Sunday, January 7, 2018

Ah, we meet again!

I got up before 8, thinking it was later. The thermometer on the back porch read 26 degrees. Chris was already up and engaged with his laptop.
I drank water and read e-mail. Then I took a shower and dressed in a nice top and slacks to stay warm. I made breakfast but only had time to eat half of it.
At 10 I went to church. The car said the temp was 43. I got there in time to warm up with the choir. We had a few minutes to ourselves after that. I kept my coat with me since the church did not feel warm. Then the service started. Today was baptism Sunday, so the pastor had us file down the center aisle and stop at the baptismal font to dip a finger in the water and make crosses on our foreheads.
The rest of the service was fairly standard. The sermon was about how we don't need sin-eaters because we are forgiven.
After the service, I put on my coat and drove home. I needed my sewing machine for Renegades. I hadn't brought it with me because I was afraid it would freeze in the trunk during church.
When I got home, I finished breakfast. Chris put my sewing machine in my trunk. I drove to Renegades, which was a straight shot down Drake. Turnout was lower than usual, but solid. I turned in the QOV top. She was very happy to get it and held it up so I could take a pic. Then I held it up so she could take a pic. Afterward, I worked on a top I had started two months ago. Others worked on the pattern of the month, but then they had been there since 9am or so.
Norm handed out round wooden discs with seam rippers in them. I gave him a lip balm. Tina gave me a bag with 5 homegrown lemons in it.
At 3 we started cleaning up and several of us stayed to wait for Lynette. I helped Tina take pics of the quilts that were turned in today. When Lynette arrived to get the leftover fabric, I gave her a packed of vitamin C. We all talked for awhile. Then I packed my stuff in the car and came home.
When I got home, Chris had already gone shopping. I ate a can of organic soup and boiled water to make bone broth. I held the cup in my hands to warm them up.
I listened to an audio while typing notes for my blog and reading e-mail. When e-mail ran out, I started watching Youtube videos on 5-minute crafts, and 8 ways to make a rug, 100 life hacks, etc. I ate some ham and figs for supper. Chris roasted broccoli stems in the oven, but I did not like them.
When Chris was ready, he turned on Voyager. I drank a quart of water with one of Tina's lemons squeezed into it. We watched three episodes. Then we dressed the bed with clean sheets. I typed up my blog post for the day and got ready for bed.
* Norm is in the background and the seam ripper holder is in the foreground. It is his answer to cutting apart chain-pieced units. *

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