Saturday, January 26, 2013

Blanket Bash

Chris came home at midnight last night. I had already gone to bed so I asked him in the morning. He slept late while I checked my e-mail. I ate breakfast around 9:30. I packed for another sewing Saturday with basic supplies, two projects and some seaweed and coconut water for lunch. When I arrived, there were four other ladies present. I sewed binding onto a black and bright quilt, then added two rows to the red, blue and tan quilt top. Before I left, I tried to pull up the app I downloaded yesterday. I was able to get it installed, but couldn't find it after that. Deb found it for me and showed me how to move the icons around. I stopped at the Asian store on the way home to buy sprouts, kimbap, and natto. At home I ate most of the kimbap and read e-mail. I gathered cutting mats, rulers, cutters, and scissors tools, make a way to carry them in a large piece of folded cardboard. I fixed myself a very large salad. After I ate it, I left for church. They were having a blanket bash. I arrived early to show Shannon the new app that simulates one octave of a piano. I saw that the room was set up for action. The tables were labeled as to what state of assembly the blankets on them were in. I started cutting fringe while Shannon cut slits. Other church members arrived and started tying. When the fleece pieces were all are fringed, I moved on to cutting slits. Shannon moved to tying. When the cutting was done, I started pulling each fringe through its slit. This was the slowest part of the process. They joked about passing out M&M's based on how many blankets were finished. And 10 blankets = 1 piece of pizza. Most people were done before the pizza arrived. I helped to pack the finished blankets in garbage bags in sets of 10. As the others were eating pizza, I packed up everything I brought and went home. It took two trips to bring it all in the house. I read e-mail while listening to Chris playing with the voices. Sadly Michele was not amongst them. I researched patterns for teddy bears and dolls thinking that maybe I could make them for the Sunday School kids to bandage for the Good Samaritan story next month.

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