* I did not take any pics today so here is one from the Chattanooga show. *
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
To deal or not to deal
Monday, September 29, 2014
Driving on the road
* this is the fabric I used to make the kaleidoscope yesterday *
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Not such a great fabric after all
Last night wasn't so quiet. The wind
rustled the tarp and there was traffic. But I did some tapping and
went to sleep. I woke up before 7 and went in the house to use the
bathroom. I laid down on the bed and ignored the alarm when it went
off because I was having the strangest dream and my mom was in it. I
got up at 8:45 to read e-mail and have breakfast. I took a shower,
dressed, and headed to church. The choir practiced the anthem before
church. During the children's sermon, two of the boys were playing
'musical chairs' beside the pastor. Then one little boy answered the
pastor's question with “I think it was John, because that's my
father's name.” He was cute. We had a substitute organist and she
did a great offertory. The postlude was good too. I think she chose
pieces that would normally be played on a pipe organ, but they
sounded pretty good on our organ too. After the service, we had a
party for two people celebrating their 85th birthdays. I
did not know what to say to them: congratulations on making it this
far? You look good for your age? Hang in there, 100 isn't that far
away? Anyway, I found a paper in my box saying that October 19th
is my day to provide communion bread. Well, I left 4 rounds a month
or two ago. Do they need more than that? I could not find anyone
who would know. Then I went to Publix for groceries. I brought them
home, changed my clothes, and put them away. I looked up healthy
trick-or-treats on the internet. The church wants to do a
trunk-or-treat and asked me to participate. I cannot in good
conscience hand candy to kids. Candy is not the limited treat it
used to be, and now we know the dangers of sugar. I got an e-mail
from my agent that the tenants won't have the money by Monday but
will get back to us about when they can get it. I had to think about
that. I called Denise for her opinion, which was have the agent file
for eviction now. I continued looking on the internet for treats or
toys to hand out. I also thought about how I would decorate my car
for such an event. I wouldn't mind having a small activity or craft.
I made hummus. What would not fit in the jar, I put in a container
for lunch tomorrow. I drove Chris' car around the yard, practicing
starting on a slope without drifting in the opposite direction. If I
do a little every day, then my brain has time to build the new neural
pathways necessary to drive under more stressful conditions. I also
want to insure that each experience is a positive one so I will have
confidence when I go out on the road. I took a pic of some fabric,
and imported it to my kaleidoscope program. I wanted to see what kind
of stack-n-whack it would make. Since my camera card was full, I
deleted most of the pictures on it to make some space. Then I Skyped
with Maryann for almost 2 hours. I watched an episode and a half of
X-files. Then Chris was on Skype. We talked for awhile. Then he
went to bed, and I finished the episode so I could put the DVD in the
mail tomorrow. I checked for new e-mail, and wrote to my blog. I
plan to do some tapping before I turn in for the night.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Laundry day
Friday, September 26, 2014
Pillow tops
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Project Runway
When I woke up, it was after 7. I
remembered that it was Thursday and recycle day. So I went in the
house and laid down for a few minutes, then got up to start my day
with water and e-mail. I read e-mail, and took out the recyclables.
I picked a tomato and noticed that they are looking better now that
weather is cooler. I watered the plants. I exercised, and juiced,
and meditated. I listened to an audio while making breakfast. I also
tapped for how I imagined our tenants must be feeling.
I ate breakfast, and then took my
sewing stuff to my car. I practiced driving Chris' car for a few
minutes before heading (in my car) to Stitch-its. I finished sewing
the blocks from yesterday and pressed them. I helped Pat spread out
her quilt to see if the backing she was making was large enough. It
was not. I left at 2, came home, and watered the pepper that was
planted way out back by itself. I picked another tomato, and ate it.
I also had some beef kidney, and the rest of breakfast with coconut
oil. I called Parker and we decided that they should pay the rent up
front and we will rebate half based on move-out status when they move
out. I heard an audio on adrenal stress, and read an article about
mites having sex on our faces. I started cleaning up the sewing
table. I spread the quilt top on the quilt backing to make sure the
backing is large enough. It was. I watered plants and shrubs with a
mineral solution. I clipped bushy weeds and discarded them in the
compost pile. I planted kale in the seed tray. I laid in the tent
and tapped. I nearly fell asleep. I cleaned the vacuum filter with
a pair of tweezers. I looked up 'cash for keys' agreement forms and
sent one to our agent. I get the feeling that she hasn't done many
evictions. I ate something for supper. At 7:59 I decided to join
the ladies for Project Runway. I put on pants (in case the night air
got cold) and jumped in the car. I drove to Jennifer's house. I
thought the target time was 8:30, but I was the first one there. She
told me all about homeschooling the subject of history. Finally two
others showed up. Jen baked some egg rolls and we talked as the
ladies ate. Then we sat in the livingroom and watched the just-taped
episode of Project Runway. They had invited me because they wanted
to hear my comments on the outfits and sewing. They chatted through
the entire thing and I could not hear the TV most of the time and
could hardly get a word in. In the middle of it, my dad called,
wanting me to find two files online and send him the links. It was
kind of embarrassing having my dad call me when I'm out with friends.
