We got up at 8:10, a little later than I intended. We ate breakfast,
checked e-mail, then I showered, dressed, and went to church. I was
only expecting 4 kids today, but I had enough for 8. Two showed up.
They were pre-schoolers. I reviewed the story of the Prodigal Son.
Then we made the windchimes. One wet his pants (and the chair) so the
shepherd took him to get changed, which left me with one. But he was
the most energetic child I have ever seen. There was no keeping him in
his chair. He ran circles around the room. I did manage to keep him in
the room, though. As it turns out, he is the son of the lady in charge
of Sunday School. God bless her. I was so glad when the bell rang. I
started cleaning up the craft stuff. A man came up to me and started
talking about his experiences in the Navy. But there was a group of
kids doing an activity in the fellowship hall near us, so I could barely
hear him. I did catch that yesterday was his 80th birthday. When I
got to finish cleaning up, I took my materials to the car, and went
into the sanctuary. Chris joined me a little later. After church, he
went to the grocery store. I talked to a few people, and then headed
home. I stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond with my 20% off coupon. One of
my quilting friends told me that they sell a teflon cooking mat that can
be used for quilting. I did not find that, but something related. I
also got another popsicle maker. When I got home, Chris had already
finished putting the groceries away. I emptied the dishwasher and
refilled it. Then I ate lunch while reading e-mail. I listened to an
audio about spirituality and the brain. I sewed a border on a stack and
whack block and auditioned backing fabrics. Chris put the sheets in
the wash. I threw in a few fabrics, too. When they were done, I ironed
the fabrics and laid them aside. I came up for supper. Later we
watched a movie called "Walk Don't Run" starring Cary Grant. When
we came up, it was raining. Chris looked up one of the characters who
sounded so familiar - John Standing. But I could not figure out where I
have heard him before.
* Here is a version of the block I made for Deb while in progress *
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
I like leftovers
We stayed in bed late. Got up for breakfast and e-mail. I checked
e-mail for three accounts. That gets interesting. A friend e-mailed to say that I could kill the spider humanely by putting the box in the freezer. I am not sure I would want a box of spider in my frig, but on the other hand, what a great diet aid it would be. All of a sudden, I am just not that hungry.
I watered my plants and sunbathed. With a pitch fork, I spread out the compost pile. It was our neighbors idea. Chris ran the dishwasher and I ran down to see if it leaked. It did. I called Bob and he agreed to come over on Monday. I sewed stack and whack leftovers to an audio. I removed dry dishes from the dishwasher and left the wet ones to dry. I practiced my trombone. I had a salad for supper. I transferred wet clothes in washer to the dryer. Then I sewed, making more octagons out of stack and whack leftovers. I listened to Chris play with the voices. I deleted addresses in my address book that bounced when I sent out my change of e-mail message. One was from my brother William, so I called him to find out why. He didn't know, but he did divulge that he broke his foot a week and a half ago. See, no one tells me anything
in this family. He is home from work on crutches for 4 to 6 weeks. I read more e-mail, and investigated a new technique called Reflexercise. Chris finished his game while I wrote a few notes for my blog. Then I skyped Michele for a nice chat. After I finished my blog, I went to bed.
I watered my plants and sunbathed. With a pitch fork, I spread out the compost pile. It was our neighbors idea. Chris ran the dishwasher and I ran down to see if it leaked. It did. I called Bob and he agreed to come over on Monday. I sewed stack and whack leftovers to an audio. I removed dry dishes from the dishwasher and left the wet ones to dry. I practiced my trombone. I had a salad for supper. I transferred wet clothes in washer to the dryer. Then I sewed, making more octagons out of stack and whack leftovers. I listened to Chris play with the voices. I deleted addresses in my address book that bounced when I sent out my change of e-mail message. One was from my brother William, so I called him to find out why. He didn't know, but he did divulge that he broke his foot a week and a half ago. See, no one tells me anything
in this family. He is home from work on crutches for 4 to 6 weeks. I read more e-mail, and investigated a new technique called Reflexercise. Chris finished his game while I wrote a few notes for my blog. Then I skyped Michele for a nice chat. After I finished my blog, I went to bed.
