Sunday, June 30, 2024

Last minute Korean dinner


I got up before 7:30. Chris was long gone, gaming at the ACS building. I went outside to water the plants. I watered a gopher hole as well. But success came after I added the flow of water from a watering can. The resulting deluge brought the critter up. I put the hose in its face and it clamped onto it with it's teeth. But it would not give up until I hit it with a rock. Sadly. I dunked it in the bucket trap just to make sure it was dead. Then I wrapped it up and froze it in case taxidermy became an option.

I got dressed and went to the garden to water and check the irrigation system. When I got back, Chris was home, on his laptop. He was not ready to give me a massage, so I got on my laptop to read and listen. I checked my Myst V videos to see what I missed last night and to get ready for the next Game Night. Later I asked again, and he agreed to the massage. Afterward, I took a shower and put on clean clothes.

I made up a week's worth of supplements that I had, still waiting on that package. I made and ate breakfast while watching a video on Assange having possible ties to Israel. Michelle called to invite us to a Korean dinner, but Chris already had a game scheduled for tonight.

I went to the post office to pick up the package. Then I went to Keli's RV and cleaned the inside for 90 minutes. She promised to pay when she saw me at church. I went home to drop off the package.

I went and cleaned at 612 for an hour. I meant to clean longer but I was too tired. I took some stuff for the swap shop. I went home and vegged in front of the laptop for 30 minutes. Then I put on my bathing suit, grabbed the clock and went to the pool.

I was late, but Jenni didn't seem to mind. We talked of this and that. Casey came for a bit, then he had to go home and cook. Jenni and I stayed till 20 of 7, then went home. I changed into dry clothes and combed my hair.

I went to Michelle's house. I was the first to arrived. Michelle was setting out food on a sideboard. Then the Dents came, with Jenni close on their heels. When the food was all out, we got in line, filled our plates and sat at the table. The ladies had a nice conversation while the gents talked about whatever. The kids played with toys on the floor. There was a Hawaiian dish made of taro leaves. Very good. The rest of the dishes were Korean. Also delicious. There was cake but I didn't have any.

It broke up about 8:30. I was really tired. Michelle encouraged me to pack a plate for Chris, so I did. Then I went home. As I parked, I noticed the sprinklers were on. But they weren't reaching very far, and some were off altogether. Hmm.

I took the food inside and Chris put it in the fridge. I sat at my laptop and clicked on Call the Midwife. I watched the episode through. Chris came by to tell me he was going to bed. I hadn't realized his game was over. That episode ended and another one started.

Halfway through, I paused it and got ready for bed, brushing and supplements, etc. Then I went back to the laptop to work on my blog. I wanted to finish the episode if time remained, but it didn't. So I cued the music and settled into the recliner and eventually fell asleep.

Saturday, June 29, 2024



I got up around 8. I brushed, etc. I watered all the plants and some gopher holes. I read e-mail for awhile. Then I went to the garden to water and check the traps. Everything seemed ok. I went to 612 to clean for 2 hours. I loaded some of the stuff in my car and took it to the swap shop. I talked to Saronna and Summer who were there. Then I checked for mail, and went home.

I made and ate breakfast, and listened to part 2 of “A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelenski”. I finished off the watermelon and the pineapple. Chris came home from the office and made his lunch. I looked at my master list of usual groceries and made a list for today. Most of it we can get at the commissary. So we did. However, I needed some K2 and they only had one brand, and it had soybean oil in it. Everything else we got. Chris stopped at the shoppette and I looked there, but they didn't have it.

We went home and put the groceries away. I called Michelle to see if she could order it on Amazon prime. But she said they only deliver on T, W, Th in Dugway.

Chris gave me a new game sheet. We talked about how to fill it out. The possibilities are overwhelming. I texted John for his opinion. He suggested learning how everything works and then choosing. Ha!

I went outside to mow. I saw a new gopher mound so I dug it up, looking for the tunnel. No luck. I dug up another one. Still no luck. Then I saw a hole that looked old. I put the hose in it and a gopher came out. I hit it with the hose and then dropped it in the bucket trap to make sure it was dead. Then I put it in a baggie and wrapped it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer. I texted Michelle and she was impressed.

John texted more and I texted back. I mowed patches of the side yard. I made a salad for supper. I turned on the rotating sprinkler. I got online and ordered some stuff that was going off sale. I worked on my blog and made sure I was ready for Game Night. I turned off the sprinkler. I grabbed a jar of goat cheese and headed out.

When I got to Michelle's house, the game wasn't up. But Casey got out his raspberry pie set-up and got it working. Michelle seemed tired but she sat and talked to me as I played. I finished one of the worlds and worked on the other two. She went to bed before 11. At 11, I exited the game, thanked Casey, and headed home. Chris was already in bed asleep. I got ready for bed, then queued up some sleep music. I listened with headphones from the recliner till I fell asleep. I woke up after one sleep cycle and went to bed.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Presidential debate


I got up before 7:30. I got ready for the day. I watered outside. There was a huge new mound in the flowerbed by the dining room. I flooded it but no gopher came out. Then I dropped a dead mouse in the hole, covered it, and spread the excess dirt among holes in the yard.

I read e-mail and ate watermelon for a bit, then went to the garden. I watered there and checked the trap. Then I went to 612. There was a truck in the driveway so I parked on the street. I worked for over 2 hours in the house. Then I went home for breakfast.

I made breakfast and watched The Highwire. It was all Aaron Siri, lawyer, giving vaccine-related testimony to officials in New Hampshire. For over an hour. Chris had been home and left me a cryptic message. I couldn't read it so I sent him a message.

I threw towels and the shower curtain in the laundry. I heated half a gallon of milk on the stove, then put it in the dehydrator to 'ripen'. I heated the other half gallon to 180 and then added vinegar. The first one got rennet and it curded.

I went to the post office to check on a package. She said my tracking number wasn't for the postal system. But she looked it up on Fedex and it said it would be delivered on Monday. So 2.5 weeks to get a package that usually takes only one week.

I went home to separate curds and whey. I listened to a Dr. Phil interview while I worked. I changed clothes.

At 5:30 I headed to Saronna's house for a birthday party. All her kids were born in June or July so she was having one party for all of them. There were a lot of water activities. Soon all the kids were drenched. I stood around and talked to different people. I ran water into the apple tub. It never filled up because kids kept coming back for more buckets of water to throw at each other. There were also 4 bubble guns. That was really cool. But the batteries ran down and she didn't have a charger. Nor were they replaceable. Oh well. Saronna served cake and hot dogs.

At 7 I left to go home and listen to the Presidential debate. I watched it through Kennedy's website. It was set up so that after Trump and Biden answered each question, Kennedy could speak for two minutes on the same topic. It seemed like half the time none of the three candidates answered the question asked. I resonated with Kennedy's answers the best, but that was no surprise.

When it was over, it was too late to watch TV. So I drank tea and worked on my blog. Chris went to bed. I listened to “A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelenski”. Before it was over, I paused it and got ready for bed. Then I put on some music and crawled into the recliner with headphones, and either fell asleep or gave up and went to bed.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Workout and watermelon


I got up when Chris left for work. Then I went outside and watered all the plants. I made coffee and started the exercises. In between meditation sessions, I vacuumed and cleaned the bathrooms. Afterward, I washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I took a shower and got dressed.