I promised to call him back in the morning. After the show, we
chatted some more, but the evening was clearly over. I'd had a good
time. I drove home, noticing how low the gas gauge was, and
wondering if I had made a bad decision thinking I could wait until
next Tuesday to get gas. I did not want to stop at a gas station so
late at night. I went home and checked on Skype for Chris, but he
had gone to bed. I glanced at e-mail, responding to the personal
ones and deleting others. Then it was time for bed.
* This is Pat's quilt. *
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Cash for keys
I went to bed in the tent, but woke up
this morning inside. In the middle of the night, a critter crawled
under the floor of the tent, waking me up. Then nature called, so I
had to go in. And then I just laid down in the bedroom and went back
to sleep.
* This was a class sample from Tuesday, showing how a quilt can be made with as little as one stack-n-whack block. *
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Free eggs
I got up at 6:30, came in the house and
laid down until 8. I thumbed my nose at the alarm for another 15
minutes. Then I got up to read e-mail and exercise, etc. I juiced a
large cucumber and three carrots. About 10:15 I drove to the church
on Jordan. The group was involved in a stack-n-whack class. It was
interesting to see how the different fabrics were cut up. I showed
off the red dove banner. At 11:20 I walked out with Beverly, talking
about her t-shirt quilt. I stopped at the Asian store for kimbap and
sprouts. I rushed home to put the sprouts in the fridge and grab my
phone. I saw that Parker had called, but I raced off again to get to
the dentist office by noon. They did not take me right away, so I
sat and worked on the binding of the banner. Then the hygienist took
me back for cleaning. The dentist stopped by for the check up. She
explained about how a night guard would help with the pressure of
grinding my teeth. She also recommended botox treatments for that.
And then the hygienist finished the zinc oxide polishing. At the
front desk, I paid and they gave me a sheet of prices for botox and a
night guard. The botox was $500 and repeats every three months.
Yeah, right. Don't think so. Massage would be cheaper. From the
dentist office, I walked to the post office to mail a card to
Michele. I could have driven but did not want to make a left turn on
Whitesburg. Then I went home. I ate the kimbap and called Parker.
We had a nice conversation. We decided to defer using the lawyer
until we serve the eviction notice and see if they move out. Then I
grabbed all the egg cartons I could find (5 bags worth) and jumped in
the car and went to the farmer's market. I gave the bags to the
stand that sells eggs. She was so happy she gave me a carton of eggs
for free. Then I visited the Wagyu man. He brought a frozen tongue,
heart, and liver from the last butchering. I had just paid for it
when another woman walked up. She was interested in organ meats, and
quite disappointed to hear that I had just bought it all. Then I
went to another stand to buy peppers and next to that, apples. I
took my purchases home and put them in the fridge. I wondered if I
should have given back one of the organs for the lady to buy? Then I
read e-mail and listened to an audio about a man who recovered from
cancer through special nutrients to support his immune system. I ate
an egg, and raked leaves in the back yard. I practiced driving
Chris' car in the driveway. I read some e-mail, then swept deck and
patio. Denise called to find out the latest on the eviction. I
watched a short tapping video. Then I got the proposed eviction
letter from Parker. It did not have any 'teeth' in it. So I looked
up the statutes to put specifics into it. Chris skyped me. We
talked about the cost and benefits of getting a lawyer involved.
After he hung up, I bought a Notice of Eviction on-line for $11. It
said it was drafted by a lawyer, but I was pretty unimpressed with
it. So I drafted my own based on it, and sent it to our agent,
knowing that we might go with the lawyer after all. It got late, so
I posted to my blog and went to bed.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Learning to drive, slowly
I got up at 7:30, went in and laid
down until 8. I took out the trash, and put Netflix in the mail. I
turned on the router, drank water, and swished. I took my morning
dose of Vitamin C and read e-mail. I exercised, then remembered to
add a new shower filter to the order. I played a CD called
“Effortless Efficiency” and folded the laundry. I called Parker
to confirm that she got the e-mail, but all I got was her voicemail.
