Monday, March 12, 2018

Pine needles are high in vitamin C, but...

I got up at 7:45. I pressed the quilt top and the backing. I cut the fold. Then I turned on the router and my laptop. As I drank a quart of water, I listened to an interview on the dangers of EMF. I heard him say that wi-fi affects erythrocytes, and affects the pacemaker cells in sinoatrial nodes, causing tachycardia and arrhythmia. That would explain my condition.
The next interview I heard was from the Oral Health Summit. The dentist was talking about all the cases of root-canaled teeth which he replaced with ceramic implants and the patient's health improved within 24 hours. Arrhythmias went away, migraines cleared, depression lifted, etc. He had a chart called The Common Electrical Pathway. He could tell which tooth was root-canaled by the part of the body affected. I was glad not to have any root canals.
The third interview was on recovering from sleep deprivation. The only note I wrote down was to exercise first thing in the morning.
While the interviews played, I made liquid starch and my breakfast. I put on my spoon to protect my wrist. I got dressed for quilting. I gathered up two quilt tops and my red project. Then I headed out.
I arrived about 12:35. I showed Rebecca the quilt top I made from her remnants and asked if she would like it back. She accepted it. I gave her the backing I made from the leftover fabric. Bertha asked if I would make her a quilt top if she gave me the fabric.
I gave the colorful nine-patch to Dinah for the retirement home. I returned Rebecca's bag and she gave me the scraps from the project she was working on. Then I chatted with the other ladies while I worked on red project and drank coconut water.
At 3:30 I packed up and went home. I arrived a minute before Chris did. I checked the mail and found a letter from the insurance company denying my claim for what I assume was the stress test. You'd need an advanced degree in medicine to decipher it. And a bill from Radiology. I ate an egg and some pickled cauliflower. Then I went for a walk, looking for daffodils and came back with a bag of fresh young pine needles.
Chris cooked some salmon for me. I ate a banana until it was ready. My Dad called, looking for advice on buying coconut oil. I ate a piece of the fish, then made a large salad. I finished it in front of the TV, watching Lucifer with Chris. Then we watched two episodes of Voyager. He made his sandwich and went to bed, reading. I stayed up to take my evening supplements, blog and chew on some pine needles. They may be high in vitamin C, but they are not tasty. And oh yes, the recyclables for tomorrow.
* This is the final version of the quilt I made from Rebecca's scraps. *

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