Thursday, September 17, 2015

Last guild meeting for me

I got up with the alarm, already kind of awake. I turned on the router and practiced my trombone. I turned on the laptop and started swishing while reading and deleting e-mail. I took out the recyclables and put a check in the mail. I looked for valuables to put away before the house could be shown but could not find them. So I sent Chris an e-mail about that. I did some picking up. I exercised, and tapped. I read and signed a petition on net neutrality. It seems to me by my recent internet searches that the results are already being filtered. I juiced and meditated. I made and ate breakfast while listening to an audio on the time of the Shemitah. It was interesting but not news I could use. Then I went to StitchIts. I showed Cheryl my license plate from Texas and she said she could trade tonight. Anita gave me her block for my purple leaf quilt. I worked on the binding for Kurt's quilt and talked to the ladies. I told them that the guild meeting tonight would be my last. I got home and ate the last of the sweet potato casserole. I read the file from the rental agency – they want everything wiped and disinfected: baseboards, cabinets, fans, light fixtures, appliances, windows, etc and breakers turned off. Nothing about the yard or removing debris or a walk-thru. I sunbathed for half an hour. I took the chair away from the front door when I realized that once someone got into the lockbox to get the key, they could use it on the back door just as easily. I took my duster on a stick and swept around the ceiling for webs. I raked up all the yard trimmings from yesterday and put them on a pile near the carport. Using an old broom, I swept webs from the windows (like they won't come right back), I printed off a show-n-tell form, then went through my blog to see what quilts I had already shown off. That was taking forever so I went to the guild website, but could not find any show-n-tell folders. I know they take pics, so what do they do with them? I went through my quilt collection to see if any jumped out at me as needing to be shown, but nothing jumped out at me. I made some goat egg salad, and got washed up for the guild meeting. I made a new batch of breakfast spice mix. I put on pants because the meeting place is cold. I ate some chocolate with dates, then got my name tag and went to my last guild meeting. I dropped off the two quilt tops that Denise gave me. I said goodbye to a few people there. Shelly gave me her purple leaf block. Now I have 25. I sat with Marjorie for the program which was about quilts of valor. Cheryl was not there to trade plates. I talked at length to several people afterward who want to read my blog when I get to Chinhae. When I got home, I remembered that we had all turned our phones off, so I turned mine back on. I was relieved to see I hadn't missed any calls. I checked e-mail, then started watching the next episode of NCIS. I paused it to talk to Chris when he skyped me. We talked about what should go in unaccompanied baggage. Then I finished the episode. I decided to post to my blog, feed the bacterial colonies and go to bed.
* I don't remember whose quilt this is, but it is impressive. *

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