I headed to the gym to meet Michelle, but she passed me going to my house. So I turned around and followed her. She was bringing me 4 quarts of goat milk. I grabbed the 5 gallon water jug and we went to the shoppette to fill it. There was a man changing the filters in the water machine. He took a break to fill my jug and he didn't charge me. Then we headed to the gym.

First we walked the upstairs track. I told her my recent news and she told me hers, including the pioneer trek that she just finished with Isadora. Then we went to the weight rooms to use the machines. Actually, she just talked while I lifted. After my workout, we went to my house and she carried the water jug inside.

She went home. I was feeling a little dizzy so I ate watermelon and read e-mail. I took the pieces of rind out to ferment, but the bucket I was going to use had black sludge in it – something I fermented last year. I dug up some gopher holes and shared it with them.

Jamie sent me her hours. I ran the figures to come up with totals without long decimals. Then I put her share of the cash in an envelope and sent her a text.

I headed out to clean and suddenly remembered the garden. I turned and went there. I watered by hand, wondering why everything was so dry. No mice in the trap. Then it started to rain. I got in my car and headed to 612.

I spent an hour and a half cleaning windows and baseboards, and vacuuming up ants. I called Jamie to find out which side of the road the trash bins go on. Then I rolled them out to the curb.

I went home and talked to Chris. He hadn't gotten the mail. So I went to the post office, but there was no mail. I went home and turned on the sprinkler because it hadn't rained after I left the garden. I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read and watch. Finally I got ready for bed. I put on sleep music and laid in the recliner. It took awhile to fall asleep. But when I woke after the first sleep cycle, I got up and went to bed.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Giving away the stuff left behind


I got up before the alarm at 7:30. I brushed, etc. I read the first e-mails of the day. I watered the plants outside the house. I swept up the tiny debris that collects under the siding and used it as mulch for the plants in pots. I also used grass clippings from the lawn mower.

I went by the swap shop to drop off some items and unlock the doors for people who plan to come by later. I went to 612 to clean. I spent two hours in the kitchen. Then I went home for breakfast.

Chris came home for lunch. I made more breakfast mix, then made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. Then I went to 403 for the inspection. It passed without a single comment. I got a text from someone looking for a dryer hose, so I told her to meet me at 612. I went there and liberated the dryer hose that was left behind and gave it to her when she drove up. I went by the swap shop to lock up, then home to eat watermelon and read e-mail.

At 2, I went to Saronna's house with my trombone. First we talked about everything, then we played through the hymns from last night. It was after 3 when I left. I went to 612 to clean and go through the leftovers. There was a trash bag full of spices and such from the cabinets. I rescued what was worth rescuing. Then I finished cleaning the kitchen and worked on the sliding glass doors. Then I went home for supper.

I texted Saronna about all the stuff left behind. Then I heated some beef for supper. Saronna texted back that she had time tonight, so I ran over to meet her there. She took all the spices and some of the cleaners and the toothpaste and some half-empty bottles of stuff she uses. The kids were all over and wanted to climb out the upper windows, but we both told them no. The boys went outside and got stung. Then she packed up and took them home.

I went home to finish making my salad. I turned on the sprinkler. I ate while watching short videos. Then I went out to mow, particularly near the built-in sprinkler heads. I turned the rotating sprinkler off (two different kinds of sprinklers). Then I went inside to work on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger.

Chris went to bed shortly thereafter, and I read for another hour. Then I put on the same music from last night. When I woke up, a different music was playing. I went to bed.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Surprise cleaning contract


I got up around 8 because I had a hard time falling asleep. I don't know why because I was not in pain, or worried, or having hot flashes. Just couldn't sleep. I started my day with water and supplements. I read e-mail for awhile. I got dressed and prepared a contract in case an inspection did not go through. I went outside to water the plants. Then I went to the garden to plant potatoes and water the box of soil and check the traps. I collected a bag of leaves for mulch at home. I stopped by the pear tree and moved the hose to the apple tree.

When I got home, I read a few messages, then made and ate breakfast. I got a call for last minute cleaning. So I ran over there with a contract. I looked around and quoted him $600 as a lock-the-door-and leave price. He was only too willing because he was ready to leave and didn't pass inspection. He didn't have cash so I called Jamie to come over since she has Venmo. Once he paid her, we all signed the contract. The Housing team left and I stayed to talk to him. He seemed to need it. Then I left so he could finish up and head out.

I went to the library to print hymns, but didn't have my thumb drive. So I went home and ate watermelon. I posted for band practice. The thumb drive was still in the computer. I took it back to the library. Keli printed the pages for me. Then Melissa showed me all the kits they had for veterans and offered me some for sewing class. So I took 10 packs of a leather pouch kit. I figure the kids need to practice their hand sewing skills.

I went home. I got a text from the lady who is looking for a freezer for taxidermy purposes. Chris had told me at lunch that the chapel was available. So I told her and she wanted to see the freezer. So I met her there, dropping off the copies of hymns. I showed her the freezer and told her Saronna offered space as well. Then we went to the swap shop. She found a few things there. After she left, I talked to Kim who had it open. No one else had come. So I went home and posted pics of stuff to the Facebook pages, hoping more people would show up.

I read e-mail for awhile, then added shredded paper to the compost pile along with pieces of watermelon rind. I mixed up a batch of yeast for the garden. Then I left it to sit for several hours. I went to the post office to ask about a package that I was expecting last week.

Chris had put beef in the oven before he left for work. I pulled the beef out and put some in a bowl. I ate it while reading Telegram messages. Chris came home from work. I headed to 403 to inspect it and wipe up anything I found. Then I packed the stuff I had left behind in my car and took it to 612 where I unloaded the cleaning supplies. I soaked paper towels in a spray cleaner (I did not have my bottle of vinegar) and placed them on the ring in the toilet. Then I locked it up and went home.

I picked lettuce for a salad and added stuff from the fridge. I ate quickly and then grabbed my trombone and headed to the chapel for band. Keli, our pianist came, but no one else did. So we had a fairly quiet night. We played hymns and pop tunes. A lady called to get in the swap shop. I suggested at 8. Later she called back to say tomorrow would be better so we agreed on 10am. Keli and I packed up to go home.

When I got home, I messaged another lady who also wants to get in the swap shop. Her message came 15 minutes after the swap shop closed. Really? Seriously? Well, she'll have to wait until tomorrow. I went home. I turned on the sprinkler. I diluted the yeast batch and watered a bunch of plants.

Then I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. I got ready for bed, then listened to This Week with Mary and Polly. Then I put on some sleep music and settled into the recliner. I actually did fall asleep. When I woke up, different music was playing. I went to bed.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Planting potatoes


I got up around 8. I brushed, etc. I checked messages and read e-mail. I watered the outdoor plants. I went to the garden to water and to check the irrigation system. I covered the pea plants with netting. I checked the traps and watered the peony down the fence line.

I finished a podcast on news as a social construct. I looked up homemade yeast fertilizers. I went to Pinyon Drive, then contacted Jamie. She came over with her van. We talked to the lady moving out and then loaded all her swap shop feasible stuff in Jamie's van. We then met at the swap shop to unload. Some of it needed to be brushed off. She went home and I took some pics to post.

I went home and made breakfast. I ate, then washed up and got dressed for church. Chris cut up the jicama. I took that and the leftover cheese squares to church.

