Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cutting a rug

I made myself get up early this morning. I made Chris a sandwich, then laid down for a short while. Then I did two meditations on the computer. After that I had breakfast and walked to the thrift shop. It was so cold that the walking did not warm me up. But there was no one at the thrift shop, so I went to the ArtsnCrafts center to finish the quilt I started yesterday. I had a little trouble getting started because the machine wouldn't move. Turns out it just needed a shove. But I didn't want to be the one to shove it. Anyway, 3 hours later, I finished. It took the longest time to find the designs I wanted on the computer. Then it got bubbly because I used minki on the back and that stretches. Chris picked me up about 12:30 and we dropped some stuff off at the SPC for class. Then he left me at the thrift shop. Books, books and more books! Well, I got most of them shelved in spite of no heat. The shelves being full, I then turned my attention to videos. We called it a day at 4 and had to promise to come back tomorrow. I don't usually work on Friday's but lost Tuesday due to snow. So ok. Then I took a nap and woke at 5:45. I called Chris to bring me the car. He wanted to drive me to class so I let him. Then he went back to work until class was over. The rug class was well attended. People seemed to enjoy the project and took scraps home to finish. Yea!!!

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