Monday, September 23, 2013

Worst. Idea. Ever.

I stayed in bed until almost 9. I read e-mail, folded my laundry, emptied the dishwasher,. I exercised on the rebounder. I had an oops. That hadn't happened since I started taking the vit C. I checked my last bottle of supplements, and there was no vit C in it. I put the Vit. C bottle on top for later. After breakfast, I packed my lunch and sewing box. I got a web in my hair walking to car. I thought I was over my fear of spiders, but that was too close. I drove to the church a little after 11. I set up my sewing machine, worked on the rug. Alice was doing blocks in stripes. Mirna was making arrowhead blocks. Laurie finished her quilt top. Barbara was working on a red, white and blue quilt. Carolyn gave me some of her scraps to use in my rug. Several ladies brought desserts. Some of it went home with me for Chris. At home, I putt some cashews and sunflower seeds in water to soak. I ate some meatloaf. I restacked the dishwasher. I looked for quinoa to soak, but did not find any. I hardboiled 11 eggs, saving one to make more mayonnaise. Chris came home. I was listening to an audio, but I stopped and folded laundry because he kept talking to me. When he was reading his own e-mail, I went back to listening. I made a salad for supper. I made up 8 portions of supplements for the coming week. As I was reading about the benefits of garlic, they said you had to eat it fresh. So Chris peeled me a clove and I ate it. Worst idea ever. My mouth was on fire so I washed it down with the closest liquid, which was coconut water. That put out the fire in my mouth, but not the one in my stomach. I did a lot of tapping, and then laid in bed with a lavender pack on my head until I felt better. I knew I was feeling better when my attention switched from my stomach to planning a strip quilt. When I got up, it was about 7:30. I decided to open and refill the eye mask for the pastor's wife. What came out of it looked like flaxseed with lavender in it. So I had to put some of it back, and then added the new lavender buds. I stitched it shut by hand. Then I looked for an old shirt of Chris' to make a patch for the new one that he ripped. I did not find one, but he gave me one that was too big. By then it was 8, so we sat and watched several episodes of Warehouse 13. Then he went to bed and stayed up to finish an audio by Nadine Artemis. She says sun exposure is good for more than making vit D. The ancient Greeks used it to tone muscle.
* Another pic from the quilt show *

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