Monday, October 14, 2024

New religious affairs assistant


I got up late. I read some e-mail. I made cheese squares. I listened to a talk by a military man who had dreams from the Lord in which Chinese soldiers invade places in America and the people there didn't realize the danger they were in. He was quoting scriptures that he was given at each one. He said the red horse (war) is coming, This is retribution from God. In each dream, Chinese soldiers came and people greeted them as novelties, but they massacred them.

I watered the plants and leveled gopher mounds. Still nothing caught.

I made and ate breakfast, then got dressed for church. I took half the cheese squares and my trombone to the chapel. After service, I met the new religious affairs assistant and his family. They are Pentecostal.  I stayed to talk to Michelle. She was very upset about a local girl who drowned this weekend.

I went home, read messages, and changed my clothes. Chris cooked supper and then started the game: we explored the deserted kobold camp. We tracked the kobolds who were leaving for a safer place. John negotiated for half of their treasure, then we got attacked by 3 women. We ended the game there, to resume next week.

I texted Casey then gathered some tools. I invited Chris to help. So he came too. We went to the swap shop. We measured and marked the walls in the little supply room. The first wall turned out to be concrete so we switched to another wall. We put up two wire shelves with a little trouble.

When we got home, I made tea. We watched one episode of Taxi. I headed to the kitchen, then smelled something bad. It was gas from the stove. Chris opened the doors and windows to let the gas out while I hunted down some fans. One of them didn't work. I listened to The Dimming, while doing puzzles. Chris closed the doors and windows and went to bed. I posted my blog and got ready for sleep.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Making cheese


I got up at 7:30, having had to get up several times during the night to rehydrate. I worked on the blog post about yesterday. Then I went through some Myst videos to see what I missed last night. I walked out to look for new gopher mounds and did not notice any. I did not catch any gophers either.

Chris gave me a massage, then we each took our shower. I covered a selection of nuts in hot water. I used half a gallon of goat milk to make vinegar cheese for Michelle. Then I started a half gallon of goat milk for fermented cheese.

I made breakfast, then read messages and articles. I dissolved rennet in some water and added it to the milk. At 2 I went to Keli's RV and cleaned for 2 hours. It took longer because she left a list. When I got home, I hydrated, then separated the curds from the whey of the fermented cheese.

I helped Chris fold laundry, then went to the garden. I watered Kenzie's peas. I planted 4 fists of garlic which only made one zigzag row. I wrapped up the watermelon in netting so critters don't eat it. I put out a dish of water for them. Then I went to Jenni's house. I watered in front and out back and changed the water in the bucket trap.

Chris had supper ready, so we ate. I read and listened to a podcast on health. I put away supper, and worked on my blog. Then I took the vinegar cheese to Michelle's house for a second game night. We talked about things to be ordered.

 I worked on the same things as last night. I was able to jump the rock wall but could find nothing else to do after that. In another world, I could not jump down at at place where I know I have jumped down before.

At 11, I shut down the game. I thanked them and went home. Chris was asleep. I got ready for bed and hit the hay.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

cleaning at the swap shop


I got up at 8:45, rushed to get dressed, etc., then went to the chapel for Math Morning. Casey and the Clarks came. As usual, the kids did not want to work on math. Saronna talked about picking up furniture from a house on 1st street. So I asked if she could get the vacuum someone left by a dumpster on 2nd. I wanted it for the swap shop. She said she had other stuff for the swap shop, too.

After Math Morning, I went to the swap shop to clean the sewing machine and the microwave. Saronna came with bags of clothes and the vacuum. It worked. She made her kids hang up all the clothes they brought before they could pick out stuff to bring home. While they were occupied, I wiped down a box of DVD's and Game discs. I threw out the empty cases. I left with some movies, home copies of movies, and 2 power packs.

I went home for breakfast and plugged in the power banks. I watered the outdoor plants. After breakfast, we went to the commissary. We saw the chaplain and talked to him. We shopped and took the food home to put away.

Then we went to Tooele. While Chris shopped at Luckey's, I talked to the CBD man and he convinced me to buy his sleep gelcaps. I also talked to Melanie. Afterward, we went to Macey's, then back to base.

I picked some greens and hot peppers for Michelle. I dealt with some gopher mounds and baited traps with hot peppers. I picked greens for Chris to cook. He accidentally knocked over my pill minder, spilling most of it. I had to separate them all by color and size and figure out where they go.

I plugged my phones into the power banks to see if they work. The phones got recharged. But the large power bank did not fully recharge itself. After supper, I read messages, then worked on two blog posts since I didn't get to post last night. I put together stuff for Game Night, and headed out to the Cleggs.

When I got there, I showed them a pic of a potato I dug up. They thought it was hilarious, so apparently I wasn't imagining what it resembled. Casey had the game up so I started playing. Michelle told me about her day. She helped me find items I needed online.

I went through the game books one by one, getting frustrated in each world. I didn't have the notes I took two weeks ago. Finally, I turned it off at 11. Michelle gave me some goat milk and invited me back tomorrow for the game night I missed last weekend.

