Saturday, November 29, 2008

The election isn't over?

This morning, with Michele gone, we stayed in bed later than usual. Then I checked my e-mail and found one that said that the presidential election is not over, that the electoral colleges have not voted yet and that there are many outstanding lawsuits against Barak Obama alleging that he is not elegible to run for president. That sparked a lengthy discussion between us on what might yet happen, how the courts could rule, the dictates of constitutional law, etc. Chris said it would be amusing if Cheney resigned, and Bush appointed Condoleeza Rice as VP, then resigned himself. Then Secretary Rice would be the first black president (and female), stealing some of Obama's thunder.
After that, Chris and I walked to post. He went to the commissary and I to the thrift shop. I brought my shoulder bag, which I filled with a few purchases: measuring cups, 2 tall glasses (to use as vases), a large square of denim, and a clamp lamp for on my sewing table. Then I walked to the Dragon Hill and signed up for another phone so that now each person in our family will have their own. But, they told me I'd have to come back in an hour to pick it up. Ha! Have I mentioned that today is very cold - especially when the wind blows? Brrrrr! Not wanting to sit and do nothing for an hour, I walked to Gate 17, crossed under the street via the subway, and proceeded to search for a hardware store I spied a month ago. Now I don't usually leave post by myself unless I'm going to our apartment, but I didn't want to ask a friend to freeze with me looking for a place that would be of little interest to anyone else. I felt a little out of place, but had a fine time finding new streets and markets. I bought a metal scrubbie and an adapter for the lamp I'd gotten at the thrift store. Then, I found the hardware store. Unfortunately they didn't have any 90 degree three-way elbows, but they did have some PVC pipe. I bought a length and the lady was kind enough to saw it up for me, or I'd have had a time carrying it back. I was loathe to leave the area because exploring was such fun, but it was cold and my load had gotten heavier, so I headed back. I stopped by the Dragon Hill to pick up our new phone. Then caught the bus back to our small gate. But I had forgotten that it is closed on weekends. Ha. Silly me had to walk back to the main gate and then proceed to our apartment. I warmed up at home with some sushi and a cup of hot orange marmalade. Well, it isn't marmalade exactly, but a spoonful of it in a cup of hot water is delicious. Chris and I spent the afternoon and evening watching Dvd's. Chris was on his laptop most of the time, and I sat on the couch thinking I ought to be doing other things, but I can't think what they are while the TV is vying for my attention. Chris thinks it is just me that has a problem, but I think the people that make TV shows and movies have done research into what grabs and keeps your attention and they purposely fill the programs with it so you won't look away. Sure I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enough?

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