I laid out the snacks, then went up front to assemble my trombone and talk to Keli. Then we sang praise songs. The chaplain talked about prophesies of Jesus, then our little band played two hymns. Afterward, Karen told me the charcoal bags worked, getting rid of the smell in her fridge. She also asked about a chest freezer, but I didn't know of one. I promised to post on Facebook. Jenni and I agreed to swim at 4.

I went home. I ate fruit and read e-mail. I watched gardening videos. I put on my bathing suit and met Jenni at the pool. I took my clock and set it where I could see it. She and I talked and swam for an hour. We also talked to Brook, the lady we bought our cow from. Then I got out, toweled off, took my clock and went home.

I changed into fresh clothes. I read e-mail for awhile. Then I went to the garden to plant potatoes that had sprouted in my cupboard. In fact, one sprout was longer than my 2 foot quilt ruler. I weeded part of a row in the garden and planted the sprouted potatoes there. On the way home, I stopped at 403 to get my watermelon. Jamie was there trying to water the lawn. We talked a bit, then I got my watermelon and came home.

I put on the sprinkler to water my crunchy grass. I heated some beef in the toaster oven. I picked lettuce and made a salad. Then I ate while listening to a talk on red meat. When I noticed the time, I worked on my blog and turned off the sprinkler. I sliced a strip off the top of the watermelon so it would fit in the fridge.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to read e-mail. I got ready for sleep, and crawled into the recliner with soft relaxing music. But for some reason, sleep would not come. So I turned it off and went to bed.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

But is it kid-friendly?


I got up after 8. I got ready for the day. I checked e-mail. I watered the plants outside the house. I asked Chris for a massage. Afterward, I took a shower. Then I went to the garden to check traps and water, etc. I stopped to get the mail. When I got back, I started making breakfast.

I was planning to meet Jamie at 2, but she had to reschedule. I went to the library to get my thumb drive. Then I spent the better part of the afternoon picking hymns, scanning them, fixing up the dark parts, and putting them on a thumb drive to print out at the library on Monday.

Then I worked on the next sewing project. I found a star template. It was blue, but I printed it out in grayscale. It did fine. Then I cut it out. I traced it onto a white fabric, a red fabric and blue fleece. I cut around them, then sandwiched them together and sewed on the line. Finally I trimmed it all up with pinking shears. Sadly it did not seem like a kid-friendly project. The pinking shears were hard to manage so I cut through some tinfoil with them. But I don't think the kids can do it.

I checked messages again and listened to more of a podcast on meditation. I watched some video walkthroughs showing me what I played through last night and giving me a hint as to the next move. Then I mowed some of the lawn. I planned to go to the pool, but mowing was exhausting (and dehydrating). I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read. Later I put on an NSDR video and listened to it with headphones. it wasn't very long, so I put on another sleep video after that and fell asleep. Later I went to bed.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Bugs for Sale


I got up late, not having slept well. My hand was completely numb and even when the circulation came back, it did not feel normal. I wondered if real damage had been done. After the usual, I read e-mail for awhile. Then I got dressed and went out to water the plants. I turned the back hose on and let it drip on the peas. Then I went to House #2 to check what Jamie did. All I saw was a length of hose that was too short, and it ended at the lilac tree. So I went home for my damaged soaker hose. I attached it to her hose and wrapped it around the apple tree. Then I turned the water on and left it.

I went to the garden and watered. I checked the traps but there were no mice. I added a gallon of 'fertilizer' to the plants. I noted that something was snacking on the largest pea plant. I put a gopher stake near it.

I went home and made breakfast. Chris came back from the office. When I finished eating and making a grocery list, we got in the car and went to Tooele, starting a new book on CD. It wasn't interesting because it had a lot of political play in it.

We shopped at the usual places, plus Joanns and Cal Ranch. At Joanns I got thin fleece but what I wanted was felt. There was no one to cut and only one person at checkout so I grabbed something from the remnant pile. Then Cal Ranch had plants for 40% off. They didn't look great, but good enough. I bought peas and tomatoes. I also got a nozzle. They had containers of lady bugs, but I resisted.

When we got back, we stopped at the commissary for a few last things that are cheaper there. Then we took our food home and put it away. I read for a bit, then put the plants in my car.

I went to House #2 to turn the water off and Jamie was there, trying to add a timer to the line. We worked together and got it set up to water automatically every morning at 5. Then we moved the hose to the pear tree. She said she had a splitter so we can water both at once.

Then I went to the garden. I planted the tomatoes with gelatin and cinnamon and fertilizer. I watered everything. I checked my timer and realized that the 2 stood for 'days' not 2x/day. No wonder everything is dry. I set it for 12 hours. I noted that the two corn plants doing well, are the ones with dead mice under them.

I went home. Chris had cooked mushrooms and a sweet potato. I also made a carrot salad to go with it. I worked on my blog. I set up the sprinkler to water the parts that the automatic sprinklers miss. I planted the rest of the peas in among the flower beds and two big planters. I made tea for tonight.

I took a jar of cheese and went to Game night. Casey put the cheese up for Michelle. Then he went to his garden while I got started on the game. I had enough notes to keep me busy all night. Casey came back. I came to stopping places on three worlds by 11pm. I thanked him and went home. Chris was already fast asleep when I got home. I prepared for bed, then climbed in the recliner to listen to something guaranteed to put me to sleep. I did doze off and woke up at the end of a sleep cycle. Then I went to bed.

Friday, June 21, 2024

A better watering system than before!


I woke up hearing Chris take his shower. I stayed in bed until he left, and then I heard noise in the kitchen. So I got up to check it out. It was Chris taking out the garbage because Thursday is garbage collection day. After he left, I took out the bathroom garbages and the sewing room garbage. I took the morning supplements, then read some e-mail. I watered the plants at home. I watered gopher holes, too, but none came up.

I took my Bible and went to the garden to water and fertilize those plants. There were no mice in the garden trap but two mice in the shed trap. I also put in some gopher stakes. I stopped at Housing to set up an inspection for next week.

I headed to the gas station, stopping at the apple tree to dump a gallon of water. I filled my tank, then went to the Community Club for Bible study. But it was locked. So I texted the leader and we ended up agreeing to meet at the chapel. I unlocked it and went in. The others arrived later. We talked until Jenni showed up. Then we read from Matthew. In 10 minutes she had to leave. We did more talking.

It was almost noon when I got home. I started making breakfast. I had no internet. But when Chris came home for lunch, he said it was canceled because the bank didn't send the payment to the company, but it should be on shortly. And it was. I ate and watched The Highwire. It went over 2 hours. I also read Telegram messages. Later I dressed scantily and laid out in the sun. The black wrought iron was hot so I had to get out the lounge cushions. Then I wiped off and re-dressed.

Jamie called to tell me that she was setting up the apple and pear trees with hoses and timers. What a great idea! I jotted down gardening notes in a file for later. I looked up how to check my laptop battery since it seemed to be getting hot. The resulting report showed everything was fine. I mowed the backyard, coming across a baby gopher. I pulled it out of the way. I mowed the front yard on both sides. Then I had to plug in the battery to recharge. When I had cooled off, I ate one of the pre-packaged meals.

I read e-mail for awhile, then went to the swap shop to open it by request. She didn't show up on time so I found a broom and swept the halls of the building. It was full of ants and moths and bugs. I also put the mattress cover with the mattress. Then she came in with her 2-month-old. I held the baby while she 'shopped' and we talked. Then she left and I locked up.

