Sunday, May 19, 2024

In a class by myself


I woke up hearing the sound of a car door slamming. I thought it was Chris coming home from his game. But it happened over and over. Finally I got up to investigate. It was coming from the direction of the barracks. So probably artillary practice. But really – on a Saturday morning at 7am?

I watered the plants. Chris came home and made coffee. We both read e-mail and checked messages. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. While he took his shower, I watched video of Myst V for the parts I had worked on last night to find out what I missed - two very important things. I watched some bonus episodes from the Garden Summit. I made and ate breakfast.

We went to the commissary for groceries. Then we stopped by the library and visited with the librarian. When we got home, Chris put away the food while I jotted notes for my blog.

I got ready for Sewing Class. I took my bag of notions and patterns and beads and beans. I went to the chapel and set up the sewing machines and everything needed to make the frog. Then I realized I didn't have the frog. So I called Chris and he was kind enough to bring it to me.

Since he was there, I asked him to help me re-dress the altar because everything on it had fallen to the floor. Seemed a little odd. But we got everything straight and put some hymnals on it to keep the altar cloth and banner in place.

Chris went home. I stayed for class. I worked on my stack-n-whack project and no one came to interrupt. After two hours, I got texts from Michelle who was looking for a punch bowl. So I left everything there and went home to search. I searched. I didn't find the punch bowl, but I did find other nice bowls that weren't as large. I sent her pics and she picked one.

I read e-mail for awhile. Then I raked part of the lawn and mowed it. Repeat until after 6:30. I went inside to rest and drink. Then I went to the chapel for Project Night.

My machine was still set up. I brought out an iron and started ironing all the half hexagons I had made earlier. MeryAnn came and she talked as I ironed. Then I sat down and we chatted until her husband came. He joined in and then we all packed up to leave. However, after turning off the lights and locking the doors, we stood in the parking lot and continued talking.

It was after 9:30 when I got home. Chris was too tired to watch TV. I posted to my blog. Then I watched some documentary on the computer. After that, I queued up a sleep video and listened to it on headphones while reclining. Later I went to bed.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The cat returns


I got up around 8. I got ready for the day. I checked messages. I got out the frog pattern and beans. I made the frog, noting that it was hard to sew all the curves, and turn inside out. Also there was a lot of clipping involved. Maybe not the best choice for kids. Too late. I posed the frog and took pictures. Then I posted the class announcement to Facebook. I also posted for Project Night.

I walked down to the post office to get the mail. Then I stopped in at the swap shop to say hello and see what was up. They were talking about the new commandment to register all kids at CYS. During, we saw a mouse run through the shop.

I went home and made breakfast. I listened to Mike Adams while eating. I talked to Chris on the phone about the new policy. I laid out in the sun for awhile. I mowed part of the lawn. I put more peanut butter in the bucket traps. I checked messages and read e-mail. I washed up and put on fresh clothes. I worked on my blog while waiting for Michelle to pick me up.

She drove me to the barracks where the German army contingent was having a barbecue. We hung out, then Emily showed us the lumpia she brought. We had some of that. Michelle had brought three bottles of varied really hot sauces. I tried two drops of one on a bite of hamburger. One lady ate a spoonful of it and it had an effect. They told her to drink milk. Then Michelle tried some. She was affected too but is allergic to dairy and gluten so she just drank water.

Then we joined a table of guys from the fire department. I had a long chat with one of them about turning the golf range into a fishing spot. Then we went inside again and she talked to their head guy about table games for Sunday night.

Finally she took me home. I changed clothes, intending to work outside but stayed on the internet too long. Chris texted me from the airport. I worked on my blog, then changed clothes again and went to game night.

Casey was there and he got Myst V going. He sat in a chair reading as I played. Then Michelle came home with one of the German soldiers. He wanted to know about fart spray. Casey gave him some, then Michelle ordered more on the internet. Casey sprayed some on a tree outside and they all whiffed it and pronounced it vile. But I could hardly smell it.

Anyway, Michelle took him back to the barracks while I went on with the game. Chris texted me when he got home from the airport around 10. Around 10:30 I had done everything in the game that I could think of. So I shut it down. I thanked them and headed home.

Chris was already in bed. I got ready for bed and crawled in beside him. He woke up enough to move over and snuggle.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Mow, mow, mow the lawn


I woke up, not sure when. I stayed in bed doing some mental programming. Then I got up to brush and swish. I put the sheets in the laundry with a few clothes. I mended my shorts then got dressed. I watered the plants outside. I put rooting hormone on the apple tree cuttings and placed them in a pot of fresh potting soil. Ginger sent out a reminder for Bible study. A bunch of people responded that they couldn't come.

I jotted notes for my blog. I plugged in the battery for the lawn mower. I read some e-mail then went to Bible Study. It went long and there was lots of conversation afterward. When I got home, I made and ate breakfast and watched The Highwire.

I paused it around 2 to go sit in the sun and read. Then I did some mowing and my feet turned green. When the back yard was finished, I went in to look at my sewing files and choose a project for Saturday. But nothing seemed right so I decided to do the frog anyway. But I got caught up with the idea of making a caddy that fits on a 5-gallon bucket for Father's Day. That would give me time to get the proper materials.

I went to the ACS building to see Emily, but she was still out. So I went to the library to drop off a book and chat with Melissa. I asked for Fahrenheit 451, but they didn't have it. Other people dropped by and we all conversed. It was after 6 when I left.

I went home and mowed the right side of the front lawn. I went in to heat some beef for supper. After eating, I went out to rake and mow part of the left side. It was after 8 when I came in, tired.

I worked on my blog. I watched an episode of Call the Midwife. I listened to the rest of a Jane Ruby video. I washed my feet and got ready for bed. Then I sat in the recliner and listened to a sleep session.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Clean sheets


I got up late. I prepared for coffee morning with exercises and coffee. I read for half an hour. I did my meditation and tapping. When that was done, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I mopped and vacuumed. I cleaned up the mess left behind from the tower garden.

I took a shower, then went to play with Saronna. We went through the hymns and then worked on Phantom of the Opera. When her alarm rang, we packed up. I went home and watered all the plants.

I met Michelle at the gym. Chris called but said I could call back. She put me through a workout and told me what her issue of the day was. After the workout, I went home and called Chris. I told him about the issue and he gave me his preferred response.

I went to the garden to move the tarp and add some fertilizer. A mouse crawled out of the folds of the tarp. Sigh. I planted a few peas, but the water was still off. When I got home, I put ammonia-soaked cotton balls in the gopher tunnels, and watered patches of grass.

I read e-mail and worked on my blog. Michelle came over to help me change the sheets. I gave her a jar of goat cheese. After she left, I made tea and watched one episode of Call the Midwife.

I got ready for bed, then chose a sleep video and laid in the recliner with headphones on. I tried to fall asleep, then gave up and went to bed.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Getting back to gardening


I got up before 7:30, having slept really well. I took supplements. I listened to a summit on herbs for sleep and energy. I read e-mail and Telegram messages. I cut off and ate aloe leaves. I went out to hang the egg money on the door and saw that the eggs had already been delivered.

I watered all the plants. I planted a strawberry plant in a hanging basket. I stuck the aloe stem in potting soil. I worked on my blog post for yesterday. I watched some Myst V videos to see what I missed on Sunday night. Not much.