Friday, September 28, 2012
The Sashing is done!
It was 8:30 or so when I finally got out of bed. I read some e-mail, exercised, ate breakfast and read another chapter book. This one was one of the Boxcar Children series. In order to send out my new e-mail address, I went through my address book and clicked on each of the people I wanted to send it to. I had to do that three times before Yahoo allowed it. But then it would not send the message because there were too many recipients. How is it that a hacker can send spam to everyone in my address book but I cannot send them all a change-of-address? Well, it ought to come from the g-mail account anyway, right? But after I copied it all over to G-Mail, it still wouldn't work. So frustrating! Turning my attention away, I watered my seedlings and other plants. I picked some of the swiss chard and collard greens. I juiced up some carrots, and used the juice to blend up the greens. I poured the result in a popsicle maker. It was only enough for one. I had carrots left, but needed greens. So I picked a bunch of edible weeds from the lawn. I blended that up with more carrot juice and made enough to fill the second popsicle maker. Then I spent more time than I wanted to cleaning up carrot bits and juice. I froze the carrot pulp for a future carrot cake. I laid out in the sun after lunch. Then I checked e-mail again before going out to find yard work. I decided to pull out the black-eyed susans since they looked so blighted. After awhile, I noticed that my finger was abraided. So I went in to wash my hands. I decided to take a shower, too. Then I finished the sashings on the stack and whack quilt, taking pics along the way. Chris came home from work and started his Friday night game with the voices. I ate supper and checked e-mail. It occurred to me that I have an army e-mail account that I never use. I only check it once every 5 months when the password expires. I tried copying my change-of-address message over to it, and Bingo! It had no trouble with the number of recipients. Sent it out slick as spit. I remembered Deb asking for a block from a drawing. I called it up on my computer and then copied it in fabric. Truthfully I probably needed a special ruler to get all the edges in perfect relationship. Still, it came out ok. But by then it was 11pm and time for bed.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Smarter than your average rabbit
Today had all the usual elements. If you have been reading my blog, you know what they are. And since it is Thursday, I took out the recycling. But there were a few unusual elements. I read a chapter book. It took me back to my childhood. I used to love chapter books, especially mystery ones. Also after sunbathing, I saw our neighbor working in her yard so I spoke to her for awhile. Then I grabbed the rabbit cage that was left by the carport. I figured if it could keep rabbits in, it can also keep them out. I dug a hole in the garden by the fence, put the cage over it, then planted my seedlings in it and covered them with dirt - watered them too. So now the rabbits cannot eat the leaves, even if they try to dig under the cage. They could eat the roots, but I doubt they will. I am thinking it is a great idea. Time will tell if there are unintended consequences. I checked my e-mail. I read that rebounding is good for your thyroid. Then I hit the sewing room to sew more sashing and corner blocks. Chris came home while I was down there. He made supper and a potato casserole for work tomorrow. He also cut up the carrot cake and arranged the pieces on a plate for another party at work. I had my large salad and ate it while reading e-mail. Chris helped me make a new e-mail address through g-mail. Yahoo has been so unreliable lately that I have to get another address before I lose all my friends. I went back to sewing. The hardest part at this point is keeping the blocks in order. My sewing table is not large enough to hold them all at once, even without the sashing. Chris came down later to watch NCIS. We saw the finale for Season 8. Now the day is over and it is time for bed.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Blocks in progress
I was up before 8 to read e-mail. I figured out that I can 'jump' on
the rebounder by using my arms for impetus instead of my feet. That way
it doesn't hurt my ankle. After breakfast, Charlie showed up. I
quickly wrote a check and ran out to hand it to him and ask him to mow
the grass a little higher. He thinks it will only need to be mowed once
or twice more this year. Really? Ok. I picked some peppers for him.
I found the box that held the spider. She moved her egg sac under the
flap and was holding on to it with all 8 feet. I am not afraid of
spiders, but this one makes me question my ambivalence. If there is
one, there may be lots more that I haven't seen. Is any place in the
house or yard safe? On the other hand, does she deserve to die just
because she was born a spider?
