Saturday, October 26, 2013

First steps

                                                                                    I slept well again, and
needed to charge my ipod because it ran for hours after I fell asleep. Chris made me a glass of cranberry juice with watermelon. He needed a slight bit of help assembling the juicer. Then he made me breakfast, mostly without my instruction. There was a rip in the sheet near my feet and my toes kept catching in it. Finally I suggested that he tape it shut temporarily. But he changed the sheets instead, which is a normal Saturday procedure. I just rolled from one side of the bed to the other to facilitate the process. Later he put the last of the kale through the juicer and I drank that. All that juice had an effect. I wet a lot of towels, but Chris was doing laundry anyway. I asked for a wet washcloth and wiped myself down, but what I really wanted was a shower. Later, with Chris' help I was able to walk into the bathroom. I took the opportunity to swish my mouth with salt water before going back to bed.  I watched 2 episodes of The Quilt Show season 3, and listened to all the audios for today. I looked through pics of paraments on Pinterest. Chris was getting ready to play with the voices, so I asked if he had time to give me a shower. I was feeling a little stronger. So he helped me do that, then go back to bed. I read my new e-book for hours until Chris was finished playing. Then he came to bed (ours, not the guest bed like previously this week).
*  pic from the quilt show  *

Just for my own notes, I want to record that for the first three days I lived in frustration at not being able to get out of bed.  Then I had the bright idea of relaxing and enjoying the break.  That worked so well that I did no longer wanted to get out of bed.  Then I felt guilty.
Also, I did not get very hungry, and was not able to finish my meals, even breakfast.  Since I literally could not snack during the day, I ate a lot less than usual.  
After calling the dentist and being referred to a root canal specialist (seems a little drastic), I decided to bolster my immune system, swish with salt water, and do anything else I could to fight the infection and save the tooth.
I listened to some Barry Manilow songs on Youtube and discovered that we have a similar vocal range.  Also, while having my grounding wire wrapped around my right arm, my left hand would get shocked when touching ports on the left side of my laptop.   This tells me that the grounding wire works.  It is attached to a metal rod outside the window.  So I tried it in the diningroom with the wire that is plugged into the wall socket.  I did not get shocked, so I have to wonder if the outlet is really grounded.

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