When the casserole was
hot, I wrapped it in a very large towel and carried it with
potholders to Chris' car. My sewing stuff was already in there, so I
was ready to go. But I went back for neutral fabrics to cut more
strips from. I arrived at the church before noon. Doris invited me
to choose a gift from the basket she carried. It felt like two
cookies, but turned out to be a really cool tin of pins. I went back
to the car for my sewing stuff. We all sat down for our potluck
lunch. My casserole seemed to go over well. Barbara's husband
stopped by for a bit, too. He was looking for someone to hem pants.
Dinah brought Michele's doll back after looking for a new head, but
there wasn't one, so she reglued the pieces of the head and did a
much better repair job than I had done. I gave her what she asked
for but thought she deserved more. I sewed strips on onto the base
triangles. Mirna stopped by to chat. I cut more strips for
triangles from the fabric I went back for. It was dark when we
packed up to go home. I made three trips to the car to be sure I
didn't drop anything: the casserole, the doll, the sewing stuff.
When I got home, I brought in the mail and made breakfast. I sorted
the mail and marked the bills. I ate breakfast while reading e-mail.
A box arrived: the lantern battery.
Chris skyped me while I
was trying to figure out one of the ball puzzles. He asked how I
felt about him coming home in March/April to drive me up to
Washington to see our daughter when she arrives in the states. I
looked for pictures of the cross wall at church to see if people were
putting their names on the ones they donated. But I couldn't find
one, so they must be on my laptop, which is still in the shop. I
remembered that I needed fat quarters for the game on Thursday. So I
cut 2 and then recalled that there were a bunch left over from last
year. I got those out and made a pile. I tried suspending the 2”
PVC poles on ½ “ poles, thinking the larger ones would rotate
freely on the smaller ones, but they didn't. Back to the drawing
board. I cleared most of the items from the rug in the computer
room, then tugged the rug forward and to the left so my chair wheels
won't catch the corner so often. Then I got out my trombone and
played the piece Mary gave me on Sunday. It went well, but I need to
practice for endurance. That will be tricky while I am visiting my
dad. By then it was after 10, so I posted to my blog, tried really
hard to ignore the ball puzzle, and went to bed.
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