I finished exercising and juiced. Howard called to see how things
were going. I drank the juice slowly, and made breakfast. I ate
most of it and packed a lunch. I rolled my sewing gear out to the
car, and drove to the church. Not many ladies there and no one knew
why. I showed off the red dove banner and worked with Bertha on
Barbara's quilt. I ate lunch with the ladies. Dad called to ask how
to donate to ALS. Carolyn gave me some advice on what to do about
the rental house. Martha told me to soak my foot in epsom salts to
make getting the splinter easier to get out. Bertha drove home with
me. She sat with me while I drove Chris' car up to the mailbox and
back. I originally thought we would be driving around the block, but
the driveway was enough for me. Now I think I can practice that much
for a week. Maybe next week we can go around the block. I brought
in the mail and the trash can. I finished breakfast with added
coconut oil. I sent Dad the ALS link to make a donation. I e-mailed
Chris the amount of a bill, and listened to part of an audio. I took
my second dose of Vitamin C. I raked leaves in the back yard, mowed,
and worked the screwdriver further into the ground. I called Denise
to talk about our agent hiring a lawyer to do what she would normally
do. She told me to call our agent and ask all my questions because
they were good questions. I don't like conflict or confrontation, so
I tapped. Then I called, but only got her voicemail. So I sent an
e-mail. I tapped some more and then researched tenant-landlord law
in NC as well as eviction procedures. I skyped with Chris and shared
my day. He reminded me that he will be here in 2 weeks. We hung up
and I posted to my blog, not sure my day was over yet.
* For some reason, this picture is upside down *
Sunday, September 21, 2014
A good performance - Finally!
Last night I went to bed inside because
it was so late and I wanted to be sure to hear my alarm ring. I
slept well, and it might have been because of all the 5-HTP I took
today. I had the window open and it sounded like a quiet night out
I got up this morning and checked on
the alarm. It was 7:59. So I went back to bed to listen, wondering
if the open window would drown it out. But it did not. I turned on
the router and the laptop. I practiced my trombone using the one
piece I worked on yesterday. I looked at the other piece, but there
was nothing to go on to fill in the blanks. I got the laundry up
from the basement. I exercised, and took my supplements. I checked
e-mail and made breakfast. I read about the benefits of kale and
wondered why I haven't planted any yet. I have the seed packet
sitting on the counter in the kitchen. I watched part of an X-File
episode again, looking for the x at the bottom of the screen that
indicated a deleted scene. This time I found it. I listened to an
audio designed to put one into a zen state. Before it was over, I
realized that my time was growing short. I took a shower and dressed
for church. I packed up my trombone and its stand and put them in
the car. As I drove, the song “Get me to the church on time”
came into my head. I could not remember the original words, so I
wrote my own.
“I'm playing trombone in the
ding dong the phone alarm will ring.
E-mail will miss me, neighbors will SHH
but get me to the church on time.”
And I did get to the church on time.
In fact, it was like being early because the adult Sunday school
class had not yet vacated the sanctuary where we (the praise band)
needed to practice. When they did, we set up and practiced the first
song. It went ok, but the soloist was missing because he did not get
the memo about practicing. Then we practiced the second song. I
sang but did not play. That went well. Then we all sat in the
roped-off section for the service. My trombone sat on its stand next
to me. We performed the first song when the choir usually does its
anthem. For the first time, my part sounded like it fit the song. I
was happy with it. But my heart was thudding afterward. Then we sang
the second song during communion. After the service, I got a lot of
compliments. Even Art Miller said it and he strongly prefers
traditional music. But he liked the glissando at the end. Tim asked
me to consider taking over the financial secretary job (counting
money). As I handed in my 2015 giving slip to Art Lange, I offered
to help him count any time. Then I put my trombone in the car and
drove to Publix. I got the usual groceries along with something
labeled “Yellow Yam”. As I walked out to the car, I was over
come with a feeling of optimism and high energy that I have not felt
in years. I attributed it to something new I am doing or ingesting
this week. I came home to put the groceries away and change my
clothes. I ate some fermented cabbage, and tried the new kind of
cheese. It was incredibly salty and I could not eat it. I found a
piece of fabric to back the dove pulpit cloth. I pinned it on. Then
I auditioned several fabric for binding. I chose one and cut the
strips and sewed them together. I ironed it in half and sewed it
onto the edges of the quilt. I was taking a chance binding it before
quilting it. But it was after two. I packed it with thread and
scissors in a tote and drove to the group that meets in a storage
building. While I hand-sewed the binding down, we talked and
commiserated, and teased. We had a good time. One by one, we packed
up and went home. I left with the last of them. I came home to have
a bite to eat. Chris sent me an e-mail to go to the rental agent,
asking for my thoughts. I sent him my version of it for his
approval. Then we skyped for awhile. I got concerned that the
rental agent would not have time to approve our e-mail (necessary for
legal purposes) so I sent my version to her before Chris sent back
his thoughts. She did not respond so I hope she got it. I went
downstairs to join the ends of the binding so I can finish the
hand-sewing at some point. Then I came up to check e-mail. I got a
confirmation e-mail from Chris. I tried to get into our health care
site, but it would not accept the data I gave it. I will have to
call them tomorrow. Then I called my dad to see how he was doing. I
wrote to my blog and went to bed.
* This is a raffle quilt that another guild made and displayed at our meeting *
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Unusual food
I woke up at 7:30 and unwound the
twine so I could get out of the tent. I went in the house to lay
down until 8. I stayed in bed a little longer and then turned on the
router and my laptop. I cleared e-mail while swishing to detox.
