Monday, July 18, 2016


I slept well last night after listening to 10 minutes of a meditation. I dimly heard Chris leave in the morning and later my alarm went off. I figured he had gone to work early like last week. I got up and brushed my teeth. I started swishing and sat on the front porch to see the early sun. Chris came back from PT, all sweaty and ready for his shower. He understood that I was swishing and could not speak. After he went in, Kelly drove by. She stopped to ask if I was going to the Alpha store. I had to spit in the strawberry bed in order to answer her. I did not know anything about the trip. I came in to drink water and drybrush and make coffee. Later, I thought I heard my phone buzzing. I turned the sound on, and saw a message from Nela telling me about the Alpha trip and asking where I was and why I did not answer the phone. I wrote back that I had turned it off for church and had other plans for the morning. Within a few minutes, Nela stopped by to ask if I wanted to go to Alpha but I had already done the exercises and taken the niacin so I said no. She pressed but I insisted. She went back to the van and they started their trip. I caught up on my meditations by doing three of them. The coffee morning lasted until 11:30. I started cleaning my bathroom, then I decided to clean Chris’ too. And one thing led to another and I vacuumed and mopped the floors, then vacuumed the bedroom and part of my sewing room, but then stopped because stray threads could tie up the beater bar. When I realized Chris wasn’t coming home for lunch, I cleaned the kitchen and various containers that I use every day. I mopped floor, then made and ate breakfast while listening to an audio. I did today’s puzzle. I took the bathroom rugs out of the washer. I cleaned backing pieces off the floor and out of the washer tub. I put some things back in place. I took a cooler to Myra. I stopped at Chaun’s place, but she was not home. I talked to Myra and then Scott when he got home. I left at 6 to put the rest of the stuff back in the utility room before Chris got home. I watered the lettuce and left the bug-eaten one outside the tulle covering. I was reading e-mail when Chris came home. He had a package from Swansons. He also said he noticed I had been cleaning. While he ate supper, I kept reading. I submitted an Amazon order to replace the items I was going to order from I tried to print the trombone music but it took too long to get the old desktop to cooperate in pulling up the e-mail and downloading the file. I stopped so we could watch Bones. We saw three episodes. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog. I played a little air trombone to exercise my lip without waking Chris.
* These are the tomatoes I picked today *

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