Then I went to the post office to mail a box of books. There was no one in line and hardly any cars in the lot. I was worried that the building was closed, but it was open and everything went smoothly. I went straight home. After clearing more e-mail, I laid out in the sun. I am not sure how much longer it will be warm enough to do that. Then I finished cutting corner units for the stack and whack. I started sewing sashing strips. About 4:30 I came to a good stopping place and went upstairs to take a shower. I was reading the latest e-mail when Chris came home. We ate supper and then I left for church. There was an education meeting at 7 and choir practice at 8. I agreed to continue for the next 4 week session. They talked a lot about the Christmas program which will be a Charlie Brown play. The turnout for choir was small. And our organist was still in the hospital. The pastor says the doctors have determined that she has cancer and will do chemo every 10 days. Our director lead us through all our songs. Then the men were excused while the women stayed to practice with the kids. It was in two parts with the women singing counterpoint. She was having trouble playing and directing at the same time, so I offered to play and she let me. Then everyone left but three of us. We talked about Sunday School and a substitute organist. Then we went home. Chris was playing a computer game, so I read e-mail for awhile. Then we watched several episodes of NCIS. Chris went to bed, and I cut a few more sashing strips before posting to my blog and going to bed.
* Here is a setting that I auditioned for the blocks. I decided not to use it because it is so busy. *
Then I went to the post office to mail a box of books. There was no one in line and hardly any cars in the lot. I was worried that the building was closed, but it was open and everything went smoothly. I went straight home. After clearing more e-mail, I laid out in the sun. I am not sure how much longer it will be warm enough to do that. Then I finished cutting corner units for the stack and whack. I started sewing sashing strips. About 4:30 I came to a good stopping place and went upstairs to take a shower. I was reading the latest e-mail when Chris came home. We ate supper and then I left for church. There was an education meeting at 7 and choir practice at 8. I agreed to continue for the next 4 week session. They talked a lot about the Christmas program which will be a Charlie Brown play. The turnout for choir was small. And our organist was still in the hospital. The pastor says the doctors have determined that she has cancer and will do chemo every 10 days. Our director lead us through all our songs. Then the men were excused while the women stayed to practice with the kids. It was in two parts with the women singing counterpoint. She was having trouble playing and directing at the same time, so I offered to play and she let me. Then everyone left but three of us. We talked about Sunday School and a substitute organist. Then we went home. Chris was playing a computer game, so I read e-mail for awhile. Then we watched several episodes of NCIS. Chris went to bed, and I cut a few more sashing strips before posting to my blog and going to bed.
* Here is a setting that I auditioned for the blocks. I decided not to use it because it is so busy. *
The morning passed with the usual activities including breakfast and e-mail. I read about the conflict in Portland Oregon where the people voted against fluoridating the water supply but the town council voted for it anyway. I also saw a video called Run From the Cure. It's about cancer patients in Canada told they have no hope left by their doctors but they were able to CURE their cancer with hemp oil. They want to share their knowledge and produce hemp oil but the powers that be keep shutting them down. I also took care of a few small errands: brought in the shirt with lemon juice that sat in the sun to get tomato juice spots out; collected seeds from my four o'clock plants (seemed like a good idea at the time); watered the seedlings; swept the porch; made a loaf of bread for Chris' lunches; cleared the dishes in the sink and washed the larger ones. MaryAnn Skyped me for awhile. We chatted about the short sex life of male black widow spiders. (Date night = movie, make-out, dinner with him as the main entree. The females are not into long relationships.) I thought Chris had taken the spider to work so when I sunbathed I was relaxed. Yesterday I kept interpreting every sensation as spider feet. I vacuumed the floors in the hall and bathroom. I finished sewing black corners on all the stack and whack blocks. Now I need to find the pic of the order I had them in. Chris came home while I was cutting corner blocks for the sashing. He made asparagus and fish for supper. After supper we watched episodes of NCIS. The last one ended with Palmer holding an eyeball up to the MTAC scanner and triggering it to open. It did not say "To be continued..." but obviously there is an explanation yet to come. I will not explain what we did after watching TV, but it did not involve posting to my blog.
