Wednesday, December 4, 2013

First taste of aloe

    I woke up early to go to the bathroom and was surprised that Chris got up to take a shower.  I hadn’t heard the alarm.  After he left, I was in bed and a phrase of song came to me so I went on the internet to look it up.  Ain’t the internet great?  I found it on Youtube and one video lead to another, and so on.  Then I read e-mail and listened to an audio.  I laid on the sofa because my body thought it was too early to be up.  The audio went long, so I got up to write a check.  I swept the floor in the dining room and kitchen. I took a shower and put the check in the mail.  I looked up how to eat aloe leaves.  I juiced broccoli, green beans, the last of the cranberries and a carrot.  I sliced off a section of the aloe and scraped the snot out of it.  I read that it was tasteless, but it had a light, almost fruity flavor.  I put the remainder through the juicer, although I could have rubbed it on my face.  I ate breakfast after that.  I did some cleaning up, and a mediation.  I took my daily supplements.  Then I got Chris’ message about a last minute interview for a job in Puerto Rico.  I cleaned the living areas and kitchen.  I opened the windows and turned off the heat because it was warm.  I did a second meditation.  At 2 I went outside to rake.  It was warm enough to go barefoot.  I had only been at it for 10 minutes when Denise arrived.  I had invited her over since we have so much in common.  She told me about her health journey and I told her about mine.  We even did muscle testing on each other.  Then Chris came home.  The three of us had a good talk, but finally I had to call it to a close so I could go to church.  She left and I was not far behind.  Thankfully all my stuff was already in the car.  I drove to church, stopping at the library to drop off the books on CD.  I was a little late, but Jennifer was rehearsing the kids.  She showed me where the materials for the tu-tus were.  I packed them in a bag.  I watched the rehearsal until 7.  Then the choir practiced for an hour.  I left quickly and came home.   Chris told me I had missed a phone call.  Then I ate supper and we watched an episode of Star Trek.  Then, having gotten up so early, I was ready to go to bed.

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