Jennifer had e-mailed me which songs she wants to do in church
tomorrow. So I spent longer than I wanted trying to make a workable
part out of the more familiar of the two songs. I wish I hadn't said
I would do it.
I unstacked the dishwasher. I
washed 2 beef kidneys a lot, and then boiled then in a pot. I hadn't
done this in over 20 years and hoped the results would be better this
time. I also washed and oiled 3 sweet potatoes, and put them in the
oven. I listened to a David Wolfe video on colors in food while I
juiced and made breakfast. I ate breakfast while reading e-mail.
There was a short video from FoodGrowingPeople – they said that
when bugs eat on your plants, that increases the nutrition.
Interesting thought. Then I heard an audio on fermented foods, vs
yeast overgrowth. I laid out in the sun for 20 minutes. I clipped
the tarp to the tent in a way so as to encourage air flow. There was
more e-mail to read. I separated the laundry into two loads, and
took them to the basement. While the washer ran, I worked on a
backing for a quilt. Same for the dryer. There was some fabric in
the wash, so when it came out, I ironed it dry. I came upstairs to
look for a picture of a quilt top and got sidetracked reading e-mail.
I ate some of the sweet potatoes that I baked. One was a Korean
sweet potato and it was purple in the middle, and very sweet. I had some beef kidney too, and it was much better than last time. I
played videos from marsvenus.com. I looked up Faraday cages and
learned about the threat of an EMP. People are building faraday
cages for their short wave radios and other electronics in case an
EMP wipes out the electrical grid. Then I watched the two remaining
X-Files episodes on the DVD. I went back to checking e-mail and soon
Michele skyped me. When Chris was able, he joined us. We had a
three-way chat. Michele told me that I should feel free to tell
people that I am busy when they ask me to do stuff I don't want to
do. That conversation ended after 11:30, so now I really must get to
* This is Elaine's quilt from show-n-tell *
Friday, September 19, 2014
Supplements for everything
I woke early, but did not get up
right away. When I did, it was a little before 8. I cleared some
e-mail, and made a phone call. Then I went downstairs to make the
rest of the piping and baste it to the sides of a quilt, all while
swishing. I read more e-mail, looking for an audio to play while I
exercised. The audio was on ways to boost brain power. Glutathione
was mentioned, and amino acids to make cravings go away, and niacin,
to name a few. I made breakfast and ate it before the audio was
over. William called because he found a sewing basket in his truck.
I had to take some of the piping off because it was too wavy. Then I
put borders on. I added the cornerstones to the borders. I took a
piece of the border and tried writing on it. It was all good. I
laid out in the sun for 20 minutes. The tarp had blown part way off
of the tent, so I pulled it back into place. Parker called while I
was outside so I called her back, but she did not answer. I took a
shower, and then she called. The tenants did not deliver a check and
signed papers yesterday (which was the deadline) but did come in
today to offer another month at the old rent and to start the new
rent next month. I said no and we discussed getting a lawyer to
start the eviction process. Then I had to run to get to post. But I
forgot my badge and had to go back for it. I delivered the quilt. I
also agreed to look at Jennifer's old quilt, which she says needs
restoration or to be made into something new. I had an easy drive
home. I ate the rest of the meat, and took the supplements that I
forgot to take with breakfast. I wrote to Chris about what Parker
and I discussed. Then a big scratch appeared on my hand. It was the
weirdest thing. I put coconut oil on it. I brought in the mail.
There was a small package for Chris, so I e-mailed him about that.
Kurt contacted me by skype text. I raked leaves in back yard for
some fresh air. I listened to a John Gray audio on treating autism
and adhd with supplements and other therapies. Then I watched 2
episodes of X-Files. I saved two more for tomorrow night. I checked
e-mail until Chris got on Skype. We talked and he flexed his muscles
for me. Then we hung up so I could write to my blog and go to bed.
* This is a comfy quilt top that reminds me of the night sky. *
Thursday, September 18, 2014
From overly-emotional to totally bored
I was tired last night and just fell
into bed in the house. I appreciated that it was darker in my
bedroom than in the tent. Maybe my intuition was at work, because it
rained last night. I could hear the cars swooshing by this morning.
I was waiting to hear my phone alarm, but finally got up anyway. It
was almost 9, so I missed the alarm somehow. I took out the
recyclables. I read e-mail and there was a message from the real
estate agent BCC'ing me on an e-mail to the tenants. Finally armed
with the husband's accurate name, I looked it up and saw that he was
convicted of domestic violence. So I wrote her and she said yes it
was him. Then I saw that he was a convicted felon. That threw me
into a tizzy. I juiced, and listened to part of an audio while I
considered. Then I tried calling people I know who might have some
advice. I e-mailed Chris and called his father and our agent in
Huntsville. Al called back and we spoke. Then the agent in
Pinehurst called while I was outside pulling wet bedding from the
tent and spreading it on the fence. We spoke and she assured me that
the laws are stricter now and under the new lease, we will have
options that we do not have now.
On my way to the car to go to
Stitch-its, Denise called. We talked about the situation briefly.
