Thursday, July 8, 2010

Quilt class

After making the sandwich, and opening the lid of the bread machine to remind me to make more bread later, I went back to bed. Around nine I felt like getting up. I put newly soaked seeds in my sprouting bag. I put my soaked almonds on my oatmeal. They had an interesting new flavor. I sat in front of the computer with my breakfast and cleared out those e-mails that needed the least attention. Then it was time to take my myriad of supplements, and a shower. Finally I headed out, arms loaded with recyclables. As I dropped them in the recycling area, the lady who cleans our stairwells and some of her coworkers(?) were there and taught me a new word shoe-o-ham-nee-da. Apparently that means cool. She applied it to my hairstyle, which was more appropriate than the weather. HOT! Toe-i-yo! I drove to the thrift shop. Mrs. Chung, our co-manager, said it was Mahny toe-i-yo. Yep. MaryAnne was there to brighten my day. And a lot of videos and tapes - the very same ones that I put out on Tuesday for charity. So I had to box them up all over again, and marked them "Charity! Do not bring back into the store!". We broke for lunch around 12:30. Maryanne brought pizza for everyone. I asked for a squid pizza with extra seaweed. Apparently they were all out. LOL. At 2 I had to leave, and did, arriving home in time to have a drink, some kimchi, and a little rest before my student came. She finished her bag, and for homework is supposed to decorate it. Then I sat back down at my computer to answer e-mail. So many people find time to get on Facebook, how come I can't even finish my inbox? Anyway, Chris came home with the mail. In it was a box of glycerin soap base and a pyramid mold. Hurray! Thanks, Andrea. Then it was time to head over to the SPC for class. I set up the room with what I thought we needed, and intended to work on QOV. But even though both Melanie and Cathy were there to answer questions, I did not get enough of a break to do anything. Cathy did a talk on putting colors together for the sampler quilt class which starts next week. One of the ladies asked me to go to Dongdaemun with her on Saturday to choose fabrics. While packing up, Chris and Michele arrived. He helped me move tubs of fabric back into the locked shelving area. I took some completed QOV blocks home to join into a top. Chris drove us home, leaving my car on post. I spent some time trying to add to the pink project from yesterday. Kinda wish I had more of that fabric.

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