Thursday, November 12, 2009

Patti's husband retires

Usually I go to the thrift shop on Thursdays but I was invited to a retirement luncheon for a friend's husband. There was a seating chart indicating table 10 for me. Cathy was also seated there so I had someone to talk to. I also talked to the 10 year old lady sitting next to me. Hard to believe she was only 19. Part of the ceremony was watching two videos by their kids (grown) saying what a great father he is. Then, the doors opened and the kids walked in! It was a huge surprize. Then we lined up for the receiving line and buffet. He gave each of us a retirement coin. Then we filled our plates. I was enormously relieved to see healthy selections on the buffet. I passed up on the retirement cake however. (It isn't a great pic, but I was using telephoto and any motion is exaggerated)
Then I stopped by the thrift shop long enough to say 'hi' and collect some money owed me by another volunteer. I went home to work on my lesson for tonight, but since Toniette mentioned that she would be bringing charm squares, I spent most of my time cutting and organizing packs of them. Then I decided that it would be better to just bring a stack and let people pick what they didn't have. I spent my last few minutes cutting 7 1/2 inch squares of batting for the potholders. When Chris got home, I packed my bag with fabrics and batting and walked to post where I picked up the car and drove to the South Post Chapel (SPC). I set up the room. Toniette offered to make copies of the directions for the class projects. I showed them how to make tissue covers, checkbook covers, coasters and potholders using a quick fold and sew technique. It went over very well. Many were thrilled to have finished projects to take home.
I drove home afterwards, tired. But when I saw wrinkled fabric lying on the couch I was inspired to iron it. However Chris wanted to go to bed early, so I went with him.

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