* I don't have a pic from yesterday so here is one from the party Friday night. *
* I don't have a pic from yesterday so here is one from the party Friday night. *
Monday, September 24, 2012
The surprize is inside
I had my usual morning, except that I did not exercise. The rebounder had two baskets of laundry on it. I folded the laundry, after breakfast. Then I got stuck in a Dr. Dain Heer replay list on Youtube. It is 99 videos long, but they are short ones. I have only watched 20 so far. I drained, rinsed and cooked the quinoa that was soaking. When it was cool, I put it in the frig. Chris had put the ingredients for bean soup in the crock pot and left it cooking all day. Ah, the smell! I got out tongue depressors for the craft next Sunday. I used the drill to make a hole in each end. Despite being as careful as I could, I cracked 5 before I got 8 good ones. I went outside to get some fresh air. I raked the leaves and mowed the lawn inside the fence. I threw sticks on the stick pile and mowed the ditches out front. After I put the mower away, I looked for a box to mail some books in. I found the right size box, but it had a surprise - a spider. A black one. One with a red underbelly. I decided the box wasn't quite right after all. I went to get my camera, but the black widow spider moved from the web and crawled under the flap of the box. So all I could photograph was the egg sack. I didn't want to kill it, but I definitely don't want baby widows all over the property. (Could I Freecycle it?) I left the box in the driveway for Chris. I put on my bathing suit and laid in the sun for awhile. Then I went in and fell asleep. Chris came home and woke me up. He said the soup was ready so we ate some. Later we went down to watch some NCIS.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
More than they told me
I got up at 8 to eat breakfast, shower, dress, and be ready to leave at 9. Chris was not ready at 9 because he had forgotten about Sunday School. So I went by myself. The setup and opening went well, maybe too well. They were finished early which meant I had the kids more than 20 minutes. I was expecting 4 students and prepared for 6. 7 showed up. I had to scrounge parts from my model. I gave them clothespins that were already strung. So all they had to do was string the lids and then the hanger. Shannon and I had to tie the knots for them. But they all finished in the time allotted. After they left, I prepared double the amount of clothespins for next week. Then I took my stuff out to the car, bringing in my choir folder. Wouldn't you know it, I remembered my folder, but we did not sing today because the organist was in the hospital. They hired the lady from the nursery to play the organ. I figured she must be an organist. But she only played the treble parts on the hymns. The skills she demonstrated were no better than mine. On the one hand I was surprised they didn't get someone more proficient. On the other hand, what she did was enough to keep the service (and the singing) going. Maybe someone will come forth from the congregation who can play both hands. After the service, I went home and Chris went grocery shopping. I changed my clothes and practiced my instrument. Chris brought the groceries in and we put them away. I made a salad for lunch. I read e-mail, and played an audio downstairs while I looked through my quilt magazines for the one that inspired me to collect fruit and veggie fabrics. I did not find it and my battery ran down. I came back up to recharge it. Chris was ready for a haircut, so we did that outside. I picked up sticks from the patio and yard to place on the stick pile. I repotted some houseplants and brought them inside. I had a bite for supper and then went down to sew black corners on my blocks. I came up to find Chris, who wasn't ready to watch TV. So I read e-mail for a bit, then took my laptop down to listen and sew some more. When I had given up on Chris coming down, he came down. It was almost his bed time, but he wanted to watch 1 episode with me. Then he went to bed, and I am wondering what pic I can post with this. Ah, here is one of the quilts we saw yesterday in Birmingham.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Sewing Expo and smart phones