I sunned and read. I made and ate breakfast. I watched a video on Netanyahu. I walked to the post office and got the mail. I planted some of the starts that I bought last Friday. I added potting soil to the tower garden. I planted seeds for greens, and hooked up a hose.

I put on clean clothes and went to our first FRG meeting. They had pizza but I didn't eat any. I listened to the discussion and made suggestions here and there. Then I helped put away tables and chairs. I talked to Camille. She's having trouble getting her son special services.

I went home, and put supper in the oven although it was after 8. I worked on my blog, then made tea. I watched an episode of Call the Midwife. Then I got ready for bed. I laid in the recliner with headphones. About 90 minutes later, I went to bed.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Aloe and cheese


I got up around 7:30. I took supplements, and drank magnesium water. I read e-mail, and posted to the Facebook page about band tonight. I watered the outdoor plants. I moved the aloe to a sunnier spot and it broke off.

I went to the post office to mail a card. I went by Housing to check on the inspection times. I scanned two hymns and printed them out larger. I typed up lyrics to go with the Broadway tunes we will be playing tonight.

I parsed supplements for the week. I made breakfast, and ate while listening to something. Before 2 I went to 632 for inspection. It passed, but some things had been left behind. Sigh. Then I went to the next house. I cleared the last of the stuff from the storage room. I read until the inspectors showed up. As they inspected, I told them what was wrong with the house. Afterward, dropped off the keys at Housing.

I sat in the sun and read. Then I heated a gallon of goat milk in the big black pot. I attached the automatic stirrer and let it go. In response to a text, I drove to the swap shop to unlock the door and turn the light on. When I got back, I prodded the ground to find gopher tunnels and put ammonia-soaked cottonballs in them.

I flattened boxes in the front hall and took them to the recycling bin. I unloaded the cleaning stuff from my car. I washed a load of cleaning cloths and mop pads. I ate supper and turned up the heat on the goat milk to hasten the process. I was able to scoop most of the curds before I had to leave. I took my trombone and music to the chapel. Saronna was already there and Keli was right behind me. As I put my trombone together, I realized I was already tired. So I sat and talked to Keli while Saronna got her kids situated. Then we played through the two hymns, and several of the Broadway tunes. Afterward, we packed up, turned off all the lights and locked the doors.

It was after 8 when I got home. I put my music stuff in the house. Then I put the mouse trap on a different bucket and put the first bucket under a tree, slightly canted. I hoped a predatory bird would knock it over to get the mouse out.

I finished scooping the cheese and put the leftover whey back into bottles. I took supplements and made tea. I worked on my blog. I watched an episode of Call the Midwife. I got ready for bed, then queued up a lucid dreaming meditation and settled into the recliner with the weighted blanket. It was very relaxing until the commercials kicked in at the end. I listened to it again, then paused it and went to bed.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Double game night


I got up around 7:15 having slept pretty well. I got up and took supplements with magnesium water. I checked messages. I scanned Amazing Grace from a different hymnal. I cleaned up the image and printed it out as large as I could. I made two copies. I sent the image to Saronna. I read e-mail for awhile. I made more breakfast mix. I watered the plants, inside and out. I took the frost cover off of the tower garden and put the netting cover on. I took a shower, then made and ate breakfast. I got dressed, then took my cheese squares and trombone to the chapel. I assembled it up front and left the cheese squares in back. I greeted the new couple that came to church.

Then the service started. We sang with the canned music. The chaplain spoke about how evil people are. That didn't sit well with me. Then we played our two hymns with the piano. The first one didn't go well because the blowers blew our sheet music off the stand. But the second one did. Then the chaplain had a small healing service where he prayed over people who came up to be healed.

After the service, Anca paid me for shortening her dress. I put away my horn. A man came up to me to thank me for always making cheese squares. Rick helped me straighten the altar cloth. Then we walked out. I chatted with people outside and went home.

I read e-mail for awhile, then changed clothes. I called Michelle and told her I was going to cut apple suckers. But she had other stuff to do. So I took a vase of water and cut suckers to soak in them. Isadora came by and offered to help so I asked her to do the biggest ones. Then they went off to the archery range and I finished the rest. I just took a few home with me.

I logged into Discord and joined the gamers. The GM wasn't there yet so we chatted back and forth for half an hour. Then we eased into the game when he arrived. In the game, we fought off a lynching mob, then found a strange factory and tried to break in. And it ended there for the night.

I got ready for the game night that didn't happen on Friday. I made tea and spiked it with magnesium etc. Then I went to Michelle's house. Her husband was setting up Myst V. He did it on Linux. He went in the back and she came out to talk. I went through the opening sequence, then the game halted. There was nothing I could do, not even back out of the game. We continued to talk until she urged me to go back to playing the game. I told her it was stuck. So she got Casey and he fiddled with it for awhile, then loaded it onto the Windows side. He got it going and this time it played perfectly. There wasn't a lot of time left, but I enjoyed going around and picking up clues that didn't make any sense to me. And discovering how to open doors and run the lift.

At 11, I shut it down and prepared to leave. I thanked them for having game night and I went home. I checked for something on Facebook at home and messaged Michelle. Then I got ready for bed and sat in the recliner with headphones to get really drowsy before going to bed.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Animal House in the sun


I got up late, not having slept well due to a constant production of gas. Which food caused it was not apparent. I went into the kitchen and whipped up a batch of cheese squares. I used a taco cheese mix and added sliced tomatoes and bacon. I preheated the oven, forgetting that I had put a baking dish in there for storage. But it was unharmed when I took it out and put the cheese squares in.

I checked e-mail. I sorted through sewing stuff. The cheese squares came out dark. Sigh. But they still tasted good. Soon it was time for breakfast. I ate it while watching Youtube videos of sewing machine maintenance. I noticed the sun was out so I read in the sun for a few minutes until it hid behind a cloud.

Then I went to the post office to get the mail, and proceeded to the library. They were trying out the option of having the library open for a few hours on Saturday and I wanted to support them. I asked for the book “Brave New World”, but they didn't have it. So I got Animal Farm instead. When I got home, I checked out sewing machine parts online and confirmed that the ones in the machine I am testing are correct, and in good shape. So, I can't figure out why the bobbin case slips under the arm when the handwheel goes backward.

The sun came out again, so I went outside to read my new book. Then I went to house #2 and picked up most of my cleaning stuff. I went to Keli's place and cleaned her RV. She paid me and I went home.

I read in sun again, then made and ate supper. Chris called but didn't have much to say. I told him what I did. Then he hung up and went to bed. I watered the plants that I bought yesterday and put them where they could get sun, but the animals wouldn't get them. I pulled dandelion stems outside, raked them up, and put them in the wheelbarrow.

I worked on my blog, made tea, and watched an episode of Call the Midwife. I got ready for bed. I used the same sleep video as last night, hoping it would be more effective without gas.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

A new person at Math Morning!


I woke up around 7, went to the bathroom, then back to bed. A little later, the air purifier stopped, which was about right. I stayed in bed till 7:30, then got up. I turned on my phone and saw it was low. So I plugged it into my laptop to charge. I wanted to check messages before the power went out at 9, but discovered the power was already out. Sigh.

I sent Chris a message. I got dressed. I watered all the plants. I walked around the house with my meter and got zeros for electrical fields and radiation, but there was a 0.2 magnetic field. It was all over the house and even outside. Weird.

I got a text from Chris that the power should be on soon. And as soon as it was, I texted him back. Then I jotted notes for my blog until the internet came back up.

