Thursday, January 19, 2012

I should have smelled it coming

I am talking about the potpourri collection. Is there anything I didn't collect? Since Knology was supposed to pick up their cable equipment today, I worked upstairs so it would be easy to hear the doorbell. I washed the walls in the hall and bedroom. They were covered in polyurethane dust. I unpacked three boxes in the master bedroom. Then I went through 5 boxes in the guest room. It was mostly decorative glassware. Some of it went into the donation pile, the clear ones went into the diningroom, and the red and blue ones went back into a box for later. I also found tablecloths, napkins, and placemats in with the glassware. Some of the glass items had potpourri in them, but in other cases, the potpourri was wrapped separately, in paper. Weird.
I took a break at lunch to eat an egg. It was so sunny out that I decided to spend some time raking the lawn. We had bought a rake just for that purpose. It was going fine except for the raw spots developing on my hands. I filled a box twice and emptied it behind the carport. And then the rake broke. Brand new rake, too. Handle is fine, but the plastic top cracked.
Chris came home, we had leftovers for supper and then I vacuumed the main floor, got up some polyurethane dust and some monster dust bunnies. We went downstairs to watch episodes of Castle. We quit a little early to leave time to pack for our trip tomorrow. I've been putting it off as long as I can, but now it is time....
*This is the underside of the pic I posted yesterday. I got two responses to my plea for suggestions. Thanks, ladies. *

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