The day was both less and more than I expected. I got up at 6 and was on the road by 6:45. Initially I was worried that I would be late, but then my intuition told me that we would be waiting on someone else. And I was right. Deb got lost and arrive about 7:15. I was standing on the wrong porch knocking on the door. She showed me the right one. Amanda and I got in Deb's van and we drove to Cracker Barrel to pick up Jen and Eli and to meet Rebecca and Cass. We drove to Birmingham in two cars. Silly me assumed that the people who have been here longer than I have knew where they were going. Ha. But, having a car full of people with smart phones meant that we couldn't get but so lost. We arrived before 10 so we had to wait for it to open. Deb had 6 free admissions so we all got in free except for Cass and we each gave her some money. I was glad we did not pay the full $10 admission. The room we entered was like a vendor area. There were a few quilts hung along one wall - maybe 10. We agreed to meet at 11:30 at the door. Well, as it was a small room compared to the exhibition hall at Paducah, it did not take me long to view the vendors. I bought an odd shaped ruler called Perfect Piecer. I also signed up for a magazine subscription. Deb tried out all the longarms to see what she liked. Others bought hand-dyed fabrics and notions. Jen got add-ons for her longarm. At 11:30 we met and decided to go to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch. We all piled in Deb's van for the trip. We got entrees that came with the salad bar. It was an ok salad bar, but not the freshest. By the time we got back to the quilt and sewing expo, it was 2pm. Having seen it all already, I sat in a group a chairs in front of a stage. A woman came out to give a talk about stabilizers and when to use which one. I fell asleep at least 4 times during her talk. I was in the back row so I don't think she could see me. After the talk I walked around to see where my friends were. I only found a few. I sat out in the hall to wait, and maybe nap. A lady sitting there struck up a conversation, which lasted until the rest of my group arrived. Eli took our picture in front of an ad for the expo. Then we walked back to our cars. Rebecca and Cass left first, planning to stop at Whole foods and World Market on the way back. The rest of us just went back to Huntsville. BUT after we dropped Eli and Jen at Cracker Barrel, Deb wanted to go to Jo-anns. It was next to Earth Fare which is where I secretly wanted to go. So we went. When I finished buying raw cheese and almonds, I join her and Amanda at Jo-anns. I did not buy anything, but Amanda looked up Teflon mats on her smart phone to see where the best deal was. We left there for Amanda's house. BUT on the way we passed Hancocks having a blow-out sale. Deb stopped in for some dachshund fabric and I found some green bean fabric. Amanda used her smart phone to get me 50% off. Then we went to Amanda's house where I picked up my car and came home. It was nearly 8 and Chris was playing with the voices. He had obviously been busy too. There were two baskets of laundry and the bed had been made up with clean sheets. He had washed the towels, too. I ate supper, rinsed the soaking quinoa, and read e-mail. When the game was over, Michele called me on skype and we talked for 23 minutes. Chris went to bed, but I stayed up to post the day's events.
Friday, September 21, 2012
I got up early, around 7. I read only a few e-mails before starting the cake. I whipped up the carrot cake mix that we bought last weekend. While it baked, I exercised and read e-mail, then fixed two bowls of breakfast: one for today and one for tomorrow. I left the cake to cool on the stove top. I went to Hobby Lobby to get stickers for Sunday School. I did not find the fruit ones, but did find party stickers. I figured that went best with the story of the Prodigal Son. HL was all out of fatted calf stickers. I had to walk by the fabric department. Had to. It called out to me. I bought some that I thought would go with my current project. HL had a coupon online but I couldn't print it out so I took a pic of it with my camera. The cashier wasn't sure that was acceptable, but the manager gave it the ok. When I got back, the sun was shining, so I put on my suit and laid out in the sun. I brought my phone with me, and thank goodness, 'cause Doris called to say she was out in the driveway. She was over half an hour early. I gave her a trowel to dig up irises and went inside to change into regular clothes. We picked three bags of irises from different parts of the yard. She also got some four o'clock seeds. After she left, frosted the cake, finished e-mail and worked on preparing for Sunday. I sawed grooves into tongue depressors,, pounded holes in lids, and tied embroidery floss loops on clothespins. I put everything into my car to make sure it comes with me on Sunday. I did some sewing of black corners, and laid a few blocks on the pink I just bought to see how it looked. Chris came home early. He bought drinks. I took a shower and dressed for the party. We carried the cake and drinks to the car. He entered the address into the GPS and we were on our way. One of his coworkers was having a party for one retiring woman and a deploying man. People came with finger foods and more drinks. There was dancing and picture-taking and toasting. The host is engaged so most of the women went off to discuss her wedding plans. I talked to Phyllis and convinced her that she needed to learn quilting while her husband is deployed. Far later than we intended, we said our goodbyes. It was after 11 when we got home and I have to get up at 6 for a trip to an expo in Birmingham.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Stack and whack