I got ready and went to Math Morning. Saronna came with her kids. Normally I would help Sophia but she was in a really bad mood and didn't want to do anything. Then, someone new came. We were all kind of shocked. But she had a special test coming up and she had sample questions on her phone so we went through them one by one.

Then Michelle burst into the room. She had been trying to call me and Saronna but we hadn't answered. My excuse was that my phone was charging at home. Anyway, she wanted to borrow a lawn mower after having put gas in hers – in the oil compartment!

After Math Morning, everyone left and I locked up. I went to the Post Office to pick up mail. I chatted with the postal lady. When I got home, I made and ate breakfast, although it was an hour early. I also read e-mail.

Around noon I went outside and pulled up dandelion stems that the lawn mower missed. Therefore, I was outside when Michelle pulled up. I got my list and she took me to Tooele. We chatted the whole way.

She dropped me off at Great Clips and got her car detailed. I waited for a cut, then afterward, walked next door to Macey's for some groceries. I also walked into the dollar store and looked around until she came back.

She also took me to Luckey's and Melanies. I wanted to look at garden starts at Cal Ranch, but she said Wal-Mart would be better and she took me there. She needed something there too. We met back up in front of the pharmacy and checked out the food side of the store. Chris called, but I couldn't hear him.

We went back to the base. I dropped off my food and plants. I grabbed the big water jug, and we went to get it filled from the purified water dispenser. When I got back, I put away the food.

There were mice in the bucket trap. I took them to Keli. She threw the dead one up on her shed roof for the owls. She lightly hit the live ones and put them under the tree where the adult owls were sitting. I didn't see them fly down as I drove away.

When I got back, I washed the bins in the fridge to put more food in them. I went outside to pull more dandelion stems and raked them up. But it got windy and dark, so I went in for supper.

I cut up rinds, and banana peels. Chris called and we talked. Then he went to bed. I wrote to my blog. I watched one episode of Call the Midwife. I got ready for bed and chose an audio. It was pretty effective, but I couldn't quite fall asleep.

Friday, May 10, 2024

The self-care soiree


I got up after 7:30. I got ready for the day. I checked e-mail and phone messages. I went to house #2 to clean for 55 minutes. I vacuumed out the storage room and got rid of the mice. Then I went to the Community Club to meet the Bible study group. We watched the rest of the movie Esther. We chatted afterward.

I went home for breakfast and to watch The Highwire. When it was over, I went to the Spouses Appreciation event at the ACS building. Michelle met me there. There were activities and coloring pages, face masques, and bags of make-up goodies. We were the only ones there at that time, so we reached out to others and more ladies came. Many of us colored a page and chose the same one! Kind of like large print for mature eyesight. We all talked. Michelle had to go home. I stayed to see how others colored their pages. Then I left.

I went home to change clothes, then went back to cleaning. This time for 2.5 hours, finishing the house except for getting all my stuff out.

I went home for a bit of supper and to write my blog post. I also posted for our last math morning tomorrow. I made tea and watched an episode of Call the Midwife. Then I got ready for bed. I built up a pile of pillows like I saw in the episode. I settled in the recliner. I put on something to listen to. Later, I gave up on falling asleep and went to bed.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Fingerprints that I don't have to clean


I got up at 7:30. I prepared for coffee morning with coffee and exercises. The coffee boiled over and made a mess. I put on the CD line-up. I meditated and tapped. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and moved to the kitchen. I washed dishes and wiped all the appliances and counter tops. Then I vacuumed and mopped. Finally I took a shower and got dressed.

I went to the gym around 1:30. I got started on lifting weights and Michelle arrived. She made me work much harder than I was planning to. After the workout, we sat on the bench outside and talked. Then we went home.

I had a few minutes to fertilize the plants, and toast egg shells. I thought I might sit in the sun, but the clouds had a different idea. I opened the coconut and drank the water. Finally I went to the police station to have my fingerprints taken.

The man greeted me at the door and led me upstairs to a special scanner. I read a disclaimer, then he explained how to place my fingers (together and separately) on the glass plate. However, despite good images on screen, the computer labeled them unacceptable. So we rescanned a bunch of them. Then some new error popped up. So he called someone with more experience, and that guy hadn't seen it either. They rebooted the program and scanned my fingerprints again. Then we chatted while the computer decided what to do.

On my way home, I stopped by house #2 to clean. I stayed for 2 hours, doing the windows and closets and walls. I went home at 6:30. I checked e-mail and watched news videos. Chris called to check in. But the reception was so bad that we didn't talk long.

I made tea and posted to my blog. I watched an episode of Call the Midwife. Then I got ready for bed, and put on some sleep video to listen to while lying in the recliner. Later I went to bed.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Retrieving my phone


I got up at quarter till 8. I don't remember hearing Reveille. After the usual, I was looking up a friend who supposedly won some lottery on Facebook and wanted me to join too. I came across a site called MyLife which seems to know people and their addresses and even their net worth. Scary.

I read e-mail, then went cleaning a little before 10. I worked mostly in the kitchen. Then Michelle knocked on the door. At first, she talked. Then she started cleaning so we both cleaned while conversing. At noon, I had to leave so she had to let me out of the driveway.

I went home for lunch. I had to rush a little to eat and get to the inspection by 12:50. We were done by 1. The apartment passed. I went to Emily's office to turn in paperwork, and ask questions about the blanks I couldn't fill out. Then I stopped in at the library to renew my book and book on CD.

I went home for a few minutes, then went to see Saronna. We played the two hymns for Sunday and three show tunes. Then her alarm rang to pick up the kids.

I went by Housing to drop off the key to the apartment. I went to house #2 to clean. I finished the kitchen and started working on windows.

When I got home, I pulled the new bucket trap from my trunk and set it up in my driveway. I baited it with peanut butter. Then I heated the last of last week's beef in the toaster oven. I also made salad to go with it. I read e-mail and watched short videos. I posted to my blog and made tea.

I watched one episode of Call the Midwife. It ended with a train wreck. When I tried to turn off my phone for the night, I realized I didn't have it. So I got in the car and went back to #2, where it was lying on the counter top. I took it home, replied to the one unread message, then turned it off. I worked on my write-up of the day's events for tomorrow. Then I sat in the recliner for a bit, listening to a bedtime story. But it ended pretty quickly because I started it early. Then I went to bed.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Lots of cleaning between the two


I woke up with Reveille and was unable to go back to sleep, though I tried for 45 minutes. I got up and got ready for the day. I took morning supplements. I looked for an isochronic tones audio to download to my mp3 player, but could not find one short enough. I looked at my Neuro-programmer program but did not see a choice for isochronic tones. I looked it up online, but the company no longer supports it.

I parsed out a week's worth of supplements, then went to Housing to schedule an inspection for the apartment. Then I went to 632 to clean floors. There were a lot of black marks that had to be scrubbed or scraped that I hadn't seen before I started mopping.

After 2 hours, I got the mail and went home for breakfast. I checked e-mail. I jotted notes for my blog. I read in the sun until it went behind a cloud. I called Emily and made an appointment to turn in my paperwork. She gave me more paperwork to fill out.

I went by Housing to pick up a bucket trap. Then I went back to 632 and spent an hour and 15 minutes finishing the downstairs. I packed up my cleaning supplies. I went home to get the key went to #2, and a container of beef for Michelle. I cleaned there for an hour. Casey came by to get the beef. Also, Chris called and we talked briefly. I was upset that the fridge had been chained to the wall right in the middle of the back, where I would have the most trouble reaching it. Otherwise, I did mostly floors and baseboards.

