Monday, May 13, 2013

Fruits are done

It was cold when I got up this morning. The thermostat read 64. I wore my housecoat through most of my morning activities. I read e-mail, did my tapping videos, exercised - all the usual before breakfast. I even folded the laundry. I skipped two ingredients of my repast. This is my way of isolating what it is that makes me feel sluggish after eating. I am keeping a list so I will know when I have found it. I felt sluggish this morning so will continue the search. I googled coconut mayonnaise. I laid down for awhile, then got dressed, packed a lunch, and took my Project Linus materials and a 40 inch sheet of paper to the church where we quilt on Mondays. The parking lot was full of cars, but not for our group. In fact we had fewer people and fewer tables. Barbara left early to be with Sheryl during her surgery. We waited for updates, but it didn't happen until 6 even though it was scheduled for 2. I sectioned up the piece of paper with a ruler and pencil. Then I drew the letters of Fruits of the Spirit in their proper place and size. Then I worked on the Project Linus blocks. I stayed longer than I meant to because I forgot to wear a watch and time got away from me. When I got home, Chris was already there, with his burrito steaming on a plate. I ate a piece of chicken and made a salad. Then I mowed part of the front lawn. I came in through the garage and proceeded to work on making fusible letters for the quilt. I completed Fruits and came upstairs. Chris reminded me that I was going to cut his hair. So he sat outside while I trimmed away. Then we watched several episodes of Bones. We finished season 5 and started season 1. I know that sounds counterintuitive, but the first two seasons were checked out when we started watching.
* Paaducah pic *

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