Monday, December 13, 2010

Man fixes machines

I was hoping by now to have a pic of the concert last night, but not so far. Sadly I do not even have a pic of today because I could not find my camera (it was in my sewing room). We got up after 7, so I did not have a lot of time to read with my HappyLight. I had to rush to get ready for quilting. And I was late anyway because taking the large mat and a sewing machine slowed me down. The gate guard was kind enough to help me with the sewing machine. I drove to the SPC, where I was able to open the storage cabinets with my keys. Sadly, the SPC no longer has keys to our closets. They claim they never did, which of course is inaccurate since we borrowed the keys from them numerous times. I think the katusas would remember, but they all 'graduated' so now no one who is left remembers our keys.
Cathy signed in Mr. Kim the Pfaff repair man. We had quite a few machines for him to fix or maintain. He brought a Sashiko machine to demonstrate. Nice stitch, but who would pay $3500 just for that? While he did that, we worked on baby quilts. I was able to sell the large mat. It wasn't to the next person in line, but she didn't show up and I wasn't going to carry that thing back home again. He finished up around 2. Cathy signed him off. The rest of us packed up. Mary and I found a roll of purple fabric in the closet while trying to put the machines away. So we ripped a couple of backings from it (it was the perfect color to go with the stripe) and folded the rest so it would fit better in the cabinet. I left there to go to the post office and get some Priority mail boxes to send presents. Then to to get permission to have Mr. Kang sell fabric at one of our Monday morning get-togethers. Then to ACS to see about setting up a table at their new-comers event next Wednesday. I got a 'yes' on that. Then I went home. I got a call saying 'well, you really don't belong here, but we will let you come once.' I'll take what I can get.
I was listening to some Brain Wave technology Cd's when Chris came home. He fixed turkey soup for supper. I added some cranberry mash (leftover from juicing cranberries all week) to mine and it was good. Michele came home while we were watching a movie with Jude Law as some soviet sharpshooter. Then I finished my last gift, but couldn't figure out how to wrap it. I also put a wider elastic in one pair of jeans. I would have done more pairs, but am out of 1.5 inch elastic. I also search for the church keys in case I accidentally brought them home with me. No dice. I cleaned up a little in my sewing room listening to a Christmas tape, and then it was time to blog.

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