Friday, December 28, 2012

Faye to the rescue

First I helped Mom eat her breakfast and take her pills. Then I fixed mine. After breakfast she sat in the den and tried to read a book. She had her headphones on for a bit, but didn't like the show that was on.
I noticed a rotten green 'cutie' in the pile of clementines. I threw it out and washed all the others. I washed the tray, too, and vacuumed the side table it was on. I moved the diningroom chairs into the livingroom and vacummed the rug really well. Then I did the livingroom and what the heck, redid the kitchen and den. Dad wanted to play a DVD but there was a PVC tube in front of the player to help the stand support the TV. I traced all the wires behind the TV to find out if I can exchange the DVD player with the VCR and it looks possible, but I decided to give William first shot at it 'cause he'll want it done his way. Dad took a walk to the bank and was gone when Mom wanted lunch. I sliced up an apple for her and fed her until her splint time was over. Then I moved her to the diningroom to finish her lunch. After her lunch, I combined bags of used wrapping paper into one bag and one box. I moved the bag, box and box of bows up to the attic. Faye arrived at the backdoor just as I finished. I closed up the steps to let her in.
Chris made liver and onions for supper. He also heated up leftover ham for those who don't like liver (himself and Faye). Dad ate more than I have seen most people eat. And not just liver, but everything on the table. When he finally finished eating, he found a way to print the labels and Christmas letter that he was working on all day. I think Chris helped him with it. Faye and I sat at the diningroom table and addressed all the envelopes, stamping them and inserting a letter. The ones for church friends did not get stamped. But we still had quite a pile for mailing. Faye offered to drop them in the mail on the way home.
In an effort to make a difference, Faye and I examined the chair problem. Dad bought a set of 4 rolling chairs so Mom would have rolling chair in the kitchen. But the wheels have been breaking and the store filed for bankruptcy. With a lot of help from Chris, we were able to redistribute the working wheels so that two chairs had 4 wheels, one chair had two whole wheels and two half wheels, and one chair had no wheels. It may seem like an odd arrangement, but Dad wanted it that way and it will be easier on the kitchen floor than protruding stems. Then we got Dad to agree to let the two vacuums in the livingroom go to Goodwill.
It was nearly 11, so I put Mom to bed. Faye came back to help. Then Faye and I chatted for awhile before she left. Now I am looking forward to finishing this post and going to bed.

* This is a pic of Faye wearing the scarf she got for Christmas *

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