Sunday, November 29, 2015

Church in Korea

I heard my alarm go off, but ignored it. We slept late, but I worried about getting to church. I guess we got up about 9:30. I took a shower, then made breakfast and got dressed while Chris took his shower. I poked my head in to tell him goodbye before I left for church. A cab was supposed to pick him up at 11. I made it to church by 10:30. Jane was waiting for me. I only knew one of the three songs we sang at the beginning of the service. The words were projected onto a screen but I did not know the melody. The chaplain gave the sermon, which was a lot like a history and culture lesson. Then Jane hurried us out so she could use the restroom and get a ride from another couple. I don't know where they were going, but she asked them to drop us off at the Korean church for lunch. But that church wasn't over yet. We climbed to the third floor balcony. I had hopes that no one would be there, but it was almost full. We had to go to the last row. The preacher was preaching. I could not understand of course. But it struck me that everyone else did. And it seemed like I should be able to as well, somehow plugging into the shared knowledge all around me. I paid close attention to the words and body language, but I just did not get it. I wondered if I were intuitive enough, would I get it in words, pictures or feelings? Every so often the people would laugh. I wondered what would happen if I stood up and shouted “Amen!”. At the end, they projected a song on the screen – the words and the music. All I could read was the music, so I hummed along. After the service, we made our way to the lunch room. We took off our shoes and stood in line. There was a seaweed salad, a sprout dish, a fishy noodle dish, and of course rice, kimchi and soup. Jane really filled her plate, but she said it was breakfast, lunch and dinner for her. Sook, the firechief's wife, said I could stay and get a ride back with her husband, but it wasn't that far and I thought Jane wanted to go to the park, so I declined. But when we got out, Jane had other plans and I walked back by myself. When I got home, I rearranged my clothing drawers so the items most likely to be worn would be the most accessible. And then changed my clothes. I read some e-mail. I took my supplements and ate an apple. I added Jane's e-mail to my phone. Somehow my phone had downloaded all the e-mail addresses from my computer. There were way too many to scroll through, so I started deleting them. There was a pop-up message telling me that if I deleted them from my phone, the next time it synced with my laptop it would delete them from the laptop. What if I want them on the laptop but not on my phone? So I turned off the sync feature and hoped I would remember never to turn it back on. There were plenty of people listed that I did not remember. I left a few that just might be people I recently met. I put the goji berries (which weren't and tasted awful) in a pot of water to make tea. Chris skyped me from Narita. I melted some shea butter in my palm and mixed it with the first oil I found – oregano, and put that on my ear. Ouch! I looked at Pinterest ideas for gift baskets and bows for a long time. I sent some to Myra. I sang Phantom of the Opera songs with Youtube. I drank the tea and mixed a glass of water and psyllium husk. I anointed my head with coconut oil to soften my hair. I looked at interesting ways to restyle a t-shirt by making cuts. I wished I had an old t-shirt. Finally I decided to go to bed. But my laptop was playing music and I could not figure out where it was coming from. It turned out to be one of the Pinterest pages that was open in IE. I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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