Monday, June 11, 2012

Nutricious tea or vicious weed killer?

It rained overnight so I went straight to e-mail and then exercise when I felt awake. I changed the cover on the kombucha because a larger one would give it more cover. I poured boiling water in bathroom sink because the stopped-up water was beginning to smell. I ate breakfast, read the latest e-mail. No audios had been posted yet, but one e-mail had FIVE links to interviews being held through out the day. I sprayed hot pepper juice on the turnip tops, spinach and the pepper plant. They all look a bit wholey. Chris called to say he saw mold in the kambucha. I read up on kombucha mold. Someone recommended spraying it with distilled white vinegar. So I went to Kroger for vinegar, and also found a jelly roll pan. I sprayed vinegar on the weeds in the cracks of the driveway, and on the kombucha. (I had read the vinegar was good for weed control). I spent time picking up sticks in yard. I put dirt in a pot and planted marigold seeds. I called Sharon, the property manager, but there was no answer, so I left a message. Bob called to say he will come tomorrow and use drain cleaner. I told him it was only a temp fix, but he says owner doesn't want to pay a plumber. I went to the sewing room, but had to clean it up first. After I did that, then I started collecting a pile of yellows. Later I went upstairs to check e-mail. I got worried that the new cover was an old tea towel and might have mold spores in it, so I washed it in really hot water and ironed it dry. Then I went out to mow. I mowed the rest of the front lawn and the ditch and part of the side yard. Several times the mower overheated and I had to stop and rake until it cooled off. When it slowed for the last time, I put it away. I guess it takes at least 4 days to mow this lawn. Chris came home while I was raking. He fixed himself a plate. When I came in, he pointed out that the mold had doubled since this morning. I was surprised to see that since I had sprayed it with vinegar twice during the day. I pulled out the scoby and put it in a jar with a little liquid. Poor scoby, evicted from his new home. Then I filled a large spray bottle from the decanter. I sprayed all the weeds I could find. I figured it is kinda like vinegar. I refilled the spray bottle then poured the rest of the tea out. I was very sad and disheartened to see it go. I washed the decanter out with hot water, and poured some boiling water in also to rinse it well, but not break it. When I was satisfied that it was clean, I poured the water out and dried the jar. I ate supper. Chris took me to Home Depot for a Ph tester. We tested the scoby water and it had a ph of 1.1. Yikes, way too acidic. But shouldn't that inhibit the formation of mold? Anyway, I poured in some of the other tea I made on Saturday(?) to balance it out. I am still waiting for that to ferment. I could throw in the scoby from the moldy tea, but I want to test it first to see if it is infected. We got a new movie from Netflix called "Chocolat", with Johnny Depp, although he was not the main character. It was a reasonable chic flick. And now its bedtime.
* pic from Paducah *

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