Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I got up at 8, woken by the alarm from some rather odd dreams. I posted to my blog for yesterday. I read e-mail, and exercised, without an audio to listen to. I juiced, and meditated. During the meditation I started thinking about tomorrow and made a list of how the day should go. I will be doing a saliva test and I have to spit in a tube 4 times spread throughout the day, always 2 hours after eating. I looked up the closest UPS store so I can mail the test kit promptly. I got dressed, and went to the Sew Faithful gathering. I talked mostly to Beverly. Then I went to the Asian store for kimbap, sprouts, and natto. When I got back, I ate the kimbap with kimchi. Then I made breakfast and coffee. I had to clean up the juicer, which I forgot earlier. I did the coffee detox, took a shower, and ate my breakfast. I listened to a short audio of isochronic tones for improving eyesight. I checked my e-mail. I picked my first tomato. It was orange, but that is ripe for that variety. Sadly much of it was rotten, but what I ate was REALLY good. I just wish I had taken a picture first. I started a loaf of bread in the machine, then went to the eye specialist's office. They checked my blood pressure and it was even better than last week. Having slightly more notice, I was able to reduce it. She checked each eye using an eyecover that also has an insert with pinholes in it. The insert actually did make the small letters easier to see. Then she dilated my eyes and took pics of the left one, looking for the spot. The doctor came in and he couldn't find the spot either. He looked up the previous pics on his phone and tried again, but there was no spot. So I was free to go. When I got home, I noticed that it had rained. There is an apple that I have been tracking on the tree and hoping to get as soon as it falls. I went to look and did not see it in the tree or on the ground. It was sad, but I hoped when the eye drops wore off, the apple would appear. I tried to read email or a book, but it was hard. So I laid down until Chris came home. We ate lamb for supper. I called my dad. He talked about a new air conditioner and doctors until his phone quit. Then I worked on large print Sudoku puzzles since my vision was still affected. When the bread machine finished, Chris took the loaf out to cool. When Chris was ready, we watched part of season 6 of BBT. When we came up, it was raining fairly good, so I put out some collection tubs. I posted to my blog and plan to go to bed. 
*  This is Marianne's version of the block of the month quilt.  *

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