Saturday, May 6, 2017


I played the CD in bed last night, but it was too loud. And when I tried to turn the volume down, it would go silent. I guess that was the fault of the player itself. Anyway, so once the first part was over, then the homemade delta part began. It wasn't too loud, but it did not put me to sleep. It went from 4 b/s down to 1 b/s and maybe it needed to be slower. Eventually I fell asleep.
I woke up hearing Chris take his shower. He had already taken the food waste out. It was 8:30. I stayed in bed a little longer, but was up before he left. I drank a quart of lemon water and checked e-mail. I called Myra and we talked for a while. She was getting ready for her vacation. Dynee texted about going to the bank at 11. I made breakfast and got a few bites before it was time to leave. I got dressed and we walked down to the bank. It was open. We were invited to sit in the office. We talked to the head lady about getting an account for the FRG. She said we could re-open it with the same name and TIN number if the number was still available with the IRS. It sounded so simple that I wondered why it hadn't been done before. Dynee called her husband to make sure the previous name was ok, and then we tried to look up the TIN, but apparently that needed a call to the IRS. When we got back, I contacted Maria, our treasurer, and asked her to handle it. She also said all the notebook stuff I gave her was outdated and could be shredded. I told her to go ahead and shred whatever she thought was appropriate.
After our conversation I realized I had forgotten one thing. I texted her to ask if she minded if I mowed her lawn. While waiting for an answer, I looked up my pictures from the Christmas party. I identified as many people as I could. I sent the names to Amber so she could deliver the Christmas ornaments that she bought specifically for the party.
Maria didn't mind. So I put on long pants and rugged shoes. I rolled the mower to her place and proceeded to mow, creating straight lines all across the area. Being on the corner, she had a lot of grass (and weeds). But I stuck with it until it was all mowed. I was nearly faint with heat and thirst. I rolled the mower home and had several glasses of filtered water plus a large container of coconut water. I took a break to sip in front of my laptop, checking e-mail. I had something to eat as well. I scrubbed my teeth with a washcloth dipped in baking soda. Then I sipped vinegar. After the chemical reaction subsided, I rinsed out my mouth, feeling clean, but still not as white as I hoped.
Then I went outside to fertilize the plants. I put a tablespoon of seaweed fertilizer in each milk jug of water. I watered the potted plants first, then the planted ones. I used two on the strawberry patch. Standing by the strawberries, I saw the window needed washing. I got a small spray bottle, a bucket of soapy water and some paper towels. I scrubbed at the glass, but could not get all the water spots off. I cleaned the tracks and sills. Then I poured the bucket of water into the ditch behind the house. I went back inside, to make seed crackers. While they baked, I was online, reading the handbook for FRG's. Not exactly exciting reading. I played an audio and sat by the infrared bulb. Chris came back from the battlefield. He and Ross had found some stuff, but he didn't bring anything home. Continuing to listen, I caught up on Sudoku puzzles. Chris did two loads of laundry. I paused my audio so we could watch TV. I cleaned my teeth again, tracing around the edges with a special tool. Then we watched two episodes. Chris stayed up on his laptop. I tried to remember everything I did today, in order. I posted to my blog and probably went to bed.
* Here is Dynee's quilt. *

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