Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tweeted with the general

I started out the day on my computer, waiting for Faye to Skype me. I tried calling her several times as well, but it did not go through or she wasn't there or something like that. About 11 I got a call to come into the AnC center to work on a quilt so that the visiting MWR general can see what we do and how interested we are in the $30,000 quilting machine. I threw out a group invite, showered, and headed out. Cathy picked me up at my gate and we went. Toniette was already there because it was her quilt. We loaded it and basted it and got started quilting. A few other members showed up too. Finally the general and his entourage came. He was so impressed with a QOV that we had on the table that he had an aide take a pic of us (the general, we ladies, and the QOV) with a cell phone and tweet it out to the world. I have never been tweeted before.
After he left, we finished the quilt, and Toniette and I walked home. I got back on my computer to finish all of today's interviews. Then cleared more e-mail. I also Did some research that led to Youtube videos on crystal making. It is interesting what you can make with salt, or vinegar and baking soda, borax, alum, etc.

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