Sunday, May 22, 2011

Constructing the purse

We got up before 9, after Chris got a phone call from someone who could have called at any other time. I had breakfast, and a glimpse of e-mail. We all got dressed and went to church, except for Michele. My in-laws were warmly greeted. After the service, we ate the usual fruit and kimbap. When Shinja cleaned up the fruit platter, she gave the leftover fruit to me. We stopped by the Px to get fiber from the GNC. Someone was selling Korean furniture out front, and my in-laws stopped to look. See pic. Then we went home. Kurt Skyped me and by 'sharing' his screen, allowed me to watch a video clip that Hulu will not let me watch because I am out of the country. Cecily and Chris made eggs and bacon for lunch. After lunch, I worked on Cecily's purse. I got it all finished except for the velcro, which it turns out I don't have. She likes it so much that she wants me to make more. Then she and Chris made supper: cauliflower and pork. I added some kimchi and bean salad to mine. After supper, I worked on my own version of the purse, but couldn't decide on a lining. Cecily said we should go to the fabric market and get three colors of velcro, and a bunch of zippers, etc. so she can have purses made for any season. Ha.
Michele dressed up in her kimono and obi to show her grandparents. Obi's are very difficult to wrap and it took her 5 tries to get it right. But the effect was worth it.

1 comment:

Crissie said...

I'd love to see a picture of your purse. We've all been making pursed and I saw one my friend made when they all went to Lake Tahoe to their twice a year quilt camp. Burrr! Way to cold for me and they did get snowed in and had to stay another day so the roads could be cleared. To cold and bears all around... it's just a kids camp and no heaters in the little cabins and a long walk to the bathrooms. Great Club house with a large fireplace but I need more to encourage me. I went for about three years. Decline now! Love hearing all their stories!