Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rainy day and Sunday

I got up after 8 to eat breakfast, skim e-mail, and take shower. I got dressed and checked the basement after last- night's bad storm (dry). I grabbed my SS bag and headed to church. Shannon was mixing corn starch and water in a large tub. I could not resist helping her. I wiped my hand off before the opening, but it was not effective. The water evaporated, leaving corn starch all over my hand. It ended up all over my dress while we were 'signing' our song. Then we split into groups. I took three small kids to the craft room to make binoculars. They did not have a shepherd today, so I basically made their project for them. Well, they did put the stickers on. When the bell rang, they left. Jennifer came in to ask me to pray for her. Her purse with her green card had been stolen. Even though her driver's license was current, the DMV would not replace it without seeing her green card. Replacing the green card would take 3-4 months and cost $500. She hopes it will be returned. She uses EFT and the law of attraction so I am confident that it will be. We went to the closing session to get the kids who will be singing. Then the kids and the altos lined up up front to practice a song. After the song, I sat in our pew to wait for Chris. Chris sat beside me through the service. Then he went home, while I talked to several people and went home, too. It was raining again, but I forgot to check the basement. I drained the pots of seedlings, and moved them out of the way. I plugged in my phone to recharge. I changed my clothes and unpacked my suitcase and backpack. We made a grocery run. I juiced some veggies and took my vitamins. Chris made bacon for his morning breakfasts, and I made him a loaf of bread. Sadly I forgot to include the yeast. When it came out of the machine, it was solid and small. But he saved it. Later I put another loaf in, including yeast and bacon fat. I listened to a few audios. I clipped the corners on all the fabric I bought. Chris made fish for supper. The fish came from the man next door. I put the lightest fabrics in the wash with the yellow backing that got purple dye on it in the last washing. Chris gamed with some new voices. When he was done, we went downstairs to watch an episode of Bones. I put the washed fabric in the dryer just before we started. But the yellow backing still had purple dye on it. 20 minutes later, I took the damp fabric from the dryer and folded it for ironing. We finished the episode and came upstairs. The second loaf was done. For some reason, it went wild. It filled the pan and all the space up to the lid. i couldn't help tasting it. Again and again. Chris said," Isn't flour the work of the devil?" Yes, but apparently bacon fat is Jesus and saved it from its sins. So good. Then we went to bed.
* Still can't upload photos *

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