When I got home, I was exhausted. I put leftover beef (from last week) in the toaster oven. I chose two hymns, then scanned, enlarged and printed them. I ate supper, then went to the chapel for band. Saronna could not come, so Keli and I played together. We did the two hymns and the Broadway tunes.

Jamie called during band, so when I got home, I called her back. We had a nice chat about cleaning and such. After the call, I made tea and took supplements. I watched two episodes of Call the Midwife. I posted to my blog. I took supplements, then got ready for bed. I laid in the recliner for awhile and got drowsy, then went to bed.

Monday, May 6, 2024

The big roast


During the night I had RLS. I tried everything I could think of. The magnesium spray made it worse, so I took some calcium and, surprisingly, it stopped. I was able to fall asleep.

I got up at 8:30. Chris was gone. He had left a roast in the oven. I did the usual first things. Then I looked for egg and cheese recipes that bake at 250 so I could tell how long it would take. But I could not find any. I whipped up a batch of cheese squares, including diced scapes and sliced cherry tomatoes. I let it sit till 11, then put it in on the rack under the roast. It took about 50 minutes to cook at that temp. I read e-mail and made breakfast mix.

When the cheese came out, I cut it up and ate the crusts. I made and ate breakfast. I got dressed for church and put some in a container. I went to the chapel, and got set up. The traveling pastor came and preached from Mark. Afterward, I played with Saronna, Sophia and Keli. We all chatted. Jenni took the last cheese squares and we went home.

I turned off the oven. Michelle came over and took the heavy roast out. I gave her some cheese squares. We talked a bit and she went home. I changed my clothes. I read e-mail.I tried to take a nap. Then Chris called to say he was settled in his hotel room and had had supper.

I cut up the meat in the big black pot so it would all sink below the level of brine. I took some out for supper. I looked up music memes and downloaded some to use for advertising band. I made tea. I put the frost cover on the tower garden. I saw a small rodent run away. Sigh. How will I keep them out of the tower garden this year?

I worked on my blog, then watched an episode of Call the Midwife. I jotted notes for my blog tomorrow. I cued up some sleep music. I took special sleep-inducing supplements. I got ready for bed, then laid in the recliner for awhile, before going to bed.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Found a mouse


I got up around 8. Chris was already up. I took supplements and brushed. I read e-mail. I asked Chris for a massage. So he did. We talked. He took his shower and I took mine. Then I worked on cutting chosen fabric for this afternoon and choosing some coordinates for the kids. It was after noon when I finished. I made and ate breakfast and read more e-mail. Jamie dropped by to return the key to 208 and pick up the key to 632. Then I quickly scooped up my sewing stuff and went to the chapel.

I opened the doors and went in to set up the room for sewing. I set up two machines. I set out the fabrics with their coordinates. The kids came in. Sophia chose the cats, and Wilhelm chose the trains. Moira stuck with her choices from yesterday. No one else came, but I was busy every second for over 2 hours getting their projects cut and sewn.

Finally I cleaned up, but left everything in place for tonight. We all walked out together, locking the doors behind us. I went home. Chris told me he took the tower garden out. It looked rather bedraggled so I watered it and hoped it would survive.

I read some e-mail as Chris cooked a sweet potato and bacon. He also put some roasts in the big black pot for tomorrow. I went to the post office to pick up the mail. I also grabbed the sewing machine that Summer left. I thought it was missing a part, but when I threw a bobbin and thread on it, it made stitches. I sent her a message asking if she wanted it back.

I went to house #2 to check on the bucket. I didn't see any mice, but it was dark. I poured in a gallon of water, then saw a mouse swimming around in it. I closed the door and left.

Michelle texted that the German army was back and they wanted to borrow the guitar again. So I left it in the hall. Chris took my car to put gas in it and was gone longer than I had time for. I stood outside anxiously awaiting his return. When he pulled up, I jumped in and took off for the chapel.

I was a few minutes late. The Luna's got there before I did, but everybody else came later. Summer came to teach crocheting. Anka came to pick up her dress. But her kids 7, 5, and 4, wanted to sew projects. And not the ones I suggested. So I helped the oldest make a knot bag while helping Jenni make the sling purse, then helping all three kids sew and stuff a bird. Oh, and Stirling broke the thread spool pin and had some trouble supergluing it back on. He didn't sew after that, but his wife worked on monitor covers. Michelle came by for the guitar but I told her it was at my house. So she went there to get it.

It was after 9 when the family left. The Luna's and Jenni helped me clean up and pack up. They walked out with me while we locked the doors. They went home and I went home.

Chris loaded the episode of WTR that we hadn't finished. We watched it to the end and I tried again to sing the theme song, but could not go low enough. Then Chris asked me to help him make the bed. But first we had to put the stacks of laundry away. Then we dressed the bed. He packed his suitcase and went to bed. I stayed up to work on my blog. Around 11, I shut down the computer and got ready for bed. While I laid there trying to fall asleep, I could hear a ferocious wind blowing outside and I prayed God would protect my tower garden.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Game is over


I woke up after hearing the 7:30 alarm, but did not get up till 8. I did the usual to get ready for the day. I got what I needed for Math Morning plus the book to return to Casey. Then I headed to the chapel.

Saronna came with her kids. I brought out the fabrics from the storage room and asked them to choose for tomorrow so I can have it cut and ready. They did. Then I sat with Sophia and we worked on problems she chose from an old old math book. But we spent more attention on the conversation among adults about distopian books. I returned 1984 to Casey.

It was after 10 when we all packed up and went home. I saw Summer's Facebook post and walked to swap shop. I donated some non-stick pans left behind, and we talked about crocheting at Project Night. I also picked up a bathing suit. Then I got our mail and walked home.

I picked up the bucket trap. It was full of water so I dumped it out and there were 5 dead mice. I added peanut butter, then took it to house #2, and set it in the storage room with the mouse nest. I wanted to put water in it, but the outdoor faucet wasn't working.

I went home and read more e-mail. I made and ate breakfast. I sat in the sun till Chris came home and ate something. I got ready and we went to Tooele, listening to the book on CD. We shopped at the usual places and came back. Then we shopped at the commissary.

We unloaded the food and put it away. I heated beef and read e-mail and listened to Telegram videos. I shortened Anka's dress, both layers. I worked on my blog.

I made tea and got ready for Game Night. I took some eggs and went to Michelle's house. Isadora let me in. We chatted as I got the game started. I had to watch some scene sequences to get to the puzzle. When it got to that point, I saved the game in case I had to restart. But with the notes I took, I was able to solve the puzzle without much trouble. I didn't need the solution. Then a harder one came up and I solved that one as well. Almost too easy. There were several other sequences, Atrus thanked me, and the game ended.

It was only 10, so Casey suggested loaded Myst V. We talked while the circle spun around and around. He showed me how he cracks eggs slightly on the bottom so when they are hardboiled, they are easy to peel. At 11, I thanked Casey and went home. Chris was already asleep, so I got ready for bed and climbed in beside him.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Too much time spent on project


I slept well and got up at 8. After brushing and taking supplements, I chose fabrics for a sample sewing project. I tried to adjust for the irregular edge so as to make best use of the fabric. Then I readied a check for the mail, got dressed, and went cleaning at Steve's.

