Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The mail and the mall

I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating. I got up in the dark and smiled when I realized there was no chance I could step on a centipede. Then I went back to bed.
I heard Chris' phone alarm go off at 5:30. It took him a while to find it and shut if off. After he showered and dressed and left, I went back to sleep.
I got up at 8. I looked up the sewing machine I bought yesterday to see if it was an expensive one, but found no info. And no place had bobbin cover plates. Maybe that was why it was in the thrift shop. I swished while looking. Somehow I got onto Pinterest, looking at vintage toys and TV shows. I drank a quart of lemon water, then closed all the Pinterest windows. I put on soothing music and prepared for a meditation morning.
I did the exercises that I ought to do every day, as well as the drybrushing. I tapped and meditated. I was afraid the maid would interrupt so I got dressed and went out to ask her if I could just leave the kitchen trash in the hallway. She said yes, so I left it there for her to empty whenever she wanted.
When my meditations were finished, I cleaned up the kitchen. I made up a new batch of supplements and put in a Swanson's order for more. I brought in the empty trash can. Then I went out to the car. I considered driving to the post office but decided to walk. When I checked our mail box, there were two pieces of mail. I brought them back, stopping at the car to get the plant and the step stool. I watered the plant but was afraid it might be too late.
I read online about the Media Mail rate at the post office. It doesn't seem like sewing machines are covered, unless being mailed to a hospital or museum or university as research equipment. So I looked at sewing machines online at They had one for $20. The reviews were good on the Walmart site but bad on Amazon. Then I found a better machine, refurbished for $46 with free shipping and it got great reviews. I decided that was better. I tried to order it and have it sent to Myra for the sewing group, but the address would not go through. I tried to chat with the customer rep but the chat got disconnected and she didn't call back.
Then Chris came home. He changed his clothes and wanted to go to the mall to get a new battery put in his watch. So we went to Parkplace Mall. We stopped at several jewelry stores that said their watch repair person had just left. Finally we found the jewelry counter in Belks. A man there replaced Chris' watch battery while I looked at the jewelry. Then we came back to the hotel.
I made breakfast and ate it. Chris went to the social hour downstairs and came back with hotdogs and baked beans. I tried the baked beans, but immediately had a hot flash. I read some e-mail. Then I realized that the order didn't go through because I had left out part of the address. So I entered that and it went through.
I listened to part of an interview but realized I wasn't hearing anything new. I listened to a meditation/visualization. I wrote up my blog so far. My tablet needed charging so I left it plugged in the room. I went downstairs and out to the patio. I sat there enjoying the sunset for half an hour. At 7 I went back to the room. Then we watched an episode of the Last of the Mohicans series. I was not impressed, so we switched to The 4400. That was better. We watched two episodes and then I took my evening supplements and went to bed.
* This is our lovely brown and black décor. *

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