The hardest part is always getting started. Today was no exception. I was having a strange dream which I can't remember now. Bob had said he would come today to check out the leak, so I stayed by my phone. I kept it by me as I exercised, ate breakfast, read e-mail and even sunbathed. It was not with me as I took out the recycling, but Bob didn't call. It laid on the counter as I pulled out the wind chimes the kids made last Sunday. I carefully took each one apart, used a coping saw to put notches in the sticks, and retied the lids with three-strand embroidery floss. After reassembling each one, I hung it up and placed a spot of glue on each string to hold it in its groove. Perhaps now there will be no more tangled mess. Still no Bob. I spent some time sewing corners onto octagonal stack-n-whack blocks. I came back up to check my phone. At 3 I took a shower with the phone sitting on the countertop. I e-mailed Chris to ask what he intended to wear to the picture-taking (for the church directory). I was trying to decide what to wear when he came home from work early. We decided on our outfits, and had some couple time. Then Bob called to say he'd be right over. He arrived a quarter to 5. I was downstairs ironing my blouse. Instead of perfecting my appearance for photos, I spent the time watching Bob look for leaks. He ran the dishwasher, but it did not leak for him. He looked outside. Finally when Chris told me we had to leave in 5 minutes, Bob left. Then I quickly put on my pantyhose and shoes, and we left. We went to the church and signed in. We were early. We met the intern's family. They had just had their photos taken. Then it was our turn. The man took several shots of us with different backgrounds, and then photographed us separately. Then we went to another room where he showed us the photographs on a computer and we picked the one we wanted for the directory. He did show us what he could sell us, probably his cheapest package. But I thought it was too much. If Michele had been in the picture with us, it might have been worth it. When we got home, I just had time to make the HHQ guild meeting. But I wasn't in the mood. Instead I googled pictures of stack-n-whack quilts to see what I could do with 25 octagonal blocks. When Chris was ready, we watched several episodes of NCIS.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
First sun since Saturday
Chris got up early to go to work so it would be no surprise if I got up early. But I didn't. I went through the usual morning routine. The sun made an appearance, so I laid out for a bit. I also laid out my white shirt with a little lemon juice to get the blueberry stain out. The weather was nice. I opened the garage doors to let the last of the water evaporate. I added soil to the houseplants in the livingroom and gave them some fresh air and water. I called Sharon and left a message. Bob called back, he said he could come by tomorrow. He did not seem worried that the wet ceiling tiles might mold in the dark space. I pulled all the jars of pickle juice from the frig. I sliced up the peppers from our plant and put them in a jar. I boiled the pickle juice and poured it over the peppers, hoping that would take away some of the burn. Then I scrubbed the kitchen sink. I noticed my hands were burning. I washed them, then took a shower. They still burned. I rubbed them with coconut oil. Then I tried baking soda. Still they burned, like fire. So I did some sewing to take my mind off of it, hoping the sensation would subside. Eventually it did by the time Chris came home from work. He fixed ground beef with tomatoes, onions, and garlic for supper. I made myself a salad to go with it. There must have been some pepper juice on the salad bowl because my thumb started burning. I cleared some e-mail, then went to choir practice. I saw Shannon there. We shared a folder. And Doris. She offered to come on Friday for irises. We did not have an organist for practice because our organist is in the hospital and they can't figure out what is wrong with her. I was amazed that no one in the choir could play the piano, or would admit to it. The director played what she could. We got through a few numbers, then the men were dismissed and the women practiced a piece. I stayed to talk to Shannon and offer what music skills I have to the director. Shannon showed me where a box of string was, suitable for making the craft. Then I went home. Chris was ready to watch NCIS, and we saw two episodes. I just discovered that Blogger has removed the old familiar interface and I am now tasked with making this new one work.