After a little more than an hour, I met Anka at the Community Club. She gave me her dress and we discussed when she needed it back. I went to the house to pick up cleaners, then stopped at the post office and took the packages home. I went back to Steve's for another hour or so.

When the carpets and kitchen were done, I went home for breakfast and watched The Highwire. Afterward, I put on a bathing suit and read in the sun for a bit. Then I came in and read some e-mail.

While I was readying, I got a call for an emergency sign-over. I threw on some clothes, grabbed a contract and ran over there. Everyone was waiting. I looked around the house, which she said she had mostly cleaned, and quoted her $280. She ran off to get cash and I filled out the contract. Then she paid me and we all signed. She mentioned a mouse nest by the water heater. Then inspectors said I would be responsible for that if I signed for the house.

Afterward, I went to Steve's to finish cleaning the bathroom. I took an appropriate amount of the cash that he had left for me. I moved all my cleaning stuff to my car. Then I went home. I took the carpet shampooer out of the trunk and put it in the house.

I worked on the reversible purse sample for class. The pattern didn't call for pockets, so adding them was a problem, due to the construction. I measured and made special ones for phone, pens, keys, and small stuff. I basted it together so I can take it apart later and do it my way.

I took pics of it in different places: on the mannequin, my shoulder, and arm of chair. I posted the class announcement in three places, with three different pictures. I looked up math memes and copied a lot. Then I posted for Math Morning on three Facebook pages. It was after 10 and took late to eat supper. I kept looking at math memes. Finally I stopped around 11 to write to my blog. I got ready for bed, then laid in the recliner to listen to low hertz music until I decided to go to bed.



I got up after 7:30, feeling pretty good from having slept well. I got ready for coffee morning and did all the usual stuff. After meditation and tapping, I cleaned house, washed dishes, mopped, and vacuumed. I boiled egg shells, then left them to dry.

I took a shower, then went to the gym to work out with Michelle. She was having a bad day so we had to talk about that first. After the workout, we looked at the flowerbeds in front of the gym. She wasn't sure she wanted to tackle them.

I went to the apartment to get the step ladder, then to the post office to get mail and drop off a broom at the swap shop. I took a pic of the washer and dryer that had just come in. I went home, and hydrated. I toasted the eggshells in the oven. I read outside, finishing the book. Then I checked e-mail. I looked through my sewing patterns for the purse pattern for Saturday and didn't find it.

It was after 4 when I went to the house to clean. I finished the kitchen and worked on the sliding glass door. Chris called to check in. Not much later, I went home. It was such a beautiful day that I wondered why Mayday is a call for help.

I talked to Jenni who was manning the swap shop. I posted the pic of the washer and dryer to the other Dugway pages that she hadn't posted to. Then I worked on my blog. I made tea and watched an episode of Call the Midwife. Then I checked Facebook and one of the ladies is looking for someone to hem a dress by Saturday. So I pm-d her and we agreed to meet tonorrow for the handoff.

I put on the same isochronic music as last night. I I did a bunch of thengs that are supposed to help one fall asleep. I laid in the recliner until I got really sleepy, then I went to bed.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Head start on next house


I got up around 7:30. I had had a hard time sleeping. I got gas, probably from the salad, and it seemed to bother me all night. Chris was gone on his trip.

I brushed and swished and took supplements. I checked e-mail. I got dressed and went to the apartment to clean. There wasn't much left to do. I was done in half an hour, except for the shampooing of the carpet. That's Jamie's job because it involves moving furniture.

I went home. Steve called and we agreed to meet at his place (which is the apartment next to where I had been). I grabbed my shampooer and went back. I carried it to the second floor to 208. When I heard his door, I went over and he showed me what he wanted done. We made arrangements to do it on Thursday.

Then I went home for breakfast. I also read e-mail. Then I paused something to go to the sign-over at 632. I was early but the inspectors were already there. The gentleman came out to greet us then we went inside for all the sign-over activities. Jamie had already confirmed that the quote had been paid by Venmo. So after the signing, I went upstairs to fill the tub with hot water, ammonia and Dawn.

I left it soaking and went home, only to turn around and go to Saronna's house to play hymns. We hadn't played in a while so it was fun, and we talked a lot too. Then she went to pick up her kids at school. I had agreed to unlock the swap shop for her, but forgot and went home. I ate some fruit and drank water. Then I went back to unlock the shop.

I went to the house to clean, but didn't have the house key, so I went home to get it, and back. I started cleaning in the kitchen and was surprised how many things I would need the stepladder to clean. But it was still at the apartment. Sigh. I did what I could, including windows and mirrors. I got a call from Brian and put him in touch with Michelle. Later she called back to say he had given her permission to plant flowers at the gym as long as she wrote a letter to the effect that the gov't will not be charged.

2 hours later I went home, stopping on the way to lock the swap shop. At home, I put beef in the toaster oven and made a salad. I ate while watching an interview with a man who wrote a book about how the moon landing was faked. Pretty convincing. Especially the part about the Van Allen belt killing whoever goes through it.

Then Michele called. We had a nice chat, and no she hasn't heard if she got the job here yet. She hung up because Chris was calling her. I worked on my blog. Saronna texted that she had time to get the food from the fridge at 632. So I jumped in the car and drove over there. I parked in the garage so she could park behind me. She brought bags and filled them with food from the fridge and pantry. Then we each went home.

I went back to my blog and the taking of supplements. I made tea while I typed. I watched one episode of Call the Midwife. Then I turned off all the lights, and put on soothing music and listened from the recliner. Sometime later, I got up and went to bed.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Internet down


I woke up hearing Reveille, but went back to sleep. I got up after 7:30 having slept REALLY well. I felt good and I looked good. I brushed and swished. I took supplements. Chris left me a note saying the internet was out. I fertilized the plants. I read from 1984. Depressing book. I checked, but still no internet. I got dressed and went to the apartment to clean.

I cleaned the inside of the fridge and the inside of the microwave. I pulled the stove forward and cleaned behind it. The floor of the oven was bad so I turned on the self-clean cycle and left.

I went home for lunch. The internet was still out. Chris said they didn't know when it would get fixed. I told him that according to my video which I left playing last night, the internet went out about 1:15. He went back to work.

I ate the bowl of breakfast outside. Then I came in and pulled something from my downloads file to read (or listen to) as I ate the pistachios and half a banana. I listened to two tapping audios from the downloads file.

I paused the second one to go to a final inspection at 646. It passed, but I had to point out all the things that would not come off the walls and cabinets. Then we signed the papers. I went by Housing to turn in the key.

When I got home, I finished the audio. Jamie came by to rake up all the tumblweeds. I gave her her share of the 646 money. Then I went to the apartment to clean. While I was cleaning, I got a call from a man who wanted a quote now because he was vacating quarters tomorrow. So I dropped everything and ran over there.

The house had a group of men who had been there only 3 nights a week for the last six months replacing roofs. So it was fairly clean except for the master bath tub, which was black on the bottom. It was on Jamie's street so I called her and she came right away. I was thinking $250 and she suggested $500. Since we quoted so badly on the 646 house, I went with her estimate. Well, he thought it was too much and she came down to $400, He said he could do that and made plans to pay Jamie with Venmo.

I went home for supper. I put a bowl of beef in the toaster oven. Then I took Chris' hat to the sewing room. I thought stitching the point of the brim that was loose would be easy, but I couldn't tell how it was constructed. I did some by machine and some by hand. Then I scanned and printed out two hymns for Sunday.