When I got home, Chris was asleep. I got ready for bed, then read a few messages before turning in.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Drinking and talking


I got up around 8. I got ready for the day. I checked messages, then took my Bible and went to the chapel for Bible study. We read several chapters of Matthew. Then the leader had an appointment to go to.

I went home and made a batch of breakfast mix. I worked on choosing Christmas songs and picking the best version of 4 sources. Then I started making breakfast. Chris came home for lunch. I watched The Highwire which ran for over 2 hours.

I went to the garden around 4. I fixed the irrigation system to the peach trees. I picked most of my green tomatoes because something had pulled off several big ones and partially chewed them. Then I went to Jenni's house to water her plants. I picked her red cherry tomatoes. Finally I went to library to make copies from two of the four sources. Melissa and I had a nice chat.

I went home for supper. I posted to Facebook for Math Morning. I went out to mow and came in when it got dark. Chris was on the phone with Michele and John. He was also drinking wine. It made him very talkative. So after the call, he kept talking. No military secrets or anything, but he loved everybody. In fact, he talked till 1am, all the while insisting that he is the same whether he is drinking or not. Then I had a hard time getting to sleep. Sigh.

Update horks my laptop


I got up when I heard my alarm go off. I checked messages, then prepared for coffee morning. I watered the indoor plants. I read for half an hour. I tapped and meditated. Then I started cleaning. I washed dishes. Chris came home just as I was about to mop the kitchen floor. So I vacuumed carpeted rooms instead and emptied the vacuum cups. Then I mopped the floor.

I wrestled with the computer to read messages. It had updated and now everything works differently. I called the bank. I showered and got dressed. I watered the outdoor plants, then went to Saronna's house to play Christmas music and narrow down our choices. We talked as much as we played. We talked about cats and booing people. The kids came home from school. Then she got a phone call so I left.

I went home and my computer was unstuck. I jotted notes for my blog. I went through the loose music to organize it somehow. Michelle texted me so I texted back, it was about opening the swap shop for someone who posted on Facebook.

I went out to deal with gopher mounds. I found one trap where the peanutbutter was eaten and the trap was buried, but not sprung. I also watered the newly-planted garlic. Then I walked to the swap shop. Michelle was not far behind. She had some bags of clothes to donate. Then another lady came with help and they donated a bunch of stuff including a sewing machine and a microwave, but both were filthy.

Afterward, Michelle and I went for a long walk and she told me all the new developments in her life. Quite a few! She drove me home and we kept talking. Finally we finished. I went inside where Chris was on his laptop because Mass was canceled.

I mowed the back yard and part of the front yard. I plugged in the battery to recharge. I got on my computer to look up amortization schedules. The laptop was horked up. Certain things did not work, like the calculator and the sound bar. Chris told me to reboot it. I looked up how to uninstall Copilot, the Microsoft AI which it installed at some point. The directions said to run Powershell, but the bottom search bar didn't work. Chris got a drop-down menu to appear and I clicked on Powershell, then copy pasted the suggested info. Gobbeldygook came up and it seemed to be saying unauthorized. Copilot was still there, but for some reason everything was working.

I spent time comparing amortization schedules, then I worked on my blog, and made tea. We watched episodes of Taxi. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read messages.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Dinosaur museum


I woke up slowly, around 8:45. I woke up Chris so he could get ready and go to breakfast which usually stops serving at 9. While he was gone, I checked messages and e-mail. I started making my breakfast. He came back saying breakfast was served till 10. We discussed the hurricane and FEMA efforts and Mayorkas.

Around 11 we headed out to Utah Raptor State Park. We expected to find a visitor's center, but all we found were dusty trails. In fact we got stuck in a 'bog' of dust and sand. Fortunately the Rangers soon found us. We put stones behind the front wheels and two pushed while one drove. Several 4x4's when by and just waved. But then someone stopped and offered to help, saying he had anything we might need. The way Chris' car is constructed, there is no rear axle so it could not be towed. But the guy had traction ramps and they worked really well. I think we should get some.

After everyone left, we parked on more solid ground, then walked the trail, and explored some rock piles. I found what I think is a fossil. Chris allowed that it might be. We walked on, investigated some features, then walked back to the car.

We drove to the dinosaur museum. We bought the wristbands for admission, then went inside. Actually out the back. There was a place for me to refill the water bottle. We walked in the museum and looked at the exhibits. One of them purported to be a game so I suggested we play. But just then an elderly man asked if we would like a 10 minute tour of the back room where they separate fossilized bone from surrounding rock. So we did. He showed us a dinosaur costume. Then we went to the back room where an elderly lady was. He explained some casts of dinosaur foot prints then asked if she would like to talk about the dinosaur leg. She looked at us and asked if we had any questions. So I asked what it was. She talked a little, but needed constant questions to keep going. Then she wanted to show us an ankylosaur skeleton. So we followed her to a far room. She excused herself to get some water and never came back. We looked at all the stuff in the room, then decided to go see the half mile track of faux dinosaurs. It was interesting. We met a family from Germany and chatted with them. Then they went on ahead. I was happy to get back and refill my water bottle. In spite of all the water I drank, I hardly needed the restroom.

