Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Music and ink


I got up before 8. I brushed my teeth, etc. I took 4 lunge steps. I played trombone for a bit and did the F scale in really long notes. I made more fiber gel. I took supplements. I made a list of arm exercises from the video. I called up a video and peeled eggs while listening. I ordered some tests. I watched a tapping video and finished some others that were started. I worked on advertising band. I sent the photo I wanted to Michelle to see if she could get rid of the sunspot. She was subbing so couldn't do it right away. Therefore I used a meme instead and posted to all three Facebook pages.

I worked out how many yards Jamie would need to buy for her dress and sent her the figures. I worked on choosing hymns. Not as easy as you might think. I made a week's worth of supplements, I made and ate breakfast. I read more articles and such.

I went back to choosing hymns. I decided to fix up I Will Call Upon the Lord so that Saronna could play the antiphonal part. It took a long time. Then I printed out the two pages. However, the printer ran out of ink after ¾ of the first page. So I loaded them onto a thumb drive and went to the library to print them off. I chatted with Melissa and Mindy. Then Michele walked in. She headed straight to the puzzle table. I let her use my phone to text John who was supposed to be there. She invited me to join in, but I had only 30 minutes till band.

I went home. Chris came home to prepare his supper. I got my music ready. I looked at ink cartridges online. I went to the chapel. While I turned on the lights, Keli arrived. We played through the hymns. Then Janet came with Leiliani. So we played the hymns again, then turned to the Broadway book. We had just finished when Jenni arrived, so we did one more song. And Keli wanted to do When the Saints, so we did that too.

We ended practice there. Jenni stayed behind to chat. Then we shut off the lights and locked the door and went home. When I arrived, Chris put supper in the toaster oven for me. I finished up my ink order. I ate supper and worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched TV: one episode of Hamish McBeth. Chris went to bed soon after. I stayed up to listen to Day 1 of the Tapping World Summit. I also listened to one of the meditations and then went to bed.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Black pudding and hairy monsters


We got up just before 8, thinking it was later. I brushed my teeth, then went to the kitchen to prepare for the day. I made a batch of cheese squares. I followed a presentation on using a rolled up towel to release fascia. I watched one on butyrate. I ate the cheese crusts. Then I made and ate breakfast and got dressed for church.

I took lots of cheese squares to church. I told Popken that Saronna was ill and we should pray for her. I assembled my trombone and put the music on the stand. Anca talked to me about giving her daughter flute lessons. Then the service started. We sang praise music. The chaplain gave a sermon on the roles of men and women. Then Keli and I went up to play hymns. I was surprised to see Sophia join us since Saronna wasn't there. We played our two hymns, the chaplain said a few words and the service was over.

I talked to people, then took the remaining squares home. I changed clothes and read e-mail. Around 4:30 I took the cheese squares to Saronna and stayed to talk a bit. When I got home, it was time for the family game. Chris had my supper heated in a bowl. I ate while chatting, then we played.

We were on a quest to find a lady's grandson. We traced him to his dance class and out to the gazebo where we discovered an undergound system of rooms and tunnels. We fought black pudding. And some hairy monsters. And finally a succubus. Then we found the boy fastened to an altar. I healed and fed him. And the game ended.

After the game, we talked with Michele about her job security. She is very worried. I worked on my blog. Chris said it was too late to watch TV. So I steamed 7 eggs. I left a bag on the door with empty egg cartons and $20 for the egg lady. I read a book in the recliner, but could not get comfortable because of my left leg. So I took the homeopathic restless leg tablet and went to bed.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The hike


We got up late. I made the usual fiber gel. I read some e-mail and messages, then got dressed for hiking. I packed almonds and water. Jack picked me up at 10. We went to Five Mile. We climbed the 10K trail but didn't go all the way. When we got to the top, we sat on rocks and ate our snack and admired the view. He is a wealth of knowledge on geology. Then we retraced our steps back to his truck.