I went home and made a salad. I listened to the rest of several podcasts I had started. I cut up a pineapple and stored the pieces in Tupperware. Chris came home from a meeting in Tooele. He heated a meal for himself. Since the Community Club was closed, he could not buy his usual pizza. I posted to my blog. I looked up ways to sew a star that kids could do.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Then he went to bed. I stayed up to read, and get ready for bed. Then I retired to the recliner with headphones on. I spent a long time trying to get to sleep. Finally I went to bed. But then RLS hit. When will it ever end?

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Fourth gopher this week


I woke up around 7, noting that Chris was still in bed. Oh right. It's a holiday. I got up to start coffee morning. It was odd having Chris in the house, but he stayed at his laptop all morning. I did my exercised, read for half an hour, then did rounds of tapping and meditation. Afterward, I washed dishes, vacuumed and mopped.

I fertilized the plants at home. I moved the tomatoes back to their original places. The dead gopher from yesterday had been moved from his hole. I watered the hole and another gopher came up, the third one this week. He did not survive.

Chris called the internet repair guy because we had no internet. Just as the man arrived, I went to the garden to water. There was no extra frost damage. I uncovered the tomatoes and thought they might put out new leaves now that the old ones are dead. There was a gopher hole near one row. I put the hose in it. After a minute, I saw dirt flying in the pathway on the other side. There was a gopher kicking out dirt with his back legs. I threw a weight down. I moved it, then reached in and grabbed the tail. The gopher was quite alive. So I threw it in the bucket trap, which had water. He swam, but that won't last.

I emptied the bucket trap between the garden sheds and refilled it with water. I went to 403 to see Jamie but she had just left. So I spent an hour cleaning floors, then went home.

I texted Michelle and she said to meet her at the gym at 4:20. So I read messages and articles until then, then met her at the gym. I worked out while she talked to me. She wants to do some photo set-ups at a large mall in SLC on Sunday. I told her about the gopher.

I went home. I heated half a gallon of goat milk to 100F, then put it in the dehydrator to keep it at the right temperature. I went to the garden to get the gopher. I watched my irrigation system turn on. I brought the gopher home and placed it in a hanging basket to dry out.

I made tea and listened to a podcast until Chris was ready. Then we watched two episodes of WTR. He went to bed and I stayed up to separate the cheese from the curds. Then I got ready for bed and put on a sleep track and climbed into the recliner. I fell asleep then woke up in silence. Which was surprising after noting it was 3 hours long.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Last day for planting


I woke up after 6, but stayed in bed until Chris left for work. I got ready for the day. I checked messages, and listened to podcasts on meditation and gardening and fruitarianism while washing dishes. My hands felt good in the hot water. I was waiting for the outdoor chill to wear off.

I watered plants outside, checking for cold damage. I went to the garden to water. I was dismayed to see how much cold damage there was. I went to clean for 90 minutes, mostly carpets.

I went home for breakfast. I read messages and watched short videos. I went to Saronna's house to play. We worked on 76 Trombones and made significant headway.

I went by Alisha's house to pick up the package, but it wasn't there. I went back to cleaning for 45 minutes. I went home to check messages, then checked Alisha's house again. The package was there and I put it in my car. I went to the cleaning house. Jamie and her son were wrestling the mattress into her trailer. I headed home with them following. Chris arrived at the same time, thankfully. The mattress was really heavy. They parked in back and Chris helped carry it. But it did not fit our bedframe even though both old and new were Cal Kings. They put it back on the truck and put the old one back in the frame. At least it got aired out a bit.

After they left, I opened the package that she told me to pick up. It contained 8 fresh sealed meals. Chris put two of them in the oven. After eating the pork one, I picked greens and made a salad. Then I went out to bring in some plants and cover others. I planted the last of the seedlings in the flower bed. I planted some apricot seeds in the pot with the smaller tomato.

I went to the garden to cover the tomatoes. I also watered and set the timer for an hour. Michelle and Casey came by and we had a nice chat. We made plans to work out tomorrow. They went home and I filled a pot with steer manure to take home. I also put out the copper poles.

When I got home, I covered the planter box out front. Then I made tea and jotted some notes for my blog. We watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger and ate cherries. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to write my blog post. I put on a podcast and laid in the recliner. I think I might have dozed, not really slept. So I got up and went to bed.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Jamie helped me clean


It was a bad night. RLS kicked in and none of the usual things (calcium, stretching, salt) worked. I took some activated charcoal and resigned myself to being awake. But I must have slept because I awoke to Chris taking a shower at 7, which was unusually late.

After he left, I got up. I listened to a gardening video. Chris called to say the water was on the first half of the gardens. I worked on rebooting the old desktop so I could scan hymns, but the disc sector check was taking forever. I watered plants outside, then went to the garden to water. I checked out the other zone and it had major leaks.

Then I went to 403 to clean. I was late, but Jamie wasn't there yet. I worked on the last few windows until I heard her arrive. Then we talked for some time. We saved perfectly good boxes to go to the swap shop. We went through the items left in the garage. Finally we retired to cleaning. I finished the windows, then shampooed the carpet in one room, and went home for breakfast.

I fixed breakfast, then scanned two hymns and roughly cleaned them up. I loaded them on a thumb drive. I ate breakfast and read e-mail. I went to the library to print out the hymns from the drive. I chatted with Melissa, then left with my copies (but not with the thumb drive).

I went back to clean. Jamie was on a break. We talked, then we cleaned. She went home. I finished up about 6. I went home to heat some leftovers for supper. I saw an ambulance next door. I sent her a message. I worked on my blog.

After eating, I went to the chapel for Band Practice. Keli didn't come, so Saronna, and Bethany and I played mostly from the hymnal. When my lip gave out, we packed up and went home. Actually, I went by the garden to cover the tomato plants because the temp is projected to drop into the 30's. Then I went home to cover those plants as well.

Finally I made tea and sat on the couch with some cherries. When Chris was ready, we watched one episode of WTR. Then we both retired to our computers. He went to bed around 10. I stayed up to read Telegram messages and to stretch. Then I put on the last Sherlock Holmes story and crawled into the recliner, hoping for a restful night.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Father's Day meal at the Luna's house


I woke up after 7, having slept pretty well, or having forgotten being awake. I took supplements and drank water. I read some e-mail, then watered outside. It was surprisingly cool and windy. The stand on top of the tower garden had blown over and I put it back up. I put water and peanut butter in the bucket trap.

I read more e-mail. I went to the garden. Casey was there, just finishing up. I gave him back the fart spray. I emptied the trap in my garden, then put water and peanut butter in it. I replaced the batteries in the timer. I watered my rows and then the strawberries in the next plot. I re-timed the irrigation system to watch it come on. And it did. There was a leak and I fixed it.

I filled a black pot with dried steer manure from a bag in my garden. I put it, and a gallon jug of water in my car. I drove over to the sheds. I filled that trap with water and added peanut butter to the lid. Then I headed home.

I wrapped some apricot seeds in a wet paper towel, hoping they will sprout. I jotted notes for my blog about what I did so far today. I continued reading e-mail and watched a documentary on AI gobbledygook published in scientific journals with AI reviewers. Over 11,000 articles had to be retracted.

