Monday, May 5, 2014

A great find

I slept in until 9. Mom was dressed and waiting, so I fed Mom her pills and Ensure. Then I exercised, brushed, washed up and dressed. I made and ate breakfast. Then I fed Mom Ensure and cruciferous juice. After that, I took her outside. It was cool so I put her prayer shawl around her. I replaced the boards at the end of the ramp with new ones, but they did not sit flat because of the large gravel there. I took her for a walk around the neighborhood. I had to wipe blood from her nose, wondering how it got there. I had her practice pulling the chair forward with her feet. I picked dandelion and wild lettuce that I found behind the shed. I washed it and ate some, giving some to Mom, but she did not swallow it. Dad took a nap while we were walking, then was eating. He took her blood pressure, and it was 127/60. I checked my e-mail and listened to part of another thyroid audio. I gave Mom her Parkinsons' pill. I cut out a block and some corners for the Annual Conference quilt. I ironed the pieces. Dad left for Fresh Market to get there before it rained, but it started raining as soon as he left. I put bowls out to catch it. I sewed two corners on the block. Then Mom needed to go to the bathroom, so I took her. When I brought her back, I sewed on the other two corners and pressed and trimmed it. That is when Dad came back from Fresh Market. I took a pic of the block, and put it in her purse. I took her splints apart to soak while the first load of laundry washed. Then they went in the washer with the rest of laundry. I helped Dad write checks. I listened to another part of the audio while Dad got more checks. Then when most of the checks were written, I stopped to feed Mom two Ensures. She sat and watched TV while Dad and I dealt with laundry. I read e-mail, trying to catch up. At 10 Dad and I got her ready for bed, then made the bed so we could put her in it. The splint parts were not dry so we put them back in the dryer. I did some new tapping videos, and then the dryer was done. But it was so late that I did not feel like dealing with reassembling the splints. I just wanted to post and go to bed.
*  two more quilts from Paducah  *


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