* Here is a pic of my veggie quilt folded in fourths with the black cherry border fabric beside it. *
* Here is a pic of my veggie quilt folded in fourths with the black cherry border fabric beside it. *
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
My projects
I got an early start on the day, another rainy one. I checked the basement for leaks and that lead to sewing - not my usual pre-breakfast activity. Somehow I broke away to follow normal morning programming. I ate breakfast, cleared e-mail and watched a video about a engineer and inventor who dreams up cities and transportation of the future. I checked my planter and saw that the seeds have sprouted already. I planted pomegranate seeds in a pot. I swept the wet leaves off of the deck and stairs. I called the property manager to report the leaks. She said she'd have Bob come right over. While I was waiting, I emptied the dishwasher and restacked it. But he didn't come. So I went down to sew, leaving the door to the basement open so I could hear the phone if it rang. I also opened both garage doors to let the water dry up. Then it rained again. I took my umbrella out to walk in the water. I did sew, making 20 octagons from the stack-n-whack that Deb gave me. Then I tried to think of ways to put them together in a quilt. The problem with a s-n-w is that each one is different. Some have lots of color and some have very little. One is mostly red, another yellow, another gray, and another black. I auditioned a number of fabrics. Chris came home about 5. He went to vote and returned quite quickly. I did not go since I did not know enough about the issue to make an informed decision. We had supper and I watched the news and a televised episode of NCIS. Then we watched DVD episodes of NCIS together. Bob never did show up.
* See the rug that I made from placemats. I think they look better as a rug. And they are the perfect color match. *
Monday, September 17, 2012
Frosting on the cake
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Carrot cake
I forgot to mention yesterday that I got a drop of blueberry juice in my white shirt. I washed it in the sink immediately but all it did was spread. Chris suggested lemon juice in the sun, but there wasn't any last night. Well, guess what? There wasn't any today either, not really.
* Ok, this is not carrot cake, but I never got to post this pic so here it is. This is the roast with all the yummy red meat in the center. *
Saturday, September 15, 2012
The jelly roll race
Friday, September 14, 2012
New salad greens
As I download today's pic of the garden, I am missing XP and the way it allows me to store my pics by subject rather than date.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Picking a rainbow
As I sit here downloading the pics of the day, I am reminded that I recently cleared all 600 pics from my camera memory so I could start fresh. Sadly they were downloaded to the desktop computer where Major Harddrive took a nosedive. (Can you tell we've just watched 8 seasons of MASH?)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Good bye, old friend
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
My Design Patio

Monday Sept 10th
* pic from Padukah *
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Outdoor Sunday

I began my day with e-mail and breakfast. I posted to my blog for yesterday and needed my camera. I found the camera outside on the patio table. I am lucky it did not rain. I wore shorts to church because we worshiped outside under two large canopies. It was Rally Day. Head of ed dept wore a yellow/tan suit and a headband with a banana cutout on it. The head of childrens Sunday School wore a bunch of purple balloons and a green stem hat. The theme was fruits of the spirit. We got there late but they didn't start on time. Other than that, it was a normal service. Afterwards, we ate a carry-in meal in the fellowship room. Then Jennifer showed me where to find craft supplies. Later Tamara showed me a few things Jennifer missed. I took home a basket of tongue depressors and old fashioned clothespins to see if they could work for my project. When we left, we did not need groceries, so we went directly home. I changed my top and checked e-mail, then took the mower for a spin. Several people have asked me why I mow the lawn when I pay Charlie to do it. I have stayed awake at night looking for good answers (justifications) to that question. A number of reasons came to mind, but it all boils down to the fact that I like mowing. So really the question is why pay Charlie? Well, we didn't have a mower when we hired him. And there is a part of the lawn that gets pinecones from the neighbors trees. My mower won't mow over them, and I don't want to prick my fingers picking them up. Charlie can whizz right through them. Plus he has a weedeater and I don't.