He brought me home at 12:30. I watered the plants, then made and ate breakfast. I helped Chris with taxes by naming our donations to charity and each of my cleaning jobs.

I went to clean Keli's RV at 3 and finished at 4:30. I was so tired. I sat for a moment to check e-mail. Chris put beef in the toaster oven for me. Then we went to the Primo machine at the post office to fill two 5 gallon jugs.

When we got back, I ate supper. I read e-mail and messages and made tea. I posted to my blog. We watched one episode of Hamish McBeth. We read on our laptops. At 11, I started my bedtime routine. Chris came back to help me dress the bed. Then we turned in for the night. I didn't think I would be able to sleep because my legs hurt, but I did sleep, about the same as usual.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dental checkups


I got up around 8. Math Morning was canceled due to the usual attendees having said they weren't coming. I got ready for the day. I called the accordion shop in SLC. He told me that they charge $80 to inspect the accordion and do any small repairs that fit into that hour. Also, I ordered more glasses – for mid-distance and for reading.

I walked to the swap shop to talk to Summer about what issues the fire department had when they inspected. When I got home, I ate fiber gel, then made and ate breakfast. We got ready for our trip, stopped at post office, then went to Tooele for dental appointments.

Chris got his cleaning which took a long time. I got called in later than he did. X-rays were taken and the dentist did his exam. Then he went to inspect Chris while I got my teeth cleaned. But there wasn't much to do. Then we checked out.

We shopped at Luckey's, Melanie's and Macey's. We went back to base and shopped at the commissary. We went home and upacked the groceries. Jack texted me about the county extension agent AND wanted to know if I could hike with him tomorrow.

I read e-mail, then went to open swap shop. When she arrived, we chatted. Then I locked the door and left her there. I went home. I made and ate supper. I listened to news and pieced puzzles. I worked on my blog. I made tea and put in the usual amendments.

I took the tea and went to Game Night at Michelle's house. Of course she wasn't there. Casey had the game up. Cedric was playing with a friend and Isadora was in the livingroom. As I played, she showed me pics of clay figures she had made. Then she showed me artistic pics she had taken. And then she went to bed.

I continued to play Indiana Jones. Cedric helped. I finally figured out what Indy was supposed to do with the mask and he got the sunstone. Then we went to Algiers to figure out how to get something to trade the grocer to get a squab to give to the beggar who then gave us a balloon ride ticket. Once aloft, it was hard to control the balloon. We landed several places inadvertently until we found the dig site. Sophia promptly fell in a hole. Indy had to feel his way through the dark to find a generator, hose and empty clay jug. He siphoned gas from an abandoned truck and got the generator running.

At 11 I shut it down and thanked Casey. I went home. Chris was still up, but we went to bed pretty promptly. Although I almost fell asleep, I became aware that my stomach wasn't digesting something well. When RLS kicked in, I got up. I took some charcoal tablets and a homeopathic tablet labeled for RLS. No more RLS and eventually the charcoal helped and I went to sleep.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Community Game Night


I got up after 7:30. I got the fiber gel ready. I took supplements and checked e-mail. I made up more breakfast mix. Then I went to Bible Study, which was an hour later than usual. At 9:32, I sent a group text asking if anyone was coming. I checked the carpet to see if I got all the wax out. Then Anca arrived with two of her kids. Ginger came and finally Karen. We talked for some time and then read through two chapters of Mark.

When I got home, I read e-mail and Telegram messages. I taped a return label to a box and put the new glasses inside. I walked to the post office to mail the glasses back. I got in a long conversation with the clerk.

I broke away at 11:55 and walked home quickly. I made breakfast and ate while watching The High Wire. First they talked about autism and then they interviewed a biological dentist.

Jamie came by at 2. She wanted me to copy the dress she was wearing. And make it out of non-Christmas fabric. She changed out of it and we talked for some time. After she left, I measured the skirt – which was a circle, and jotted some notes about amount of fabric needed.

I unlocked the chapel before 4. I went home and practiced my trombone for a couple minutes. I also took 4 lunge steps. Chris came home from work. He was planning on going to the community Game Night and getting a pizza. I didn't want to go, but I figured I should.