I made and ate breakfast. I got dressed for church. I took cheese squares and music and went to the chapel. Bethany came right after me and I invited her to sit up front with me. In addition to our regulars, we had 4 servicemen also attend.

We sang three praise songs. The chaplain gave his sermon. Then the band played two hymns. There was talking and snacking afterward. I went home to change clothes. I walked to MeryAnn's house. A crowd was there already, finishing up the meal. She took me to the kitchen and explained each food item. I tried most of them. I sat at the adult table beside Chris to eat. We had some great conversation and the other lady my age said she was interested in coming to Project Night.

We left at 4:30 to get ready for the family game. Not that we needed that much time because John was almost an hour late getting the game started. Our little band took two hours to kill the beast, and then it was 8pm and everybody signed out.

I picked greens for a salad and sliced up a carrot. After eating, we watched WTR. Chris went to bed. I read more articles, then put on the Sherlock story track from where I ended it last night. However, RLS dogged me the entire time so finally I got up and went to bed.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

A gust of wind


I must have slept well because I got up at 7. I took supplements. I read e-mail and articles. I watered the plants in the front and back. I planted a corn with desiccated mice under it. I watered a gopher hole and the gopher came up. (He won't be going back down because he hit his head on a rock.) I put tools in the denim caddy and took another pic. I checked on my car. There was no ammonia smell, so I capped the bottle and put it away. Did it work?

I went to the garden to water those plants and empty the traps. Casey texted for the address to go get that hose. I went home where Chris was waiting to give me a massage. After the massage, I took a shower, then checked for messages.

I made and ate breakfast. I started cuttng some denim pieces for the sewing project. When I ran out of time, I took all the pieces and extra jeans and sewing stuff to class.

I opened the chapel and set up machines. The kids arrived. They brought their own jeans; ones they had gotten at the swap shop. I got them started cutting off the parts we were going to use. I helped Wilhem sew. But he actually did one seam totally on his own! Jenni came too, and made a tool caddy. We agreed to meet at the pool later.

I went home, had a drink, changed into my bathing suit and went to the pool. I set up my clock and climbed down into the deep end. I swam around and Jenni showed up. We talked as we swam around for an hour. A sudden strong gust of wind blew through and knocked over the lifeguard stand, turning his umbrella inside out. Thankfully he wasn't hurt. It also knocked over one of the tent-like shade structures. The people under it set it back up.

After the hour, I climbed out, toweled off and went home. Chris had pulled 4 big steaks from the oven. He had a bowl of rice with sesame oil on it for me. I cut up one steak and put it on the rice. Then I ate while reading e-mail. I also ate a carrot. Then I left for Project Night.

I unlocked the chapel again. Everything was still set up. I re-threaded a machine with black thread and fixed the hem of Chris' running shorts. It was embarrassing that he wore them to the Army birthday run. MeryAnn came, as did Jenni and Casey. They each had their own project. Later Avery came and wanted to make something. He liked the suggestion of a hanging pocket. So I showed him the steps (which I mis-remembered) and he followed all my instructions with great care and concentration. It was awesome! And it fit his phone.

When everyone was done, we packed up. They helped me carry stuff to my car. We stood in the parking lot talking. Finally I excused myself and drove home. Chris and I dressed the bed in clean sheets. The milk jug of homemade laundry soap was leaking, so I poured it into the other containers. Then I got ready for bed. I read messages and listened to a podcast. Then I put on an audio of Sherlock Holmes stories at low volume and rested in the recliner. I think I dozed off. When I woke up, I went to bed.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The gardening event


I got up at the normal time. I took supplements and made a list of recommended supplements by time of day to take them. Then I watered the plants. I worked on making the tool caddy, not having time to obsess over it. I learned as I went. There was a clean-up event at the community garden. I was 10 minutes late and found just Summer and her kids. I helped to weed around the fruit trees. I got hoses from the shed and connected to plot 11 to bring water to the fruit trees and strawberries (but I think they are dead). Jenni showed up with kids and helped for a bit, then took the kids home. Then I worked on my own garden: planted seeds and weeded.

Casey came by. I gave him a splitter. I told him he could have the hose from the house I'm cleaning. On the way home, I tried to get the hose off the house, but it wouldn't budge. It had tool marks on it so I assume she left it because she couldn't get it off either.

I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. I picked pokies from my socks (the outside and the inside). Sigh. Chris came home from the office. I worked hastily on the tool caddy. I placed the pieces on a 5-gallon bucket and took pics. I posted to the Facebook pages. I added to the grocery list. We went to the commissary for groceries, brought them home, put watermelon in fridge at the house I'm cleaning. Then we went to Tooele for a few things, including supplements, then came home.

I ate some ribs, and the jicama from last week. Chris went to Mass. I posted to the Facebook pages for Project Night. I worked on my blog. I made cheese squares. While they were baking, I improved the tool caddy. I took a pic of notes for Game Night.

I took a bag of rib bones to Michelle's house. Casey was out watering the lawn and plants. We went in and conversed. I asked him to freeze-dry the bones so I could crush them up for my garden.

The game was set up. I played from where I left off, but couldn't do much without a slate to write on. And it wasn't anywhere I could see. So I linked to a different world. I hadn't been there before so there was a lot to see. And a slate to draw on. I found the symbol for 'windstorm'. I wonder if it only works in that particular world? Finally I linked to the world that I had notes for. I went as far as I could by 11.

Casey said I could stay, but I wanted to keep my sleep time consistent. He gave me two bottles of iron fertilizer and two bottles of goat milk. I paid him, then I headed home.

When I got home, I brought the items inside. I left an open bottle of ammonia in my car to get rid of the moths. I put the cooled cheese squares away. I got ready for bed and laid in the recliner, listening to a sleep story. I think I did doze off, but woke up again at the hour mark and went to bed.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Army 249th Birthday Run


I got up at 7:30, not having slept well because of the burning sensation in my hands. I felt bad all over, probably because of working out yesterday. But I got up, got dressed, and drove to the parking lot across from the post office. From there I walked to the parade field.

Everyone was standing stock still. I couldn't hear, but I guess the chaplain was saying a prayer. Then two rows of people unfurled a really large flag which got run up the flag pole. After a few words, Soldiers and runners headed out, then the walkers. I joined the walkers. When we passed house #2, I turned on the water to the pear tree. I had to run to join the last walker. She had a cane. We talked all the way back to the parade field.

Then there was a cake-cutting ceremony and singing the Army song. Then picture-taking. I joined the two rows of people folding the giant flag to put it away. Apparently it is so big that if the wind blows it, it will take the flag pole with it. The original flag was put back up.

I walked back to my car and went home. I watered all my plants at home, then went to the garden to water those plants. Then I went cleaning for 90 minutes. I came home for lunch and to watch The Highwire. I wrapped my hands in an icy gel pack.

I put a rooted celery plant in a small pot of soil for Jenni. I looked for my tool belt that we made in sewing class, but did not find it.

I went cleaning for another 1.5 hours. I came home for supper. I unlocked the swap shop and picked up the mail, then ran over to turn off the water to the pear tree. I came home, had time to read some e-mail. Then I went to the garden to check if the irrigation system was coming on and to deliver a book of baritone music to Bethany. The irrigation system was not on. At 7:16 I reset the start time to 7:18. In two minutes the water came on and filled the seeping tubes. So why didn't it do that at the previous start time?

