water.

Then we joined a table of guys from the fire department. I had a long chat with one of them about turning the golf range into a fishing spot. Then we went inside again and she talked to their head guy about table games for Sunday night.

Finally she took me home. I changed clothes, intending to work outside but stayed on the internet too long. Chris texted me from the airport. I worked on my blog, then changed clothes again and went to game night.

Casey was there and he got Myst V going. He sat in a chair reading as I played. Then Michelle came home with one of the German soldiers. He wanted to know about fart spray. Casey gave him some, then Michelle ordered more on the internet. Casey sprayed some on a tree outside and they all whiffed it and pronounced it vile. But I could hardly smell it.

Anyway, Michelle took him back to the barracks while I went on with the game. Chris texted me when he got home from the airport around 10. Around 10:30 I had done everything in the game that I could think of. So I shut it down. I thanked them and headed home.

Chris was already in bed. I got ready for bed and crawled in beside him. He woke up enough to move over and snuggle.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Mow, mow, mow the lawn


I woke up, not sure when. I stayed in bed doing some mental programming. Then I got up to brush and swish. I put the sheets in the laundry with a few clothes. I mended my shorts then got dressed. I watered the plants outside. I put rooting hormone on the apple tree cuttings and placed them in a pot of fresh potting soil. Ginger sent out a reminder for Bible study. A bunch of people responded that they couldn't come.

I jotted notes for my blog. I plugged in the battery for the lawn mower. I read some e-mail then went to Bible Study. It went long and there was lots of conversation afterward. When I got home, I made and ate breakfast and watched The Highwire.

I paused it around 2 to go sit in the sun and read. Then I did some mowing and my feet turned green. When the back yard was finished, I went in to look at my sewing files and choose a project for Saturday. But nothing seemed right so I decided to do the frog anyway. But I got caught up with the idea of making a caddy that fits on a 5-gallon bucket for Father's Day. That would give me time to get the proper materials.

I went to the ACS building to see Emily, but she was still out. So I went to the library to drop off a book and chat with Melissa. I asked for Fahrenheit 451, but they didn't have it. Other people dropped by and we all conversed. It was after 6 when I left.

I went home and mowed the right side of the front lawn. I went in to heat some beef for supper. After eating, I went out to rake and mow part of the left side. It was after 8 when I came in, tired.

I worked on my blog. I watched an episode of Call the Midwife. I listened to the rest of a Jane Ruby video. I washed my feet and got ready for bed. Then I sat in the recliner and listened to a sleep session.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Clean sheets


I got up late. I prepared for coffee morning with exercises and coffee. I read for half an hour. I did my meditation and tapping. When that was done, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I mopped and vacuumed. I cleaned up the mess left behind from the tower garden.

I took a shower, then went to play with Saronna. We went through the hymns and then worked on Phantom of the Opera. When her alarm rang, we packed up. I went home and watered all the plants.

I met Michelle at the gym. Chris called but said I could call back. She put me through a workout and told me what her issue of the day was. After the workout, I went home and called Chris. I told him about the issue and he gave me his preferred response.

I went to the garden to move the tarp and add some fertilizer. A mouse crawled out of the folds of the tarp. Sigh. I planted a few peas, but the water was still off. When I got home, I put ammonia-soaked cotton balls in the gopher tunnels, and watered patches of grass.

I read e-mail and worked on my blog. Michelle came over to help me change the sheets. I gave her a jar of goat cheese. After she left, I made tea and watched one episode of Call the Midwife.

I got ready for bed, then chose a sleep video and laid in the recliner with headphones on. I tried to fall asleep, then gave up and went to bed.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Getting back to gardening


I got up before 7:30, having slept really well. I took supplements. I listened to a summit on herbs for sleep and energy. I read e-mail and Telegram messages. I cut off and ate aloe leaves. I went out to hang the egg money on the door and saw that the eggs had already been delivered.

I watered all the plants. I planted a strawberry plant in a hanging basket. I stuck the aloe stem in potting soil. I worked on my blog post for yesterday. I watched some Myst V videos to see what I missed on Sunday night. Not much.

I sunned and read. I made and ate breakfast. I watched a video on Netanyahu. I walked to the post office and got the mail. I planted some of the starts that I bought last Friday. I added potting soil to the tower garden. I planted seeds for greens, and hooked up a hose.

I put on clean clothes and went to our first FRG meeting. They had pizza but I didn't eat any. I listened to the discussion and made suggestions here and there. Then I helped put away tables and chairs. I talked to Camille. She's having trouble getting her son special services.

