Saturday, August 18, 2012

The call of the wild yard

It rained last night, so the day seemed wet and gray when I got up to read e-mail. I came across an article about a book called "The Fat Switch" by Dr. Richard Johnson. He says animals who hibernate eat fructose to signal the process. Their appetite increases, they put on weight and their metabolism slows down. This is what is happening to much of the American population. I took a break for breakfast and skimped on the raisins. After a little chi gong, I went downstairs to iron the fabric I washed last week. I had a salad for lunch. I practiced my trombone. Janet sent me pics of our property in Pinehurst. The front looks great, but the back is still mired in pinestraw and debris. For whatever reason, the older frig is outside under the pole barn.
I mowed the part of the lawn inside fence. I raked up all the trimmings from yesterday and generated more. I cut dead wood from the largest azalea. I pulled grass from the garden, and cut or pulled the tall flowers that were falling over. I spotted poison ivy in the flower patch but left it for another day. I put some of the flowers in a vase. I carried the piles of rakings to the back. I found a cucumber, it was almost yellow, but ate it anyway. I did not find a peanut. For protein I ate a turkey burger with raw organic cheese. By then my ankle was hurting so I sat in the recliner and put it up while working puzzles and watching TV. There was a military reality show, kind of interesting. Now its over and I am ready to shower and go to bed. I am looking forward to Chris coming home tomorrow.
* this pic is of my perfectly-edged sidewalk yesterday *

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