There wasn't time to eat. I took the hymns and went to the chapel for band. Only Keli was able to make it. So we played through the hymns and through the Broadway tunes. We agreed it was fun and went home.

Chris had taken the beef out of the oven. It had cooled off, but I ate it anyway. I also made a salad and tea. We watched an episode of Walker Texas Ranger and started a second one. But it was extra long, so we paused it. Chris packed his suitcase and went to bed. I stayed up to recreate the conditions of last night in the recliner. At some point before midnight, I took off the headset and went to bed.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Apt, game, swap shop


We got up around 7:30, thinking it was 8:30. He had slept well (even after all the sleeping he did yesterday) but I did not. I kept kicking off the weighted blanket because it was hot and impeded movement. My back did not feel good and I slowly made my way to the bathroom, then laid down again. But sleep was not going to come back.

I got up and took supplements. I read e-mail for awhile. I made cheese squares, breakfast mix, and supplements. I ate the crusts of the cheese squares. I read outside for 15 minutes, enjoying the sun when it consented to shine.

I made and ate breakfast, then got dressed. I packed up some cheese squares, and took my trombone to the chapel. I was please to see John again after 3 months. The service started and we sang praise songs. The chaplain spoke about the fall of Adam and Eve. Then Saronna, Sophia and I played two hymns. We chatted after the service. Finally I took my cheese squares and went home.

I changed my clothes, then went to the apartment. Jamie was there so we talked until Saronna showed up with her kids to empty the fridge. I worked on the scorched pan left behind. I decided to take it home to finish. I saw Jamie in the parking lot, so we talked. She wants to mow my yard. Then I went home. I heated up some ribs and sat outside reading with the weighted blanket. I came in and sopped up the juice with a piece of sweet potato. The game call started and we all chatted waiting for everyone to show up. I heard Jamie mowing our lawn. Then we played the game, fighting monsters and healing our brethren.

At 8, I went to the swap shop to open it for Casey. But he wasn't there, so I left it unlocked and went home. The game was still going so I participated as best I could. Then Casey texted that he had arrived and it was locked. So I ran down there again and unlocked it. He got his tripod and we couldn't find the crown Michelle wanted. So he went home and I locked it and went home.

The game was over. Jamie was still here, weedwhacking, so I gave her the weighted blanket from last night and warned her about the sprinklers. I jotted notes for my blog. I made tea. We watched one episode of WTR. Then Chris went to bed. I stayed up to finish an interview. I put off posting about band for tomorrow (little did I know). I put on a Youtube video for delta waves, adjusted my headphones and laid in the recliner. I don't know how long I was there before I got up and went to bed.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sleeping issues


I got up late, like after 8:30. I was still covered by the weighted blanket. Chris was sleeping on the couch after having run a 5am game. I brushed and swished. I took supplements and read e-mail. When I was ready for a massage, I found Chris sleeping in bed. After much deliberation, I woke him up. He agreed to the massage. So I spread the white sheet over my side and he proceeded. Then I took my shower and he took his.

I got dressed, then made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail and Facebook messages. Then I chose cleaning materials from the list I had prepared for Keli's place. I was missing two because they were at the apartment. So I went to the apartment and cleaned for an hour. I brought the two cleaners back with me. I went to Keli's RV and cleaned for her for an hour and a quarter. She paid me and I went home.

Chris was cooking a roast in the oven. I read messages from all sources. I looked through my Myst IV notes and realized that the puzzles I am working on are the last ones. Then the whole game is complete. After he pulled out the roast, I ate some of that, and finished off the ground beef. I also had some tomatoes and carrots. He roasted the rest of the small peppers and I ate some of that too.

I worked on my blog, then made tea. I found Chris asleep on the couch, so I went back to my laptop. Around 10 I woke him up to put the beef away. Then we both went to bed and he spread the second weighted blanket over me. It was pretty heavy and I wondered if it would affect my back.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Two weighted blankets!


Chris got up around 8 and took a shower. I got up later, not sure I slept any better for having the weighted blanket. Despite my fears that it would be too heavy, it seemed not to be heavy enough. I brushed and swished, washed up and got dressed. I put the blanket in a bag with the magnet stone and went to the chapel.

When I got there, Sophia and Wilhelm were waiting, with umbrellas. I unlocked the chapel and let them in. Since I am technically not allowed to be alone with them in the building, I stood in the doorway and waited for Saronna to arrive. Why they would choose to walk in the rain is beyond me. But the air was fresh and clear.

So we all went to the fellowship hall. I worked with Sophia while the boys played with the magnet. Then I worked with Moira while Sophia played School Bus with the other kids. At 10 they went home. I laid out my weighted blanket to ponder how to add weight to the outside. Then I noticed that some squares had broken stitching and the filling had fallen into the adjacent square. Sigh. I packed it up and went home.

I made and ate breakfast. I added items to the shopping list. Then we went to Tooele for a grocery run, listening to the book on CD. When we got back, we stopped at the commissary for a few last things. Then we went home to put up the groceries. Chris put beef ribs in the oven and I listened to an interview with Bryan Ardis: Ozempic (Wegovy, etc) is made from hila monster venom, and can paralyze the stomach and intestines for years after discontinuation.

I went to the apartment to assess the situation. Steve walked up with me, carrying my stepladder while I carried a tub of cleaners. I got the key from the lockbox and went inside. He came in to help open the windows. I thanked him and he went next door to his apartment. I walked through the rooms, noting what was left and whether it was trash. I picked up bits of trash from the floor. I looked in the fridge and texted Saronna. I put hot ammonia water in the meat drawer and loaded it with filters and burner bowls. I placed it in the oven. I cleaned in the kitchen.

I was about to go home when Jamie arrived. I showed her what I found. We went through all the swap shop stuff. She found some things her son would like. And then, we found TWO weighted blankets. Wished I'd seen them several days ago! So she carried the blankets to my car and I carried a small bag of pickings and something of hers. We walked to the parking lot and put stuff in her truck. She put the blankets in my car. And I went home.

I finished the mushrooms. The bacon was done as was the sweet potato. I ate part of the potato. We took the 5 gallon water jug to the refill station and refilled it. Chris did the lifting.

I worked on my blog in anticipation of Game Night. It took longer than I thought so I rushed out with the cheese and forgot the game notebook. When I got there, they were not to be found. The game was up, but I talked to the dog for a few seconds and it disappeared. So I sat until Michelle noticed me. Then Casey put in his password and the game came back. I gave her the cheese. We talked as I loaded the game.

Getting the color wheel was easy, but finding my way back to Serenia was harder. Then I followed paths to the old dream chamber and used the color wheel to decide where to put all the colored dots. It took some time, but got easier as I went. Then I could open the door and go inside. I explored inside and finally went up the stairs.

I found Yeesha strapped to a chair. She begged me to pull the silver lever to free her, but Achenar showed up and told me to pull the golden one because Yeesha was inhabited by Sirrus, whose body I saw in a life tube downstairs. I saved the game at that point. Michelle told me to pull the gold lever, so I did. Yeesha slumped backward, and Achenar said he would give a little extra life to the old flower, but I had to go into Dream and free Yeesha from Sirrus.

So I did. I was presented with a puzzle to organize lines of a conversation between Sirrus and Yeesha and to put them with the object they were associated with. Easy enough, except that you can only move a whole stack at a time. Then the top one drops off and becomes the bottom one of the next stack. Kinda frustrating, but doable. Michelle looked up hints and found out that there is a more difficult version in store when I finish this one.