When we got back, we ate a chocolate bar that melted in the car. We read on our laptops for awhile, then took showers and put on clean clothes. We discussed dinner and he said he wanted to try the Moab Brewery. So we went there.

The parking lot was full so I wondered if we should try somewhere else. But even so, they had a place for us. It was a busy but not a dressy place. We were served in reasonable time. Chris got a half chicken and I got a really big burger, with brisket on it as well. Neither of us could finish so we had it boxed. Chris enjoyed talking to the waiter in Spanish.

We went back to the hotel. I finished reading then worked on my blog while Chris hooked his laptop to the big screen TV and called up some romantic music videos.

When I finished going through messages on my computer, I laid on the bed with a bottle of water. Chris put on The Umbrella Academy and we watched two episodes of their new season. Afterward, I made sure the water bottles were filled for tomorrow and took the bedtime supplements and we went to bed.


I slept pretty well, waking early to hit the restroom. Not sure I ever went back to sleep after that. Chris seemed to be awake by 7:45. He got up, showered and dressed, then went to breakfast. I read e-mail and it seemed he wasn't gone long. So then I washed up and made my breakfast. We continued to read on our laptops for some time.

Later we put on hiking clothes and went to Dead Horse Point State Park. Terrible name for a park. Anyway, we walked around the visitor's center, then walked the short nature trail which had places to stop and take pics from high places. Then we took the East Rim Trail, and chatted with other folks doing the same. There was a rest stop there, which we used, then headed on another trail which kind of ran by the road. That was good because I stubbed my toe and it made walking painful. Chris offered to go back and get the car, but then two ladies from France were parked at the lookout and he asked them for a ride. They drove us back to the visitor's parking area and we thanked them.

We went back to our hotel. I laid down and Chris says I fell asleep. When I got up, he laid down and fell asleep. I salted and ate the veggies from last night then read messages and e-mail.

After Chris woke up, we decided to go to dinner at the Sunset Grill. He took a shower and got dressed. I washed up and put on nice pants. Then we headed out. It was high on a cliff and the drive was a little scary for me. But then it turned out they are closed on Sundays. So, we went to a nearby place called Byrdie's. I thought I might be overdressed, but it was an artsy place and expensive. The food was very good. He got the prime rib sandwich and I had the farmer's plate. It was full of veggies and goat cheese and beet hummus. Sadly, they insisted on boxing our leftovers and mine got tossed. But we ordered cheesecake and they gave it to us free of charge. Not sure why. Chris tipped the waiter with cash.

We went back to the hotel. We sat at our laptops for some time. Then we shared some of the cheesecake. I worked on my blog and then we watched more episodes of The Umbrella Academy. After that, Chris went to bed. I stayed up just long enough to take all my evening supplements and cover as many little lights as I could before turning off the big light.

Then I went to bed, too. However, I tossed and turned. My left leg bothered me. I got up numerous times to drink, pee, take more magnesium, etc. But finally sleep came.

New cleaning quote


I got up around 8. I got ready for the day and read just a bit. Then I called Jamie and we met at 75B. We looked for anything that was still dirty and only found window sills (they get dirty overnight). She gave me her hours and I paid her her share. Then she left and the inspectors came. They were satisfied so we signed the documents. I went to Housing to turn in the key.

Then I went to the garden. I watered Kenzie's peas and picked some. I noted that some of my green tomatoes were lying on the ground half eaten. There was a puncture in one of the irrigation lines and I repaired it. There was another one that I couldn't get to because so many mint roots had grown over it.

I went home. I laid tomatoes on the sill to ripen. I made a week's worth of supplements. Chris came home for lunch. He said he would cut up the green tomato and use it tonight. I made and ate breakfast. Then I went out to take down a bunch of gopher mounds in the shady side yard. I baited the traps with peanutbutter like Casey did. Other tunnels got the citrus rind treatment. I also watered down the ones in the sunny side yard.

I read more e-mail and tried to close some windows. I got a call for a cleaning quote and we agreed I could do it after the FRG meeting. I took a break to plant two fists of garlic in the flowerbed.

Chris came home from work while I was playing from Keli's music book. Too many of the songs were in C and required a low B natural. Ugh. Chris cooked the ground beef with onions, the green tomato and spices.

About the time it finished, we had to leave for the FRG meeting at the Community Club. When we got there, Summer had a box of cookies and was asking people to color a flyer or cut up tickets to get one. We discussed the Swap Meet, and Friendsgiving and Polar Express night.

After the meeting there was some discussion, then Chris drove me home. I called Jamie about the quote. Then I took my car to the unit. He showed me around and it was really clean except for a few window sills and the glass in the door. I tried to tell him he could do that himself and pass inspection without paying. But he wanted it done right and not have to worry about it. Jamie showed up, looked around, and then looked at the lawn. We decided on $200 because we are required to 'sanitize' everything. He accepted that figure. We told him what to expect on signover day.

I went home and ate the beef with rice. It was really good. I worked on my blog. We watched two episodes of Taxi. Chris went to bed and I stayed up till after 11.