I stopped mowing long enough to talk to our neighbor who was spraying his weeds. He gave me a jar of hot peppers that he had pickled and they were really good. Maybe I should pickle mine. Chris cooked the steaks we were going to grill in the oven. He made mine rare. It was absolutely delicious. I ate enough steak that I didn't need a salad. I took the tree branches that were cut yesterday up to the street. Our neighbor says the city will take them away on Monday. When the leftovers were cool, we put them in the frig and went downstairs to watch MASH. We are in season 8 (I think) and Margaret is really doing up her hair. I sat with ice on my ankle to keep it from swelling. I am not expecting a problem, but a little insurance could go a long way.
A sewing-at-home Saturday

* This is a volunteer plant. It's greenery reminds me of evergreens and its little red flowers are like miniature Christmas lights. *
Friday, September 7, 2012
This is not a crime scene photo...

Thursday, September 6, 2012
Getting squared away

spots in the back yard. I came in for a much needed shower. After I dressed, I went down to get the stack of charm squares and lay them on the table on the patio. I took a picture so I could remember which fabrics were in the stack. I am going to send them to a friend and I may send more at another time. Chris came home while I was cleaning up. I looked to see if there were any scraps that didn't contribute a square. I cut a few more. Then I went up for supper. Chris hardboiled the duck eggs for me. I fixed a big salad. Then I tweezed my eyebrows and practiced my trombone. I even cut a few more charm squares before Chris was ready for MASH. We finished season 8 and started season 9. Then it was 10 and Chris went to bed.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
A chat with Faye
* The old stand-by - a pic from Paducah *
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
I love show and tell

Monday, September 3, 2012
What I won't do to use up someone else's scraps

Stripes. Dean Caine is still in the running. I sketched out my blog post for later. I went down to sew some more. Chris came down later to watch MASH. I can't remember who the season 8 writers are, but there is an awful lot of yelling in these episodes.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Saucer blocks

the puppets as real. Well, on the way out we had to tell the pastor how Michele saw a puppet show in a church service when she was very small. After the skit was over, she burst into the aisle shouting "Wake up, puppets!", much to the chagrin of her shy mother. (Sorry, Michele, but it's a great story)
When we exited the church, it was raining heavily. William called yesterday to see what bad weather we got from the hurricane and we hadn't had any at the point, but we got it today. We went to the grocery store anyway. Mr. Stinkbug was gone. After the store, we went home to put the food away and change clothes. Then we went to Home Depot. We got a broom (mine is always upstairs when I need to sweep downstairs and vice versa), lightbulbs, car washing supplies, and a propane tank. We are thinking of grilling steaks for Labor Day, and I have been advised to have gas on hand in case the electricity goes out during tornado season. I spent the afternoon sewing together the pieces on my table. The blocks remind me of flying saucers. I could hear the tornado sirens wailing in the distance. They could not stop me from sewing. However, I was gratified hours later when Chris called me up for supper and the upstairs was still there. Some times I concentrate so hard I might miss such an occurrence. Finally we got enough rain that I don't have to water the plants. I stood just outside the door to breathe in the purified air. Then we ate Chris' wonderful aromatic pork roast. Later we rounded out the evening with more episodes of MASH. I even had enough energy left to post the days events.
My sewing room is in pieces

After clearing e-mail and having breakfast, I spent most of the day picking up scraps in my sewing room and then organizing them. I found an unfinished Grandmother's flower garden project from an estate sale. I packaged it to give to the guild for their auction. I found an unfinished bargello project from same sale and left it out to work on. Several other projects came to light but I am not sure what they were intended to be. One was a Delectable Mountain pattern leftovers. I made a few more blocks and laid them out on the table. Now, do I want to finish it, or pack it up and let someone else do it? Chris started the laundry. While I was in my sewing room, I kept the machines going. When all the laundry was done, I did a load of fabrics, which I then laid across the washing machine so I can iron them later. I got so tired that I laid on the floor for awhile. Chris was too busy playing a computer game to watch TV with me, and that was all I had energy for. So I went to bed. Only the bedclothes were still in the laundry basket after coming out of the dryer. I fell asleep in the guest room. I have no idea what time it was. Later, Chris went to bed, but he slept on the unmade bed. He said it was 2am.
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