It was after 11, so I shut the game down. However we continued to talk for some time. Then I went home. Chris was already in bed. I did my bedtime routine and took the first weighted blanket from the apartment with me to bed.

The Internet lied to me!


I got up around 8, having slept pretty well. I put the egg boxes and money in a bag and hung it on the front door. I brushed and swished. I took supplements. I meted out pebbles for the third row of the blanket while listening to more of a podcast from last night. I did a 4th and 5th row, too. About 15 minutes per row. A few more rows and it got more difficult to handle.

A lady called me to submit an order for an offer that expired. She didn't call from the number that I was given, but she knew the number, so I trusted her. And she knew the details of my order. She told me what it would be after the discount. So I gave her my cc number and she charged it.

At 10 I got dressed and went to the Community Club. My car seat was wet. I went upstairs and waited with Anka while the chaplain got the movie loaded. A few more ladies came and then he started the movie. It was called One Night with the King. I watched as the Amalakite queen escaped and somewhere, gave birth to a son, creating the line of Haman. Then, much later, the story of Esther being gathered up with other young women to the palace and the king making his choice.

At that point, it was 11:15. I slipped out and drove to the apartments. Jerry let me in and we talked. I offered him boxes so he could finish packing. Then the Housing people arrived. They verified that all the appliances were there. Then he paid me and we signed the cleaning contract. The ladies took pics of it and had other papers for him to sign. Then I put the key in the lockbox and set it on his door. He met me at the swap shop and I let him in so he could get boxes. Then I locked up. I gave him the code to the lock box and went home.

I made and ate breakfast while watching The Highwire. I also worked on the weighted blanket. I was half finished with the last row when the power went out. I tried running the handwheel, but that got tiresome. So I left it and went back to listen to more of an interview until the buffer ran out. Then the power came back on. I finished the weighted blanket and remarked that it was like carrying a sack of potatoes.

The internet did not come back on. I read other things until they also ran out. I jotted notes for my blog. Chris asked me to attend the closing ceremony for the Month of the Military Child. So I put on shoes and went over to the ACS building. Chris was busy talking so I went inside. Not many people were there. I spoke to each one then went into the library. Keli was there and we talked for some time. I heard Chris give the opening speech in the other room, then he came in the library to get the next season of WTR. That was good because I had forgotten all about it. He went back to the festivities.

After talking to Keli about the owls in the tree above her RV (she's so excited), I went to the main room. It was full of parents and kids. I saw Casey sitting in the back, so I moved in that direction. I passed the colonel and his family, but they did not respond. I sat and talked to Casey. Then Saronna came over. It was hard to hear over the din. Chris left to pick up a pizza. I thought he was coming back, but he didn't.

It was after 6 and the crew was cleaning up. So I went home. I heated leftovers and made a salad. Casey came to pick up Chris for Knife Night. I wrestled with the old desktop to get it in running condition again. Then I scanned some hymns and printed them out as big as would fit on the page. Chris came back while I was deleting all the black from the right edge.

I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. Chris went to bed. I read for a little longer, then took my weighted blanket to bed. It was too light so I folded it in half. That was better.

Make a weighted blanket, they said.

It'll be fun, they said.

Learn from our mistakes and it'll be quick and easy, they said.

HAH! What do they know? They have rocks in their head.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The background check that isn't yet


I got up before 7:30. I made coffee and exercised. I read for half an hour. I meditated and tapped. I threw the not-yet-weighted blanket in the wash, along with some towels and potholders. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I washed the dishes and other utensils that I use everyday. I vacuumed, but didn't mop.

I emptied the vacuum cleaner. I laid out in the sun for 20 minutes. I talked to Jamie about finishing up our most recent house. I took a shower and got dressed. I went to the gym to meet Michelle. We worked out a little, then went for a walk and talked about stuff.

I went home and made a list of my past addresses. Then I put the serger in my car. I went to the library and gave the serger to Keli. Melissa showed me where Emily's office was. I knocked on the door and Shannon let me in. They were almost done.

Emily and I talked about the background check and getting into VMIS. Neither are quite ready. We also talked about the garden, lending closet, food closet, relaxation classes, cooking classes, etc.

After an hour, I went home. I opened a coconut and drank the water. I checked messages. I got out the kitchen scale and measured out 43g of pebbles into 11 jar lids. I taped a piece of paper into a funnel and used it to slide the pebbles into the channels of the weighted blanket. It seemed heavy after just one row. So I did the second row at 28 grams.

I worked on my blog. I made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. Chris went to bed. I stayed up to listen to part of a discussion on dissolving the Federal Reserve.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

My first try at installing a screen protector


I woke up early to use the bathroom, then went back to sleep. I woke up around 7:30. My hands ached, which puzzled me until I remembered eating canned food yesterday. And a jar of spicy salsa. I got up and got dressed. I brushed and took supplements. I put on some music and washed out all the dishes of sprouting carrots and celery and cabbage. Only one carrot survived. Most of the others are ready to be planted.

I watched a video on how to replace a screen protector. Same brand as the one I acquired. I thought I knew what I was doing. I took the case apart. I took the old layer off and laid it on the new one and cut around it (since it was for a different, larger, model). Then I washed my hands and followed the directions. But something went wrong and I had to pull off an extra layer, which was so strongly attached that it pulled the protective layer off. So I added a few steps of my own. The result was passable, so I reassembled the case.

I went to clean for 2 hours, working on floors, mopping, scrubbing and re-mopping. I came home for breakfast. I read outside for some period of time. I came in and listened to interviews.

I made a plan for a weighted blanket 11 sq by 13 sqs. I laid out the cooling blanket and marked off 4 inch columns. I started sewing the layers along those lines. Then my phone rang. It was Steve asking me to open the swap shop so he could do some work there after he got off of work. So I ran down there and unlocked the doors. I came back and finished sewing the columns. But they were too short, so I laid it out in a larger space and drew in the missing lines.

I walked down to the swap shop to talk to Steve. We had a nice chat. Then I walked home. Chris was already home. I heated leftovers and made a salad. I read e-mail as I ate. Then I finished sewing the channels in the blanket. I threw it on the washing machine.

I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. I stayed up listening to 70's music after Chris went to bed. Then I went to bed, hoping to be more relaxed. But sleep was a long time coming.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

My new kitchen helper


It wasn't a good night of sleep because I had to keep moving to get comfortable. Sigh. I woke up as Chris was getting dressed for work. I went in to rumination and when I came out, he was gone. It was almost 7:30.

I checked messages. I listened to videos. I tried to thread the serger. I wasn't sure how and I couldn't see the little holes well enough. I had to look for a video. I found one that was for a very similar machine. After watching it, I sent it to Stirling to see if he wanted to buy it. But no.

I went cleaning for 2.5 hours, mostly floors and baseboards. Then I came home for breakfast. I assembled the StirMate and used it to stir the goat milk until it was time to make cheese. I added the vinegar and left it stirring. Then I strained out the curds and collected three quarts of whey.

I walked to the post office for mail. I slid in a box that someone left outside the swap shop door. I saw that the barber shop was being painted. Maybe we'll get a barber soon.

I read outside, barefoot. When I came in, I looked through the list of requested hymns. I added the key signatures, then chose two that were alike. I wrote the numbers on the back of an envelop and put it in my purse.

I went to band at the chapel. I didn't have list of hymns. Hmmm. I played show tunes with Keli and Sophia. Then I picked the one hymn I could remember and we played that.

