I woke early, but did not get up
right away. When I did, it was a little before 8. I cleared some
e-mail, and made a phone call. Then I went downstairs to make the
rest of the piping and baste it to the sides of a quilt, all while
swishing. I read more e-mail, looking for an audio to play while I
exercised. The audio was on ways to boost brain power. Glutathione
was mentioned, and amino acids to make cravings go away, and niacin,
to name a few. I made breakfast and ate it before the audio was
over. William called because he found a sewing basket in his truck.
I had to take some of the piping off because it was too wavy. Then I
put borders on. I added the cornerstones to the borders. I took a
piece of the border and tried writing on it. It was all good. I
laid out in the sun for 20 minutes. The tarp had blown part way off
of the tent, so I pulled it back into place. Parker called while I
was outside so I called her back, but she did not answer. I took a
shower, and then she called. The tenants did not deliver a check and
signed papers yesterday (which was the deadline) but did come in
today to offer another month at the old rent and to start the new
rent next month. I said no and we discussed getting a lawyer to
start the eviction process. Then I had to run to get to post. But I
forgot my badge and had to go back for it. I delivered the quilt. I
also agreed to look at Jennifer's old quilt, which she says needs
restoration or to be made into something new. I had an easy drive
home. I ate the rest of the meat, and took the supplements that I
forgot to take with breakfast. I wrote to Chris about what Parker
and I discussed. Then a big scratch appeared on my hand. It was the
weirdest thing. I put coconut oil on it. I brought in the mail.
There was a small package for Chris, so I e-mailed him about that.
Kurt contacted me by skype text. I raked leaves in back yard for
some fresh air. I listened to a John Gray audio on treating autism
and adhd with supplements and other therapies. Then I watched 2
episodes of X-Files. I saved two more for tomorrow night. I checked
e-mail until Chris got on Skype. We talked and he flexed his muscles
for me. Then we hung up so I could write to my blog and go to bed.
* This is a comfy quilt top that reminds me of the night sky. *
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