On the way back, I locked the swap shop. I came home, had a drink, and watered flower beds. I worked on my blog. I made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. I used the icy gel pack on my hands again. Chris went to bed. I stayed up to read e-mail, and then to listen to a sleep meditation. I did not fall asleep. After an hour, I got up and went to bed.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Health Advice


I got up after 7. I prepared for coffee morning with all the usual stuff. I took time between rounds of meditation to water the plants, inside, in the back and in the front yard.

I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I vacuumed. Then I took some plants to the garden. I planted them next to the tomatoes. I heard someone drive up and I kept my head down because I didn't have time to talk. But it was Chris, investigating the water situation. I told him what I knew and we looked at the turn-offs. Another lady walked by and talked about tilling her garden and fixing her irrigation system. I checked the trap between the sheds and it was empty, but probably because the ramp had come off. There were three mice in my garden. I emptied it and refilled it with water. I dug up the nearest gopher mound and dropped the mice into it.

I went home and took a shower. Lisa messaged me wanting to get into the swap shop. So I ran down there and unlocked it, then came back and told her it was unlocked. Then I called Natureworks and paid for an hour of Vicki's time. After a minute, she was on the phone. I had a year's worth of questions to ask her but first she scanned my body and told me how well each organ was working. Then she made recommendations on what I should take, or exercises to do. And that took 98% of the hour. I rushed in as many questions as she would answer, but she had another call to take. So I was left with a bunch of unanswered questions.

I jotted notes for my blog. I planted the sweet potato in a bag of soil. I took cuttings of the basil plant to root them. I prepared a small pot for the celery that is rooting. I went to the gym to work out. But the staff got me in a discussion of this and that. Finally I broke away and did the weight machines that I was familiar with. Michelle was not there to get me to try others.

I went home to read messages. I opened the box from the Slide Doctor and read all the directions. It sounded complicated. I sent him an e-mail. I went to 403 and spent an hour cleaning. When I got back, I made tea. We watched one episode of WTR. Chris wanted to go to bed early. So I retired to my laptop to read messages and look up stuff. Then I got ready for bed and laid in the recliner. I played the sleep track but did not doze off because of the burning sensation in my hands. When it ended, I went to bed (but still couldn't sleep).

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

FRG meeting


I got up around 7:30. I took supplements and got ready for the day. I read some e-mail, then watered all the outdoor plants. I stopped at the post office to mail a card, then went to the garden to make sure the water was on. Mrs. Dent was there. I showed her the sheds and greenhouse. She is a horticulturist so we are hoping she can help us grow better gardens. I emptied the bucket traps.

I went to Jen's house to clean for two hours. I worked in the kitchen and cleaned windows. Lisa called and told me she created a Forth of July theme at the swap shop. I left at 12:30 to go home for breakfast.

I read more e-mail, then went to Saronna's place to play. Of course we talked more than played. But we did try 76 Trombones. It did not go well. I promised her I would check out the watering situation on the apple tree.

But I forgot. I took my trombone home, had a bit to eat, then went to Jen's house for another two hours of cleaning. I took down the kitchen blinds to soak in the tub because they were so greasy.

It was quarter of 6 when I got home. I checked messages, and then Chris took me to the ACS building for the FRG meeting. When we arrived, we checked out the next season of WTR, then found seats in the ACS room. I chatted with some people. The colonel started the meeting and turned it over to Charity and Summer. We discussed the garden, the apple tree, the mandatory sign-up with CDC, and events in July. Then the meeting ended, but most stayed to put up the tables and chairs. And we stayed to talk.

It was after 8 when we got home. I made and ate a carrot salad with greens from my tower garden. Then I drove over to the apple tree to check the water setup. When I got back, I made tea. We watched one episode of WTR. Then Chris finished up with his computer and went to bed. I stayed up to finish my blog post and message with Michelle. Then I put on the sleep music and hit the recliner. I dozed off and woke up hearing two people discussing gut health. Then I went to bed.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Lord provides


I don't remember when I got up. I read e-mail for an hour or more, then watered the outside plants. I emptied the dead mice from the bucket. I went to the garden and watered it. Someone had turned off the water so I had to turn it back on. I saw Mrs. Pace there and made sure her water was on.

I cleaned house from 9:40 to 11:40. I went home and made more breakfast mix. Then I made and ate breakfast. I messaged Michelle the body count of 20 mice at the garden shed.

When I got back, I read messages. One mentioned a movie called Hold Me. I started watching it. Then I dug up a pineapple and potted it. I also tried to re-pot the citrus, but it wouldn't leave the pot. Just then I got a message to open the swap shop. So on my way to deliver the plants, I went to swap shop. I opened it, and met Lisa. She was new to Dugway and wanted to help out while her laundry was going. So I showed her around, then left.

I delivered the plants to Charity, then went to Jen's house to clean for 2 hours. I went home for supper and to finish the movie. It was really sad. I didn't know you could pay someone to sit with you while you got euthanized.

I ate the rest of the ground beef and made a quick carrot salad. Then I took my trombone and headed to band practice. I stopped by the swap shop to lock up, but Lisa was still there and had lots to tell me. So I was 10 minutes late to band practice.

Everyone was waiting on me. We went in and set up. We played through the hymns and some Broadway tunes. Because Bethany could play the solo part, I could walk out and listen to the group from the congregation side instead of playing. Afterward, she told me that baritone is her major instrument and could she borrow one from the high school? I told her to wait a few minutes and I ran home and got the one I bought from Diane. I gave it to her, literally, since she didn't own one. That made us both happy.

Then we all packed up and went home. I told Chris what happened. Then I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to post to my blog and practice going to sleep with the sleep track.

Monday, June 10, 2024

No dead mice


I got up around 8:30. I brushed with the new tooth powder and took supplements. I read e-mail for awhile. I looked into taking akkermansia or things that promote its production, like B. Animalis.

I watered the plants, inside and out. There were more plants to water after planting yesterday. Then I went to check on the garden. I took along a plastic bag to transport dead mice. But there weren't any. The mouse in the orange bucket found something stuck on the wall of the bucket to cling to. And I hadn't put water in the bucket between the sheds. There was a whole pile of mice in there, all alive. Summer and her kids came to work on their garden.

I went home. I jotted notes for my blog. I made and ate breakfast, then got dressed for church. I took my trombone, seed crackers and music and headed to the chapel. I stopped by house #2 to turn on the water, but it was already running.

I went to the chapel, assembled my trombone, then set up the music and realized it was for next week. I ran home to get this weeks music. The service had started, so I walked down the left side of the chapel and sat in my usual spot. We sang three songs, then the chaplain gave the sermon. He also had an altar call where people could go up to be prayed for. Then we musicians went up to play the hymns. I found them a bit hard to read which was surprising because I played through it all last night.

Anyway, I chatted with Keli and Saronna and Jenni. Then I talked to the new wife. She said the fridge had been unplugged and smelled bad. I suggested baking soda but she wanted more. So I ran home and got the charcoal bags that I use to deter mold and mildew. I came back and gave them to her. After she left, the chaplain asked me to text him Keli's number. Then I left again. I went to house #2 to turn off the water. I went home. I read e-mail and Telegram messages.

I was about to leave when Chris opened the pot of ribs that had been cooking all day. So I had to have some of those. I went to the pool to get their dead mice, but they had already thrown them out. I told them I had changed my mind. Then I went to the garden and poured a gallon of water into the bucket of mice. I wouldn't want them to die of heat stroke.