I went home, and put supper in the oven although it was after 8. I worked on my blog, then made tea. I watched an episode of Call the Midwife. Then I got ready for bed. I laid in the recliner with headphones. About 90 minutes later, I went to bed.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Aloe and cheese


I got up around 7:30. I took supplements, and drank magnesium water. I read e-mail, and posted to the Facebook page about band tonight. I watered the outdoor plants. I moved the aloe to a sunnier spot and it broke off.

I went to the post office to mail a card. I went by Housing to check on the inspection times. I scanned two hymns and printed them out larger. I typed up lyrics to go with the Broadway tunes we will be playing tonight.

I parsed supplements for the week. I made breakfast, and ate while listening to something. Before 2 I went to 632 for inspection. It passed, but some things had been left behind. Sigh. Then I went to the next house. I cleared the last of the stuff from the storage room. I read until the inspectors showed up. As they inspected, I told them what was wrong with the house. Afterward, dropped off the keys at Housing.

I sat in the sun and read. Then I heated a gallon of goat milk in the big black pot. I attached the automatic stirrer and let it go. In response to a text, I drove to the swap shop to unlock the door and turn the light on. When I got back, I prodded the ground to find gopher tunnels and put ammonia-soaked cottonballs in them.

I flattened boxes in the front hall and took them to the recycling bin. I unloaded the cleaning stuff from my car. I washed a load of cleaning cloths and mop pads. I ate supper and turned up the heat on the goat milk to hasten the process. I was able to scoop most of the curds before I had to leave. I took my trombone and music to the chapel. Saronna was already there and Keli was right behind me. As I put my trombone together, I realized I was already tired. So I sat and talked to Keli while Saronna got her kids situated. Then we played through the two hymns, and several of the Broadway tunes. Afterward, we packed up, turned off all the lights and locked the doors.

It was after 8 when I got home. I put my music stuff in the house. Then I put the mouse trap on a different bucket and put the first bucket under a tree, slightly canted. I hoped a predatory bird would knock it over to get the mouse out.

I finished scooping the cheese and put the leftover whey back into bottles. I took supplements and made tea. I worked on my blog. I watched an episode of Call the Midwife. I got ready for bed, then queued up a lucid dreaming meditation and settled into the recliner with the weighted blanket. It was very relaxing until the commercials kicked in at the end. I listened to it again, then paused it and went to bed.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Double game night


I got up around 7:15 having slept pretty well. I got up and took supplements with magnesium water. I checked messages. I scanned Amazing Grace from a different hymnal. I cleaned up the image and printed it out as large as I could. I made two copies. I sent the image to Saronna. I read e-mail for awhile. I made more breakfast mix. I watered the plants, inside and out. I took the frost cover off of the tower garden and put the netting cover on. I took a shower, then made and ate breakfast. I got dressed, then took my cheese squares and trombone to the chapel. I assembled it up front and left the cheese squares in back. I greeted the new couple that came to church.

Then the service started. We sang with the canned music. The chaplain spoke about how evil people are. That didn't sit well with me. Then we played our two hymns with the piano. The first one didn't go well because the blowers blew our sheet music off the stand. But the second one did. Then the chaplain had a small healing service where he prayed over people who came up to be healed.

After the service, Anca paid me for shortening her dress. I put away my horn. A man came up to me to thank me for always making cheese squares. Rick helped me straighten the altar cloth. Then we walked out. I chatted with people outside and went home.

I read e-mail for awhile, then changed clothes. I called Michelle and told her I was going to cut apple suckers. But she had other stuff to do. So I took a vase of water and cut suckers to soak in them. Isadora came by and offered to help so I asked her to do the biggest ones. Then they went off to the archery range and I finished the rest. I just took a few home with me.

I logged into Discord and joined the gamers. The GM wasn't there yet so we chatted back and forth for half an hour. Then we eased into the game when he arrived. In the game, we fought off a lynching mob, then found a strange factory and tried to break in. And it ended there for the night.

I got ready for the game night that didn't happen on Friday. I made tea and spiked it with magnesium etc. Then I went to Michelle's house. Her husband was setting up Myst V. He did it on Linux. He went in the back and she came out to talk. I went through the opening sequence, then the game halted. There was nothing I could do, not even back out of the game. We continued to talk until she urged me to go back to playing the game. I told her it was stuck. So she got Casey and he fiddled with it for awhile, then loaded it onto the Windows side. He got it going and this time it played perfectly. There wasn't a lot of time left, but I enjoyed going around and picking up clues that didn't make any sense to me. And discovering how to open doors and run the lift.

At 11, I shut it down and prepared to leave. I thanked them for having game night and I went home. I checked for something on Facebook at home and messaged Michelle. Then I got ready for bed and sat in the recliner with headphones to get really drowsy before going to bed.