Then she had to go, so I went on to the quilt group. I spoke to some
of them. One said its too bad I don't 'know' someone who can 'take
care of' the situation. Hmmm. Denise called back. After going
through the whole thing, she said it sounded well thought out. But I
remember last night a voice in my head saying “Get them out now.”
After listening to an audio on intuition yesterday, I had to wonder
how much weight to give that voice. When I went home, I made
breakfast and ate it, listening to another audio, this one on the
advisability of dental implants and bone grafts. Then there was one on
nutrition for women. I brought in the mail. Netflix had graced me
with another X-Files DVD. All the bedding was dry, so I refolded it
and put it back in the tent. Then I pulled the tarp over the top to
keep out any rain and excess light. I went downstairs to work on
piping for a few minutes. Then I came up to check e-mail and get
ready for guild meeting. I changed clothes to something appropriate
for air conditioning. And put on my name tag. I grabbed two books
to donate to the quilt auction next month. When I got there, I stood
in line to have my picture taken for the directory. When they
mentioned that they had found my picture from last year, I encouraged
them to use it and I went to find Jodi whom I was supposed to join
for Comfy Quilts. She took my name tag and went to get tickets for
both of us. (We get raffle tickets for bringing our nametags.) We
sat and answered questions about the Comfy Quilt program for those
who stopped by. Then the meeting began with the usual line up. When
they got to our part, Jodi asked for tall people to help show the
donated quilts off. That left me free to do what I like best –
take pictures of them. Afterward the quilts were folded and stuffed
in bags. I told her I would help her carry them out at the end of
the meeting. I regretted that decision because the program was long
and boring. Linda Carlson gave a history of four-block quilts. She said
she had 150 slides and I believe it. I am glad I don't snore. I
would have walked out early if not for my promise. When it was over,
someone else beat me to helping Jodi carry the quilts out. I was so
tired it was hard to drive home – only three miles. Chris was
waiting for me on Skype. We talked about the day's events. He did
not see a downside to the offer. So I guess I will sign it when it
comes to me. Anyway, I drank some water, did some tapping videos
that I hadn't gotten to yet, and downloaded the pics from my camera –
and deleted them since the memory is almost full. I am writing to my
blog now and expect to go to bed soon.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Waiting for Chris
There was a lot of noise last night.
It sounded like a big vehicle moving slowly around the neighborhood.
I could not imagine what that was about. I tapped, relaxed and went
to sleep. I did not need a bathroom break in the middle of the
I woke up before 8, and swept out
the tent, then went in the house. I read through my e-mail. I saw
that the tenants have already accepted the new price but they want
stove and dishwasher replaced. I listened an audio on Six Simple
Things to Balance your Brain, Belly and Booty ” which were broccoli
(sprouts), bubbling (fermenting), being (relax and notice thoughts),
bronzing (sun exposure), bathing (with baking soda and epsom salts),
baking (substituting for flour and other ingredients). I swished
with coconut oil, and exercised, and boiled coffee. My second audio
was Eliminate Anxiety and Emotional Eating
Using Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids. That was pretty good. I
finished my detox, and then talked to Parker about the tenants
wanting us to do the yardwork because of the higher price. I am not
sure what that was about since they don't do it anyway. I laid out
in the sun, and this time no clouds interfered. I picked tomatoes,
oiled them, and put them in the fridge. I sent a note to Parker
about defining their part of cleaning up the yard before we take over
it's maintenance. I juiced veggies and some sweet potato vine. It
wasn't half bad, but the juicer did not like the fibrous nature of
it. I drank the juice and then cleaned up the juicer. I also
cleaned the pot and pan from last night, and the kitchen sink and
bathroom sink. I took a shower, and made breakfast. Parker and I
talked about the new rental agreement that is expected to be signed
tomorrow. I raked leaves off of the porch, the patio, and in the
back yard. I put them on the garden. I ate some meat that came off
of the bones I boiled last night. I listened to a tapping audio
while looking at a quilting catalog that came in the mail today.
Before it finished, I had to change clothes, and iron my wrap-around
pants. Then I took my tablet to choir practice. It came in handy
for some of the unfamiliar songs. When I got home, I drank water
with ginger. I finished the audio. I spent a few minutes pinning
and sewing piping in its fabric strip. Then I practiced my trombone
just enough to say I did it. I sat at my laptop, typing up my notes for
my blog, waiting for Chris to get on Skype. I sang Disney songs with
Youtube for quite a while. I was getting frustrated at how late it
was. I packed the recyclables into their respective plastic bags. I
tied up the trash. I skype-texted Chris. I took the recycling and
trash outside to their appropriate resting places. When I came in, I
saw that Chris had replied, so I replied to his reply and went to the
bathroom. Then he skyped me and we talked shortly. He was tired and
went to bed, and I am more than ready to go to bed.