I went home, and worked on my blog while heating tea. I stripped a head of lettuce and planted the heel. Chris was doing laundry. We watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. They added the theme song to the awful opening sequence and it was so much better.

Then we folded laundry. I read e-mail, then got ready for bed. Chris went to bed. I put on a sleep 'video' and listened to it while lying in the recliner. I covered up with my new cooling blanket. I was annoyed when ads would come on, so I got up and went to bed.

Monday, April 22, 2024

The cat came back


I got up around 7:30. I had slept ok, but no better than usual. I took supplements and read e-mail. I whipped up a batch of seed crackers for church. I made more breakfast mix, then more spice mix. I read outside in the sun for a bit. When I came in, it was time to make breakfast. I also practiced the hymns for church. Then I got dressed for church.

I took seed crackers and the hymns and went to the chapel. When I walked in, the chaplain was practicing the pre-sermon songs. He noted that I was not carrying my trombone. I dropped everything I was carrying into a chair and ran home to get my trombone. I came back and assembled it and sat it beside me.

I talked to some people as they came in. I gave Ginger some pink salt to try. Then I sat down and he started the service. We sang three praise songs and he spoke from Genesis. Then I played two hymns and the service was over. Several people commented favorably on my playing. I asked Rick about Jenni. People ate seed crackers and wandered out. I left just ahead of Ginger.

I called Keli to say I was going to the swap shop. I opened the shop and got the furniture room key to open it. She came in and got the inversion table. She also had a serger and allowed me to take it and try it out on Stirling's behalf.

When I got home, I changed clothes. I read outside for a bit, then laid on the recliner and tried to take a nap. I gave up a little after 4. I read e-mail and picked up the house a bit. Then I put on my bathing suit and grabbed an old towel and headed to the gym. Michelle had the sauna warmed up. We sat inside and talked and drank liquids until we sweated. Afterward, I washed off in the shower and redressed. We agreed to meet later to work on the “B”. I went home.

I checked e-mail and listened to a discussion of financial coups. Still no word from Chris. I made a salad for supper. I cut up a pineapple and stored the pieces in the fridge. I put on some drops of progesterone. I worked on my blog. Chris texted that his plane had landed. I started watching Call the Midwife. It wasn't a story this time. It was clips of the actors saying their thoughts on things.

When darkness fully descended, I met Michelle at the gym. She had a jug of iron water. She gave me some for my mister. We watered a big B in the lawn. When I heard the concentration she used, I was shocked. I hope it turns out ok.

I went home to finish watching. Chris came back near the end, so I paused it. He unpacked and went to bed. So I finished watching, thinking it was the last episode. But it wasn't and another one started. So I watched that one, too, thinking it must be the last since it was labled Christmas Special. When another one came up, I shut it off and went to bed.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Oh the projects we'll make!


I got up around 8, having not slept well. I took the last of the probiotic. I checked messages. I took the morning supplements. I looked for hints to the game. I parsed out a weeks worth of supplements, but I wasn't feeling right. I read more Star Trek memes before I realized I was wasting time. I searched for a reference to RLS in my notes but could not find it.

I took a shower, then made and ate breakfast. I listened to an interview with Dr. William Pepper, a lawyer who investigated the assassination of Martin Luther King. He died earlier this month. He had written a book giving evidence that was never heard before the trial in 1999. King did not die from the gunshot, but rather from being smothered in the hospital by agents as health care workers were being shooed from his room.

Sewing class: I went to the chapel and set up the room with two machines. Then I started working on a sample of the heating pad project. Saronna came with her kids. They all chose to make the stuffed airplane. I helped Willhelm, but the girls did pretty well all on their own. Sophia gave hers to Jedidiah, who was the one who requested this project.

It was over early, so I went home. Not much later, I went to the commissary. When I got back, I put groceries away. Then I read a book out in the sun. I came in and laid on the recliner.

I was almost asleep when the phone rang. Michelle wanted me to come over to record a short video clip for inserting in a longer video. So I put on my shoes and went over to 2nd street. We met at Saronna's house and sat in Michelle's car to make the clip. Then I went home.

I read some e-mail then heated ground beef for supper. Then I went to the chapel for Project Night. Summer and her mother were waiting. I unlocked the door and we went in. Summer set her kids up with headphones and a pad showing a movie. Stirling and Meryann came. They decided to do the heating pad project and brought a big container of rice. Casey brought his electronic project to work on. Summer's mother made the airplane and then the knot bag. (You see, the airplane was just a gateway project) Jenni brought clothes to alter. I looked at Summer's machine to get it running. But it was missing a bobbin case. I finished the heating pad and laid out some hexagons. The chaplain asked that I read a verse for Project Nights, so Casey volunteered one: 2 Kings, chapter 18, verse 27. I started reading it out loud but could not continue. Who knew?

Before 9, we packed up. I went home and took supplements, I rubbed some progesterone on my wrist. I watched an episode of Call the Midwife. Then I worked on my blog. Finally it was time to go to bed.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

An unproductive day


I got up hearing the alarm at 8. My back hurt and my ears were ringing louder than usual. I took the probiotic, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I checked messages. Saronna still had sick kids so they are not coming to Math Morning. Sigh. I took the rest of the supplements. I fertilized the plants, then got some paper and went to the chapel.

I opened the chapel and set up for math. I had a book. I read for 45 minutes, then concluded that no one was coming. So I locked up and went home.

I checked messages. I looked through cleaning contracts to make sure the information was all there. I cross-referenced them with my notes file. I made an envelop for Jamie with her payment.

I made and ate breakfast while listening to Tucker interview someone about the migrant crisis. I forced myself to make decisions about sewing class, then posted for that and for Project Night.

Then I chose two hymns for Sunday, in the same key and copied them from the hymnal. I blew them up 130%, then cleaned off the dark stuff where the page couldn't touch the copier because of the spine. I printed it and drew in missing notes. Then I practiced them for Sunday. I went to Saronna's house and sat on the back porch with Sophia. We worked on some worksheets she had from math class. Although, somehow her math class is over now and … what do they do for the rest of the year?

After that, I went to the house to clean. I discovered that the only way to get the embedded dirt from the floor boards was to scrub it with a mesh-covered sponge dipped in ammonia water. Sigh. I did the worst parts, hoping my back wouldn't go out on me. Chris called from the convention to say hello during a break. Then I went back to cleaning.

At 6, I went home. I listened to a talk on parasites while I made a salad and heated some cubes of steak. After eating, I watched videos of putting on a screen protector. I am not sure the one I found fits my phone so I looked up a video on how to cut it to fit. Hmmm. Not sure I have the right tools for that.

I worked on my blog. I made tea. I prepared for game night. I took some cheese squares and the notebook and went to Michelle's house. I gave her the cheese, then read some jokes from the notebook. The game was on, so I loaded my latest version. I followed the notes in my book, over and over again, not getting a successful result. Michelle called up a walkthrough on her phone and I saw my numbers were out of order. It still took me a long time to get it right, but then the walkway to the ruined elevator opened up and I could go see the medallion with the clue to Serenia. But it had no colors on it! Arrgghh! Thinking I had gone through the world of Spire too quickly, I went back to click on things that were clues. But still, no colors.

Michelle talked about making a video clip parodying SNL parodying a movie I never saw. Then I thanked them and went home. I got ready for bed and slept in my usual spot but as far toward the bottom as possible.