Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What really happened?

I woke up from a dream about strange sea creatures used as fish bait, and throwing a piece of rotten fruit. It was before 8, but I got up anyway. I turned on the router and swished. I checked e-mail and juiced. I threw out the last piece of aloe. I thought putting it in water would keep the end from drying out, but it just got waterlogged and slimy. Art called and asked to count money tomorrow. Arrgh! I told him I could do it at noon. I realized that that could play havoc with my schedule. I wondered afterward if I should have picked a later time and tried to get in the sauna early. I got dressed, and drove to quilting. As I talked to Beverly, I worked on my hexecontehedron. She asked me to go quilt shop hopping for something called Row by Row. It starts in June. Before we left, I went to the bathroom. I had an OMG moment when I saw myself in the mirror and thought “I am not fat. How is that possible?” It was a good moment. I stopped by the Asian store but there was no kimbap. So I just got sprouts, and came home. I made breakfast and was checking e-mail when Jen called. She mentioned a tapping video I should see and said she couldn't go Thursday night. I finished my breakfast and mowed. I dug up some soil for seed tray. I planted peas, lemon squash, cucumber, a salad mix, and ground cherries in it. I sprinkled leftover pea seeds in the flowerbed. Extra cucumber seeds went in the garden. I put more kale seed in the in kale bed, and salad mix nearby. I made notes of these items to post in my blog so I would remember the order in which they were planted. I watched the top 10 shockingly horrible geniuses. #1 was Henry Ford for inspiring Hitler to act against the Jews. Wow! Then I came across the following video – which combined classical music and humor.
I ate some cheese and an egg and some fruit for lunch. I took a break from a health audio to mow for a few minutes, wishing for my new battery to arrive. Then I finished the health audio (on hyperbaric oxygen therapy, IV vitamin C, and phosphotidyl serine therapy and others ) and ate some chocolate and dates. I watched another audio, this one on tapping. I went outside to plant a few more seeds, and do more weeding. I totally forgot about the sweet potatoes I had put in the oven earlier. They were perfectly done when I rescued them. I ate one with butter. I listened to an audio while filing bills. I was watching what I thought was a live Google hangout on pendulums when Chris skyped me. I called him back when the hangout went commercial. We talked for awhile and he sang me a song. Then I worked a Sudoku puzzle, and listened to an audio on tapping for trauma. As I was typing up my notes for this blog, I googled Ford and Hitler. What I came across was a completely different history from the one I learned in school. It was a history where the large companies like Ford, Morgan, Standard Oi, etc instigated wars so they could sell to both sides and make more profit. I was sickened and disgusted. Not only did Ford inspire Hitler (and his Gestapo), he financed his campaign.
I do not know if I can sleep tonight.
* kale from last fall *

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