* Pic taken at the Chattanooga show *
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
* This is an odd shaped quilt from the Chattanooga show. *
Monday, September 15, 2014
Time's up
I woke up early, hearing the birds
sing. My back was less than happy, but I had to admit it had been a
good night otherwise. The temperature was comfortable, it did not
rain, no dogs barking, little traffic noise, and I did not have to go
to the bathroom. It was not as dark as I had hoped since the
neighbors back porch light was on all night. And the cicadas were
loud, but that wasn't so bad. With a little more padding, it might
be ok next time. I stayed in the tent for some time trying to ease
my back. Then I got up and went in the house. The grass was nice
and dry under my feet. It was almost 8. I laid down in my real bed
and promptly went to sleep. Two hours later, I got up, feeling
really frustrated for having lost 2 hours out of my day. I got
dressed and put some envelopes in the mail. I skimmed my e-mail, and
did some tapping. I put on an audio on juicing, and did my
exercises, as well as juiced. I packed a lunch of seaweed, cherry
tomatoes, apple and quinoa bars and went to quilting. At first only
Bertha and Dinah were there. The others were either out to lunch or
at a retreat. I showed Dinah the doll with the broken face. She
said she could get another head if she knew more about the doll and
where it came from. Rebecca and Jody came back from lunch. Rebecca,
Bertha and I worked on Barbara's quilt. Melissa dropped by to talk
to Jody and then I remembered that I had agreed to help Jody in
Melissa's place 'cause she's moving. Sometime after three, we
remaining three packed up and cleaned up. I had eaten my lunch. So
when I went home, I thought I would have breakfast. But I got the
mail and found a box addressed to Chris on the front porch. And then
I mowed the sideyard. Then, I was really hungry and the closest food
was leftover beef tongue so I ate that. I checked e-mail and saw one
from our rental agent. Today is the 15th and the date the
tenants must move out. But she said they had an appt with her over
the weekend and canceled it, saying they would meet with her on
Tuesday or Wednesday to discuss staying and paying more rent. I
remembered buying some mushrooms on Friday and figured they weren't
getting any fresher. So I hunted them up and fried them in a pan
with coconut oil. While I was cooking, and then eating the shrooms,
I thought about how these people never take the rent or our
arrangement seriously. And if they hadn't made an offer yet (which
has been in the works for at least a year), they probably aren't
going to now, so this is just another delaying tactic. I got out my
phone to call the rental agent and saw that Beverly had called. So I
called her back. She wanted to talk about machine quilting a t-shirt
quilt since her machine is like mine. Then I called the rental
agent, and got her voice mail. I left a message saying I was upset
that they neither moved out nor made an offer. Then I wrote her an
e-mail and said I wanted them out now even if it means eviction.
They'd had plenty of time to do more than just talk about what offer
they intended to make. And IF they called her tonight, the price had
just gone up even higher. Frustrated, I went outside to mow again.
I made it to the back yard, then put the mower away. I took some
more blankets out to the tent for padding, and moved the pile of
bedding to another spot (in case the slant of the ground was bad for
my back). I also draped a tarp over one side to cut down on the lights. Then I came back in to check e-mail. Mirna called to find
out where I get my hair cut so she could get hers cut. I took notes
for my blog, and then located the mail (by the front door) and opened
it. I took note of what Chris needed to now and recycled the rest.
I practiced my trombone briefly as I passed it by. I washed out some
intimates, and poured the water on the compost pile. I set up the
laptop in the den and watched an episode of X-files. Just as it
ended, Chris skyped me. We did not talk for long as he was pretty
tired. Then I got dressed for bed and checked my e-mail one more
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Sunday of the Holy Cross
Still, I arrived at church in time to
practice with the women of the choir. We only had two sopranos, but
by the time we sang during the service, there were seven. The
intern gave the sermon. She did a great job with the kids, involving
them in finding cross shapes in the sanctuary because today was cross
Sunday. It happens whenever September 14th falls on a
Sunday. Then with the adults, she had them pair up and make crosses
on each others foreheads. Afterward we told her what a good job she
did. We all gathered in the fellowship hall then to surprise our
choir director with a celebration of her new American citizenship.
The Sanders bought a Publix cake with both the American flag and the
Canadian flag. Elaine and I each brought something healthy to eat.
She brought sliced tomatoes with Parmesan cheese on top. She wanted
my recipe for the quinoa bars. I got to take some home. It was very
crumbly and she suggested it would be a good topping on yogurt. When
I left the church, I went to Publix for groceries. Then I went home.
While carrying everything into the house, I noticed the pepper
needed watering so I did that, and put a dish under it so it can keep
some of the water I gave it. I also watered the tomatoes in the
compost pile. Then I changed clothes and mowed part of the front
lawn. After I plugged in the mower, I cleared some space under the
trees with a rake, and then leveled it with my trowel. I unfolded
our cabin tent, staked it down, and then sorted the poles. I wished
I had a picture. But eventually I figured it out. I was really
proud when I got it up. I used my gauss meter to make sure there
were no electrical fields nearby. I put two sleeping bags inside. I
found an exercised mat and washed it, to add a layer of comfort to
the bedding. I auditioned borders for a quilt, which was easily done
- perhaps too easily- and then removed some pieces to get signatures.
