Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Busy day

I got up after the alarm went off. I put up my hair, then put out the recyclables. I sewed a row of one panel of the mondo bag. I turned on the router and settled down with a quart of lemon water to read e-mail. About 9:15 I got dressed for going out and about.
I drove to quilting. Beverly was already there, but her machine was not set up. She and Anita were working on something else. Jane was helping Eva join quilted blocks with her machine. The machine was acting up, so I took the bobbin area apart and cleaned it out. Anita gave me a whole stack of quilted blocks to put together and some gray strips. I did a few, but then they all packed up to go. So I did, too. The blocks went into my trunk. I may get to them, or I may not.
After my gear was stowed in the trunk, I went to the Asian store for kimbap. Then I stopped by Ace Acupunture to see if the doctors needed anything. He said not at this time. Then he offered me a foot detox. So I accepted. He had his lunch so we kind of ate together. He was eating home made bread with jelly on it. I was eating kimbap. He gave me some of his home grown cherry tomatoes.
After the foot detox (and massage), I went home to have breakfast. I listened to a tapping audio while I ate. Tim called to say he was running late and to start without him. I watered the plants, then I went to the church and opened the safe. I stayed in the intern's office because there was no one else around. I opened all the offering envelops and recorded envelop numbers on the checks. I did the capitol fund ones first and then the general fund. Tim arrived about 2:40. He helped me record the donations on the computer. Then he explained about all the reports to print and file in the office. Finally the only thing left was to take the money to the bank. He asked if I wanted to do it, and I said next week 'cause I have to go places yet.
I went to the Farmer's Market, which was between the church and the bank. It would be convenient to stop at the market on the way to the bank, but not advisable since I would have the money in my car. I checked out the booths. I bought butter and eggs at the meat place. I also got lettuce and tomatoes and cucumbers. I wanted peaches too, but was afraid I could not eat all of what I had already bought.
When I got home, I set the timer for an hour so I would not be late leaving for the quilt guild meeting. I ate the remainder of the kimbap with kimchi. While reading e-mail, Facebook reminded me of tonight's meeting and I discovered that I was running an hour behind! I checked my blog to find something for show-and-tell. The last thing I made that I still had was the red scrap quilt top. So I grabbed it from the shelf and got in the car.
I was late leaving the house and there was an accident on Jordan Lane. I prayed that if there was a faster way that God would show it to me. Although it took an extra few minutes to go around the accident, all the lights after that were green. So I sailed down Jordan to University and up to Threaded Needle Too. I pulled up at 6:00 and the meeting hadn't started yet when I walked in. It was a miracle.
First we showed off our crayon color challenge pieces. I thought they were due last month, but I had mine and I turned it in. For Show-and-tell, I showed the red scrap quilt top and my hand-dyed fabrics. The lady next to me, Pat, had hers as well and she did the other color pallette. Chris called and I whispered to him so he hung up. After the meeting, several ladies came up to ask me about the red top.
On the way out, I asked the owner if he had fusible fleece for mondo bags. He had to call his wife, but yes, he had it. I bought two yards of fusible fleece and a fabric license plate.
It was getting dark so I went home. I called Chris, who was visiting someone whose wife was a quilter. I wished I were there. Then I watched a few minutes of The Orville before Fox told me my preview time was up. I turned to Netflix and watched episodes of Fraiser. I looked up the Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs theme music. Interesting. I boiled some ginger water and poured it over tea bags. I sipped it as I wrote my blog post for today.
* A Harry Potter theme quilt for her daughter *

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