Sunday, April 29, 2012

Paducah to Huntsville

We were awakened at 5:45 by the loud voices of people getting up to check-out early.  But then we slept in.  When we did get up, we tried to make breakfast, but our food was frozen in the little fridge.  I had just enough water left for my breakfast bowl.  But then I had to hold my jar of icy fermented coconut milk between my legs to soften it so I could eat it.  We took showers, dressed, and packed the car.  We checked out about 10:30.  It is a great little resort and we will remember it for next year.  Jen stopped at Hardees for biscuits and then we headed for Huntsville.  We got to my house about 1:30.  I introduced her to Chris, and we all chatted a bit before she had to leave.  I gave her money for the lodge and gas.  We agreed it had been a great weekend.  She lamented about how much fabric she bought and I had to resist telling her that I bought more on just about every trip I ever made to Dongdaemun.  I have much better control here in America because the price is higher.  Chris started vegetable soup for supper and then I repaid him for all the fabric he bought me.  Wasn't it nice of me to pick it out for him?  He reminded me that I had said I didn't need any more fabric, but I have used up some fabric since then.  Steven's quilt, the kaleidoscopes, the all took away from my stash.  However, most of what I bought were batiks because my stash is so delinquent in them. 
Anyway, I did some unpacking and ran through my e-mail. I went outside to water the plants and rake a box of magnolia leaves.  I noticed that the lilies are showing buds, and two more tomato plants have tiny tomatoes hanging on.  I brought up a box fan from the garage because of the heat.  I had often wished for it in Korea but never dreamed we would have needed it so much there, or that they were so hard to get there.  If we ever move overseas again, I will take a fan (or two).  We ate soup for supper, and some thawing carrots.  I wrote a draft of my blog, and then we watched an evening of MASH episodes.  Chris went to bed, and I downloaded the 100+ pictures I took in Paducah.  I think I will add photos to my two previous posts.

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