Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Fridge is fixed

I got up at quarter of 9. It was coffee morning, so I fiddled with the desktop computer to get some meditation music. I opened the blinds to let the sun in. Then I heated water and did exercises, meditation and tapping. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen counter tops. I filled out the online guild form. I ironed the coffee pot lid so it would fit better in the coffee pot. I vacuumed the bedroom floor. I blended up kefir grains with chunks from an aloe plant. It tasted ok. Then I ran hot water from the shower filter to start an Epsom salt bath.
Just then, two men knocked on the door. They were here to fix the fridge. I let them in to work. I washed a large red tub in the other bathroom, waiting for the tub to fill up. Then I soaked in the bath with kosher salt and Epsom salt and Himalayan salt. It left grit in the bottom of the tub. After a nice soak, I took a cold shower and got dressed. Then men were just finishing up. They said the drainage line had been blocked but they were sure this time that it wasn't blocked anymore. One also said that he checked on the missing shelf. For whatever reason, the company had no record of a shelf on order, but now they do and it should be here in 3 to 5 days.
After they left, I made and ate breakfast. I started listening to a replay. It went long and there was no way to pause it or to skip ahead. So I played another audio at the same time, keeping an ear out for the tapping part that was promised. Chris came home with boxes from post office. I opened the packages. There were finger lights to hand out on Halloween.
I got really mad about the replay that was wasting my time. Chris asked for more bread
so I started a loaf. He started supper. I heard the tapping part come up finally and I tapped along. Then I hung a picture and a mirror. I also chose a suitcase for donation. I wanted to pick more, but Chris said we needed to keep six suitcases.
I put on long pants and went to choir practice, arriving 10 minutes early to practice a trio for Sunday a week.
When I got home, the place smelled like fish. Chris had made fish soup and roasted veggies. I ate some of each. Then I put the rest of the veggies away. He put the soup away. I made a cup of hot bone broth to drink with my supplements. Then we sat in the living room and watched one episode of The A-Team. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* A nice fall quilt from the show. *

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