Today was the AFSC luncheon. The theme was Make It, Bake It, or Fake It. Everyone was encouraged to participate by bringing something they had made or bought. These items were arranged around the ballroom and each was accompanied by a paper bag with a label and a slit. Each person who donated an item was given 10 tickets for free. Additional tickets could be purchased and many people did. We went around the room slipping numbered tickets into the bags of the items we wanted most. I won a carrot cake. I also won the teacup I donated (I only put the ticket in to make sure the bag wasn't empty). But that was embarrassing, so I quickly handed the ticket to Pam and let her claim it.
Prior to the luncheon, they had vendors set up. I bought fabric as usual, but got away with only 17 pieces instead of 20+. I also had a tri-fold board set up for announcing my class. But only three people signed up. The traffic was unusually light. I think they were all in the ballroom examining the donations. The biggest prize was a dinner for two with the base commander and his wife.
Afterwards I washed and dried all the fabric I bought. I made a list of all the class participants and put them together on Yahoo so I can send them e-mail reminders. I read through my e-mail. Chris came home and we had supper, including the carrot cake. Mmmm. A DVD came from Netflix. I watched it on my computer and it almost immediately put me to sleep. It was in English, but I couldn't understand a word of it. I woke up at 10pm alone. Everyone is in bed.
My in-laws SKYPEd me from Augusta Ga this morning. It was good to see Mike and Kelly again. Gotta love SKYPE. It's expensive to call the states, especially on a cell phone. BUT, on SKYPE you can SEE and talk to the person for FREE.
In this photo I am showing my fabric choices for the spring block exchange. The focus fabric is the purple flowered one.
I have been craving carrot cake for weeks now! Did it have nuts? I want one without the nuts. Guess I'll have to make my own.
Yes, it does have nuts, and cream cheese frosting, too. Mmmmm.
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