Sunday, December 20, 2015


Chris got up to get ready for church. I stayed in bed longer, and then got my morning started. He left for church at almost 9. I exercised and ate breakfast and took a shower ending with a cold rinse. It seems to help inure me to cold weather. I put on black panty hose and a full-skirted dress. I went through several accessory changes until I was satisfied with the effect. I assembled a blue 5-petaled flower for Jane. Then I walked to church. I met Chris walking back. Church had already started when I got there, but I was in time to sing the opening hymns. I sat with Jane and gave her the blue flower. After the passing of the peace, I used my solid hand lotion bar and offered it to Jane. She said to order her one next time I place an order. Since I don't have the lady's e-mail address or street address, I don't know how to order more. After the service, Jane left early to hear the preacher at the Korean church. I talked to Kathy and her kids love cardboard. SoYung told us that her friend has a 12 year old daughter and wants to put her with an American family for cultural experience here on base during the school holiday. The friend is willing to pay. Kathy told her that it would be illegal for the child to stay on post for an extended time and for anyone to accept pay. But on a daytime only basis it would be ok. I thought about it for the rest of the day, wanting to help but not seeing quite how it could work. Chris showed up at church and we walked to the Korean church, a little early for lunch. When the service let out, Jane met us and we went into the fellowship hall. I was able to sit on the floor wearing the dress. I was complimented on my good looks. We had bowls of rice and a black bean soup with rice balls. I don't know what was in the rice balls, but I did not like the texture of them. Very chewy/slimy. I gave my rice balls to Chris. After lunch, we walked back to base. Chris went to the commissary and I walked home. I changed my clothes and Chris walked in with groceries. I laid down to rest my back. When I got up, Chris was watching a Japanese movie. I sat and watched with him. When the first disc was over, Chris took a nap. I wiped out the black Korean chests. The loose shelves inside were chipped because the packers did not wrap them. I wrapped them in paper and put them at the bottom. I placed all my quilts inside. I unpacked DVD's and a few other things from another box. I smoothed and folded packing paper to be sure nothing was inside. Chris got up to help me get to a few other boxes. We found a computer keyboard and my salad spinner. No cookie sheets. I used double-sided tape to hang a Christmas panel above the fireplace. I hung my two Christmas tablerunners from the mantel. Chris made his supper and I made mine. We sat at our laptops. I looked at cardboard Pins and deleted e-mail. I listened to an Ayurvedic doctor talk about depression and anxiety. I glued some Sudoku petals together. I looked up bread recipes, trying to remember how I used to make bread for Chris. I made some white tea, and we watched the original Tron. Chris went to bed and I fell asleep on the couch.
* spice rack *

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