I remade my wool pillow to be lower and put it in the tent. I put a
defrosted beef tongue in a large pot of water in the oven. I mowed
again, still not able to finish the front yard. I put more stuff in
tent, like sheets and blankets. I plugged in my mp3 headphones in
case I needed them tonight to block out sounds. I thought of every
problem I could think of and had a plan. I took some pieces off the
quilt. The beef tongue was finished, so I ate about half while read
e-mail. I called Alfred to ask a question, and we talked about
gardening and growing herbs. I listened to an audio on the evolution
of autoimmunity until Chris called. He did not share my enthusiasm
for sleeping in a tent, but he did not try to talk me out of it
either. I put away the remaining beef tongue and juice, then washed
and soaked cashews and sunflower seeds for tomorrow. I mixed up some
starter for culturing vegetables. I finished the audio and wrote
notes for my blog. After I pick a photo, I will publish my blog
post and spend the night in the tent.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Chattanooga quilt show
I woke up in the middle of the night
shivering. I checked the thermostat and it read 80 as usual. I put
my quilt back on the bed and curled up under it. I never quite went
back to sleep before the alarm went off at 5:45. I took a hot shower
to warm up. Initially I dressed in shorts, but checked the weather
for Chattanooga and saw that it would be mid-70's. Add to that being
inside an airconditioned space, and pants seemed more logical. I
grabbed my lunch bag from the fridge and put it in my backpack. I
thought of a few other things which I quickly grabbed. I ate some
cashews and put the rest in my sack. I jumped in the car and drove
to the church. What should have taken 20 minutes, only took 15 at
that time of morning. The bus was idling and people were on it. I
checked in with the supervisor and boarded the bus. By 6:55 we were
all there and the bus departed. We made two stops to pick up other
ladies on the way. We made one rest stop, and the bus driver got
turned around. I would not want to be a bus driver with a load of
women with smart phones. They all told him he was going the wrong
way. When we got to Chattanooga, he passed the convention center and
kept going. I guess he saw it but could not stop to let us off
because we were on the other side of the street. Eventually he got
the bus turned the right way and idled in the loading zone. Our
supervisor went inside to get the tickets, and then handed them to us
as we disembarked. We went inside to turn in our tickets whereupon
our hands were stamped to enter the quilt show. At first all I could
see were vendor booths. But eventually I found the quilt displays.
I took pics as I went up and down the rows. That did not take long
because it was a small show. The National Quilt Museum had two
displays, but we were not allowed to take photos there. Then I
wandered through the vendor spaces. I bought two fat quarters and a
book. We had hours left before boarding the bus, so I went to the
other exhibition hall. There were cow quilts, patriotic quilts,
island quilts, and 'bad-ass' quilt. Sorry, but that is the word that
was used. I took a few pics there too, and had to delete some from
my camera to make room. I went out front to eat the rest of the
cashews and two apples. Then I went up to the rotunda for some peace
and quiet. I could smell barbeque, baked beans, and cole slaw from
the buffet being served below. I tried to drift off. I did doze,
but the chair just wasn't very comfortable. After more than an hour,
I got up and walked around. I explored the terrace outside. I went
through the quilt show again, in case I had missed something. My
attention was caught by one labeled “Money really does grow on
trees”. I could not find anything in the pictorial quilt to make
sense of the title. Then I walked through the vendor section again,
thinking that they might have reduced their prices so late on the
last day. But no. I did buy some blue fabric in a panel and a
print. I looked for light reds, but did not find what I wanted.
Then I noticed that it was 10 minutes until the bus left. This
group likes to meet early and leave early, so I went out. I was one
of the last people, but then we waited for two others. When they
came on board, we went to a shop called Spool. It was not in a good
place for a tour bus. He drove us around the block looking for a
place to park. Then we had to walk back to the store. Inside I met
ladies from the modern guild. We had a nice chat before they left
and I perused the store. Sadly it was too dim in there to really see
colors and I did not want to buy reds that were not right for my
project. So I ended up sitting outside with a nice lady who has
lived in Huntsville all her life. When we boarded the bus, we waited
for the same two people. Then we were off to Cracker Barrel. I
still had two apples left, but did not see how I could easily get out
of eating with the others. So we lined up at the Cracker Barrel
counter, and were seated in sets of 4. Everyone at my table got the
chicken salad. I ate all of mine except for the croutons and cheese.
The others did not finish their salads. We paid and waited outside
for the bus. I took the chance to visit the restroom, and when I got
back, they were lined up and boarding. I sat with my seatmate, and
we talked on the way back. She got off at the second stop. At the
third, we all got off. I realized that I had prepared a great deal
for getting there, but not at all for getting back. The last part
was one-way. So the lady across the aisle called it up on her phone
and showed me how to get back to the street I started from. When I
drove it, it looked different, but somehow I did make it. I was glad
to get home. It was after dark and I forgot to leave a light on. I
checked the mail, and brought my stuff in. I opened my laptop to
check e-mail. I downloaded and sent Dad the files he asked for. I
had a headache, so I sat in the dark waiting for Chris to call.