We went to the club, arriving before 6. The colonel's family was there and they were discussing which game to play. I had brought Scrabble. Michele and John came with some games. I was fine playing with them, but figured I should play with people outside my family on community Game Night. John replied “Repeat after me – I am the garrison manager's wife. I can do whatever I want.” I wished he hadn't said it out loud. And anyway, its just the opposite. As the wife of a leader, I have to do what's best for the community.

So while Chris played a Star Trek card game with John and Michele, I played Jumanji with Karen, Noelle and Shannon. Then Karen got called to go get Saronna's kids because she had been taken to the hospital. So Erynne took her place.

After Jumanji, we played Scrabble but did not keep score. We played until every letter was on the board. Shaun stopped by to ask if I could clean his bedroom apartment for him. He was under the impression that on Monday he could just drop the keys off with me and move out. Shannon and I explained that there is a long checkout procedure and Housing has to sign off on it.

We went home. I put beef in the toaster oven, then worked on my blog. I made tea. I ate while we watched one episode of Hamish McBeth. I understood very little of the conversation because of their accents. Afterward, Michelle started texting me. Chris was on his laptop for a bit, then went to bed. Then I jotted notes for tomorrow and read.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Doom Patrol


I got up before 8. I prepared for meditation morning. I did the special exercises. I made up bottles of detox supplements. I read for half an hour. I meditated and tapped. I cleaned the bathrooms. I washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I vacuumed. I made impressions on a piece of styrofoam to hold capsules.

I watched Day 3 of a tapping course. I took a shower and got dressed. I read online. I watered the plants.

I went to the clinic to pick up Michele. I read a book til she came out. I drove her home and read while she completed her phone call. Then we went to my house. She helped me go through all the towels and sheets on the bed to see which I should keep, donate or save for a project.

Chris came home and made supper for him and her. We all got into a discussion covering several non-current topics . I left them to work on my blog. He had had some alcohol, so I drove her home. When I got back, we watched an episode of some superhero series, but it was really hokey. Doom Patrol. We decided we didn't need to see any more of it. Chris went to bed, but I stayed up to read a bit, then headed to bed myself.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Quoting for our next cleaning job


I got up after 7:30. I got ready for the day. I took 5g of vit C, but had no result. I read e-mail and Telegram messages. I watched online vidoes. I practiced my trombone and did some lunges.

I had a few bites of beef, then took 7g of vit C. No effect. I worked on my slide with water and oil to get it to move smoothly. I drank half of the fiber. I made and ate breakfast. I looked up accordion repair shops. I found one and it was in SLC. It was already closed for the day.

I went to the library to print off copies for rhythm class. But I ran out of time so I left my thumb drive there. I went to play with Saronna. We also chatted a lot. She gave me a keyboard for the swap shop.

Afterward, I went back to the library to get the last set of copies and my drive. Then I went to the swap shop to drop off the keyboard. When I got home, I took 10g vit C – and still nothing.

I read e-mail. I put a quart of whey on the compost pile. I logged into Zoom for the quilt guild meeting. Their program was to make quilted cards. So while they were doing that, those of us tuning in online went into a breakout room. We had a nice chat.

When we were brought back into the regular room, they were wrapping up the cards and starting show and tell. I heated beef in toaster oven. At 6:25 I shut it off and left the Zoom call. I went to a dorm room and talked to the occupant. After I looked around, I quoted him $450.

I went home and ate the beef. I got on another Zoom call, this one for tapping. During that, Michele called to ask me to pick her up from work tomorrow and take her home. I guess John won't be around? Then I went back to the Zoom call.

The call was over when Chris came home at 830. I worked on my blog. We watched one episode of Brokenwood. He went to bed. I stayed up to read by the red therapy lamp. RLS struck and nothing I did helped. Finally I rubbed magnesium on my legs, drank some tonic water and went to bed. It took awhile to fall asleep.