I went home. I read for awhile. I listened to a podcast and mended the lining of Chris' jacket. I made a salad picked from the tower garden. After eating, I made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. Chris went to bed. I cut up a watermelon rind for the compost. It made my hands hurt. I read some e-mail, then put on sleep music and climbed into the recliner. I fell asleep. When I woke up, I went to bed.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Fish, mice - what's the difference


I got up around 8. Chris was still gaming at ACS. I took supplements then read e-mail. Chris came home around 9, the longest game yet. I asked for a massage and he gave me one. Later I took a shower. I watered the plants.

At 11, I took seedlings and went to the garden. I spent an hour fine tuning the irrigation system, then I planted corn, beans, peas and tomatoes. I buried dead mice under the corn for extra nutrition. I also checked all the other gardens looking for leaks. But only one had a timer set up. Then I put the new bucket trap between the garden sheds to catch the mice that were infesting them.

I went home and had breakfast. Keli texted that she didn't want me to clean today. I was relieved. I read messages for far too long. Chris took me to his office to make copies of hymns for Sunday because the library was closed.

Michelle and I decided to go to the pool. I showed up first, with my clock. I propped it against the fence but a gust of wind promptly blew it down. Then I propped it against the roll of pool cover and it stayed. I started swimming laps. Then Michelle and Casey showed up. After that it was more fun to tread water and talk.

After an hour, I got out and talked to Quinsana and her son. Then I took my clock and went home. I changed into dry clothes. I ran to the commissary for sliced olives, but they were closed. I stopped by Jen's house and brought home the foam container. I ate the chicken but threw out the rice and potato salad. Then I ate some of the ground beef and mushrooms that Chris made for me. He also roasted cauliflower. And I made a carrot salad.

I put away the food. I went back to reading articles. Later I made tea and sat in the livingroom. I played through the hymns on my trombone. I fidgeted. I went back to my laptop and continued reading until he called out. Then I went back to the livingroom and we had a 'discussion', then watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger.

Chris went to bed. I got ready, then climbed into the recliner with the headphones to listen to the sleep track. But sleep never came. When it was over, I went to bed.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The patch was only part of it


I cleaned some old food from the fridge. It was pickled so maybe it wasn't bad, but no one was eating it and there was very little left. I went to Jen's house to turn on the self-clean cycle of the stove. I also looked through the rooms and cupboards to see what was left behind and to put it in piles of cleaners vs food. I was surprised to see a large foam mattress in the bedroom.

When I got back, I watered all the plants. The netting cover on the tower garden had blown off again. I refilled the water containers. I emptied the dead mice from the bucket in the back. Chris came home from his trip. His first act was to turn on the router. Then he kissed me and rolled his suitcases to the back.

He asked me to fix the iron-on patch on his sport jacket. I took it to my sewing room and did that. In the process, I discovered that the lining was torn under each arm. So I put together a small sewing kit with a threaded needle. Then I took it to the swap shop to pass the time. Bethany was there and I gave her the tour. There was a pile of stuff that was just donated and needed to be sorted and placed. We worked on that. Steve came in to take my place. She said she could stay as well. Then other people came and I headed home, not a stitch sewn.

I checked messages, then posted to my blog early. I made and ate breakfast. I added to the grocery list. When Chris was ready, we headed to Tooele, listening to the book on CD. We shopped at the usual places, and Cal Ranch. I got a 4-way splitter for the irrigation system. On the way home, we stopped at the commissary for a few more things. We went home and put the groceries away.

I had some ground beef for supper. I also made a carrot salad. I read messages and watched short videos. I got ready for Game Night by brushing up with clues (which I would later forget to use). I got the jar of cheese for Michelle and made tea for me.

At 8:30 I drove over to her house. I had to stop several times to take pictures of an incredible rainbow that showed up. When I got there, I gave Michelle the cheese and $10. She ate it right away. Casey put on the game. We talked. Michelle went to bed. I continued to play. I finished Tagira, the snow world and worked on Todelmer, the astronomy world. I made progress, then got stuck. I also worked on the beach world and made progress, then got stuck. At 11, I thanked him and went home.

Chris was in bed when I arrived. I took the evening supplements. I put on a meditation track and climbed into the recliner. I think I fell asleep for a bit. An hour later I got up and went to bed.

Friday, June 7, 2024

No Bible Study


I got up after the 7:35 alarm, having been awakened by Reveille. I took supplements, brushed my teeth, and found two cartons of eggs on the doorstep. I put out a bag of egg cartons and cash, and messaged her. Then I watered the plants. I checked e-mail and read messages. Jen called to reschedule the signover. I got the contract ready and put it in my car. I watered outside. I didn't have a new end to put on a damaged soaker hose so I screwed a washing machine hose to the other end. Problem solved. I selected some smaller boxes for Jen. I printed a copy of one of the hymns, but it did not come out well. Sigh.

I went to house #2 and turned on the water to the apple tree. Then I went to the community club for Bible study but no one was there. I went back to my car to look up the chaplain's number. Ava drove up and we discussed it. She went home. I texted the chaplain and headed out. He called me and I pulled over to answer. He had a sudden tasking, so I agreed to let everyone know. I called Jenni to help 'cause she knows everybody.

Then I went to the post office to pick up the mail. I checked the furniture room for more boxes, but found half a dozen 5 gallon water bottles. I took one and went home. I called Jenni to find out who donated them and if they needed cleaning. She said it was Jamie.

I rinsed out the bottle with hydrogen peroxide. I perused messages again. I made breakfast and ate it while listening to The Highwire. Then I paused it to go to Jen's house for the signover. I brought her the boxes. Then I went back home to watch the rest of The Highwire. I also worked on drawing in notes and staff lines with a black pen. But it wasn't a great result. So I loaded the hymn jpgs to a thumb drive.

I hooked up the irrigation timer to the hose at the house to test it. It showed the time, but would not turn on the water. I took the batteries out and tested them. They were fine, but hot. When they had cooled off, I put them back in the timer and this time it worked. I went to Self Help to get another bucket trap and a battery-powered weed eater for the garden. But they did not have the latter. We talked for awhile, then I went home. I got the key to Jen's house and went to see what was left behind.

Then I went to the library to print copies of the hymn jpgs . It took some trial and error, but I got the copies I needed. A man came in to return some DVD's and we talked about what TV series are worth watching. After he left, I was still talking to Melissa.

But the library closed at 7, so I went to the Community Club for Game Night. There wasn't much gaming going on. I went to Mery Ann's table and talked with them for awhile. Then I moved to the ladies table and chatted with Jenni, Charity, and Shannon. After that chat, I saw Steve - so I went to my car to get the Swiffer pads that I was never going to use. I gave them to him because he cleans the laundry room at his apt building.

I went home and made a salad. I ate while reading messages and listening to music. I worked on my blog and made tea. I took supplements. I quit reading and got some peanut butter to bait the new trap. Then I got ready for bed and climbed into the recliner. But the music I chose wasn't very long and it kept changing to some other form of meditation music. It might have been ok, but then the commercials started interrupting, and I just got up and went to bed.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Getting the irrigation system ready for the summer


I got up at 7:30. I got ready for coffee morning: coffee, exercises, drybrushing, supplements, reading, meditating and tapping. Everything went well. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I washed dishes. I mopped the kitchen floor and vacuumed the others. I emptied the dirt cups, then took a shower.

