Saturday, September 16, 2017

The missing armies

We slept late and did not get up until 9 or so. I drank lots of water in order to keep from clenching my teeth. My current theory is that dehydration is responsible. I read e-mail. I looked at the beginning and end of the September 10th service in Korea to see if there was any announcement about the new chaplain. But there was nothing on the recording.
I rearranged the items on the kitchen counter top, then made and ate breakfast. I swept the master bathroom and parts of the livingroom. I boiled the ginger slices again. I poured the water into egg molds to make more ice cubes. Then I watched Chris unpack the last of the book boxes in garage. Our neighbors drove up and we talked to them briefly.
I made a list all bulk supplements and foods. I typed them into a spreadsheet so I could easily alphabetize them.
We wanted to take a walk and it looked like rain. So first we moved the recyclables back into the garage. Then we went for a walk. Chris was tracking it with an app on his phone. But after a mile the rain started. So we walked back quickly.
I found another cache of supplements for the list and added them. Then I laid down on my new far infrared heating pad while listening to an audio on my laptop. I nearly fell asleep.
After that one was over, I listened to another one while making seed crackers.
Chris went to 5pm Mass. I read e-mail while listening to the neighbors out on their back porch. Since it is side-by-side with ours, they sounded like they were in our back yard. Duplexes were better designed for privacy in Korea.
I went looking for my ice cube trays and chocolate molds. What I found was bins of lead men in the bottom of a wardrobe box. I took my book and sat outside reading. The neighbors had gone inside so the only disturbance was the drip-drip-drip of the downspout.
Chris came home and cooked brown rice noodles. When I came in, they were done. I topped them with the salsa from the orchard. It was quite good. I told Chris about the bins of lead men. He got them from the garage and brought them to the dining room table. But he was too upset to open them because they had been packed in the box on their sides.
I checked e-mail, then went back to reading the book. At 8, we watched TV: something called Above Suspicion. It had gory pictures in it. I hoped they wouldn't stick in my head later. After TV, we made the bed together. Chris went to bed and I wrote my blog post from notes I jotted during the day.
* Another picture from the orchard. *

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