Since he and Michele were gaming, I did not want to miss the chance
to speak with Michele. However, when he called, she was gone
already. So we spoke briefly, I told him I had spent lots of money
and he said I was worth it. Gee, I could have spent more! Then he
hung up so I could go to bed.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Delivery day
I woke just after 7. I listened to
an audio that I did not get to last night. I read some e-mail, and
cleared a lot more. I exercised, boiled eggs, and put sheets and
towels in the washing machine. I took my pre-breakfast supplements.
I tried a potassium bicarbonate and diatomaceous earth detox. I
finished the Christmas ball while listening to a memory audio. A
shipment I had checked on earlier in the week was listed as
'shipped'. I had been checking for it every day. In fact, I sang to
Shipped...but not delivered
Shipped...but not delivered
Its in the mail today
Its on its way they say
Just shipped...and not delivered
Well, today I checked the front porch
and there it was!
I stacked the dishwasher, juiced, and
made breakfast. I put a load of clothing in the washer. I sat
quietly to meditate. Then I took a shower, and put the sheets back
on the bed. I filled a water bottle with ginger water, and put some
fermented nut cheese in a baggie for the massage therapist. I sent
two excerpts to Dad as a prelude to what he really wanted. Then I
drove to Ruth's Nutrition. The massage therapist was ready for me.
We talked, then she left while I undressed and laid on the table.
She worked on my back and my neck and shoulders. We had discussed a
facial, but she said my skin did not need it and I had a lot of
tension in my TM joint, so we agreed to work on that instead. It
was $20 cheaper than the facial. Mostly it hurt as she worked the
tensions out, but when she massaged above my ears, it felt really
good. After the massage, we talked in her office and I paid her. We
talked about lots of other methods that we had read about. She
hugged me and I left. I drank some of the ginger water in my water
bottle. Then I drove to the Asian store down the street for a young
coconut. I also got a Korean sweet potato, and some mushrooms. I
took pics of other foods that looked interesting, but I wanted to
look them up before buying any. I paid and drove home. I drank the
rest of the ginger water and mowed in the back yard. The mower
battery did not last long because the grass was high and I stepped it
down a notch. Still, I thought I would have gotten farther. I
pulled weeds in the squash bed, including the dead squash vines:( I
ate the rest of the nut cheese and put the jar in the dishwasher. A
few others things went in, and then I ran the dishwasher. While
washing my hands, I noticed the UPS truck out in front. I opened the
front door and found 4 boxes on the front porch. Some were squashed
and all the contents were hot. I emptied the boxes and put the
contents (supplements) in the fridge to cool off. Then I sat in the
diningroom to listen to another memory audio while taking notes for
my blog. I searched the house for a backpack for tomorrow. I found
one but did not think it was the one I used at Paducah. So I looked
some more. I found a tent, but no poles. I mowed again even though
the mower had not fully recharged. Daylight was fading. Then it was
time to stuff the backpack: water bottles, and a fanny pack. I put
the most necessary things from my purse in the fanny pack. I washed
5 apples and put them in a lunch sack with a container of cashews. I
tried to decide which glasses to take. I set my phone alarm for
5:45. I looked up the Chattanooga Convention Center so I can feel
less lost when I get there. I emptied the dishwasher. I put on a
meditation audio and laid in bed, listening, until Chris skyped. I
talked to him briefly but the connection was so bad we ended it
early. I posted to my blog and went back to bed.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Making half of a Christmas ornament
I awoke with the alarm. I fired up the
router and my computer. I was skimming through e-mail when I came
across an article decrying the Ice Bucket challenge and how it
doesn't do what it is supposed to do in raising awareness of ALS. In
reading the article, I followed a link to a 60 Minutes broadcast
about companies patenting human genes such that other companies
cannot do research on them without their permission. That was
followed by another program on an English stockbroker who saved 600
Jewish children by getting them out of Germany. He is now 105 and
there are 15000 people alive now that wouldn't have been if those 600
hadn't gotten out. I had to stop the video before it brought on yet
another story. I suddenly remembered that it was recycle day, so I
put them in bags and ran the tub out to the curb. On the way back, I
watered things close to the patio. I put on an audio about patient
involvement while I exercised, juiced, and made breakfast. I tried
to finish a video called “Watch Four Corners: Patently a Problem”.
It was about company that patented 'junk' DNA and now is charging
outrageous prices for permits to do research.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Making Quinoa Protein bars
* This is Lauri's quilt top taken on Monday *
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Just love those repeats
Monday, September 8, 2014
Another quilting day
* This is a donation block for Do Good Stitches. I plan to make two of my own to donate. *
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Rally Day
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