I was wrapped in a towel and reading e-mail when a lady messaged me about wanting to see the swap shop. So I got dressed and ran down there. I opened the door and let her look around. She wanted a plant pot so I had her follow me home. We talked for a long time, then I gave her a pot and she left.

Jenni messaged me that she was ready to help me at the garden. So I put on protective shoes and socks and met her there. We worked on the irrigation system for hours, identifying leaks and either plugging them or replacing the lines. We found a roll of drip line in the shed, way in the back. We were unable to lift it so it became a game of moving things around till we could shove it to the front. We cut four lines off of the roll. Once we had the lines in place and not leaking too badly, we quit. Jenni went to open the Swap shop for her usual Wednesday hours.

I went home. Jen called and asked me to come for a quote. I called Jamie for help but she didn't answer so I left a message, and headed to Jen's house. However, Jamie pulled up right after I did. So we both went in and toured the house and talked to Jen. We conferred, then gave her a quote. Then Jamie left. I stayed to make sure she knew she could call me if she needed anything and that I would return tomorrow morning with a cleaning contract.

I went home to mow. I mowed part of both sides of the yard nearest the house. It was after 8 when I put the mower away and came inside. Chris had sent me a message then gone to bed. I read Telegram messages and watched some news videos. I worked on my blog. It was after 11 when I got ready for bed and climbed into the recliner.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Struggling with MS Paint


I awoke gently, but then heard sounds like Chris being here. So I jumped out of bed and found no one. I guess just having one window open is enough to cause sounds all over the house. I was surprised to find it was only 7am. I brushed with my new toothpowder and swished with the mouthwash that came with it. I took supplements. I checked the bucket trap and there was a mouse in it.

I checked messages on the laptop. I listened to James Corbett interview Roguski on the new IHR amendments “voted” on by the WHO in a last ditch, law-breaking, effort to get more money and power. I parsed supplements, then made and ate breakfast. I washed dishes while listening to another podcast. I worked on scanning hymns and turning the black smudges back into notation. Then the software dumped the last line and I had to recreate the whole thing by copy/paste and then deleting and adding lines. I messaged with a lady who had questions about Dugway. Michelle called and we talked.

The commissary sent me a message that the coconuts were in. So I went to the commissary and bought two. I talked to Karen, Jenni and to Jen. She wants me to sign for her house.

I went to the garden to empty the trap and rebait it. I fertilized and watered. I went home to mow. I mowed the back yard and the front yard, then plugged in the battery to recharge.

I made a carrot salad. I watched an episode of Call the Midwife. Then Netflix handed me a different show instead of another episode. Surprisingly I had finished 12 seasons. I ended up going back to the very first episode of Call The Midwife. When it was over, I got ready for bed, then put on a sleep audio and laid in the recliner to go to sleep. When it was over, I went to bed.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

When the cat is away, the mouse makes cheese


I stayed in bed, not knowing what time it was until I heard the 8am alarm. Chris was gone, suitcases and all. I lingered a bit longer to do some mental programming, then got up to start my day. The house smelled like burnt rice so I brought the air purifier out from the bedroom and put it in the kitchen. I also opened some windows.

I finished the interview with the lady who wrote a book on nuclear war. Then another came up from the same interviewer on calories and fat and sugar. While listening, I rearranged the hymn list to put all the ones in the same key together. I watered all the plants and blasted some gopher mounds.

I posted to all three Facebook pages for band practice. I made up a week's worth of breakfast mix. I heated two quarts of goat milk in a pan to 100F, then transferred it to the dehydrator which will keep it at just the right temp for a long time. I spiked it with a probiotic used in yogurt. Then I headed another two quarts in the same pan, but to 180F. While it was heating, I made and ate breakfast. I went to the post office to get the mail and picked up my new cheesemaking kit. I talked to the head postmaster.

When I got home, I scanned two hymns into the computer. I cleaned them up a bit, then printed. The first one printed well, but not the second one. I tried printing again and it was worst. So I left it alone for the rest of the afternoon.

I listened to a long interview. I finished both the vinegar cheese and the rennet cheese. Still makes a mess. I heated up ground beef with sliced sweet potato for supper. I used a black pen to fill in the spots on the two hymns that didn't print out well. I did a quick clean of my slide and added some oil because it was so dry.

I took my trombone and music and drove to the chapel. Saronna and her family were waiting for me, as well as a new lady – who was carrying a trombone! I had Wilhelm unlock the door as I introduced myself and got her name.

We all went in and set up up front. Keli came to play piano. The five of us played through two hymns, Bethany taking the tenor part. Then we played through some Broadway tunes. We did some solos together and some harmony. Finally my lip gave out. We packed up. I thanked her for coming. She offered to volunteer for the math program and the swap shop. I told her the math was done for the summer but I could use help with the sewing class. She agreed.

When I got home, I typed her number into my phone and texted her, offering a tour of the swap shop. Chris called and we chatted a bit. Then I watched one episode of Call the Midwife. Afterward, I got ready for bed. I listened to more of an interview on permaculture. Then I put on the Silva sleep video and climbed into the recliner.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Watering the apple tree


I woke up early, but fell asleep again at some point. Chris came in at 8:30 to wake me up but he heard him coming down the hall. I got up and brushed. I read e-mail and looked up something. I watched part of an interview of a reporter who wrote a book about nuclear war.

I watered all the plants. I fashioned a bag of netting to protect the strawberry plant, then realized it will also stop pollinators. I watered some gopher holes. I came in and used Michelle's ingredients (and some of mine) to make a batch of cheese squares for her.

I made and ate breakfast. I listened to more of the 2+ hour interview. I got dressed and went to church. I laid the seed crackers on the back table, then went up front to assemble my trombone. I talked to Keli and to Ava. Then Keli joined the chaplain in singing the two praise songs. The chaplain gave his sermon, keeping a water bottle nearby. Then Keli and I played two hymns and I noticed that my slide was dry.

After the service, we all chatted. Some ate seed crackers on the way out. I asked Jenni about going to the pool at 3. Then I went home. I listened to more of the interview. Then I put on my bathing suit, grabbed the big clock, and went to the pool.

I joined Jenni in the pool. We swam and talked. Then Michelle showed up. She had turned on the sauna. Casey got in the pool. Michelle talked to us from the lounger. After I had been in more than an hour, we got out. Jenni and I went in the sauna while Michelle and Casey went home. We chatted as it got really hot. Then we got out, toweled off and I left.

I went by the front desk to ask if they had seen my watch and black bracelet. And yes, there they were. She also had a bag of fabric scraps for me. They were ones Michelle had taken to decorate Brittany's office.

When I got home, I texted Michelle. I looked at the Slide Doctor website. Michelle came over to get her cheese squares. Then I went to the garden to water and empty the bucket trap. Then I went by her house to pick up goat milk. I forgot to bring money. I stopped to turn on the water to the apple tree, then went home.

Chris had made ground beef. He put on some rice while I was listening to more of the interview. Neither of us heard the timer and the rice burned. I ate the ground beef, then made a salad. I finished the interview and watched short videos on the Slide Doctor website.

I posted to my blog. I made tea. While it heated, I ran to the house near the apple tree to turn off the water. When I got back, the tea was boiling. Chris and I sat on the couch and watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to read.