Monday, July 9, 2018

No shades of gray

I got up at 6:45. I sewed some strips onto the handles. It was going well, but I stopped myself so I would have something to take to sewing today. I turned on the router. I read e-mail and listened to podcasts. I sliced up three apples, spread them on a cookie sheet and covered them with tulle. I placed the cookie sheet in the back yard in the sun. I made more green powder mix to see if I needed more of any of the ingredients. Then I worked on my order.
I made and ate breakfast. Then I washed up and dressed for the day. I packed up the black and white bag and all its pieces. I also took the quilt-as-you-go project. I drove to quilting. A few ladies were sitting down to lunch. It was a low turnout, even though only one person was at this week's retreat. I set up my machine and finished binding the quilt-as-you-go quilt. Then I finished sewing black and white strips onto the handles. One lady said she liked my fruit bag, but the black and white one was even better. Bertha said she would never have thought to make a mondo bag out of log cabin blocks. At 3, I laid out the blue blocks to decide how to arrange them. I wasn't entirely please with how they went together (or didn't exactly go together). Lauri was the only one still there. We were talking about movies and she recommended Jumanji and Shallow Hal.
I packed up a little afterward. I came home, and checked the apples. The thinner ones were done but the thicker ones needed more time in the sun. I moved them to the porch. Then I mowed until the mower ran slow. As I plugged in the battery to recharge, it occurred to me that I just recharged it less than a week ago.
I ate liver and onions while listening to a podcast. Chris came home from work. He said he found out that he did not get job in Philadelphia. I put the recyclables into separate bags and flattened extra boxes to put out for pick-up tomorrow.
I checked the quilt for any places where the binding did not get sewn. There were a few and I handstitched them closed. I worked on the black and white bag, turning and topstitching the handles, attaching them to the bag and sewing in the lining. Then I started cleaning up my sewing area, sorting through the leftover bits.
When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of Death in Paradise. He checked something on his laptop, then made his lunch before going to bed. I took my evening magnesium and typed up my blog post. Then I put argan oil on my ear and on my finger, which was almost pain-free. I went to bed, intending to use the PEMF pad and a cold sock of rice to help me sleep.

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