Wednesday, August 29, 2018


I woke up hearing Chris' alarm. I went back to sleep sort of, but the ring tone rang through my head for over an hour. I got up before my alarm went off. I took the strip off of the block and sewed it back on, then sewed on another strip.
I made coffee for my coffee morning. I did tapping amd meditation. When it was over, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. Then I put on old clothes and mowed the back yard. It was so high that I had to mow two steps forward and one step back. I took a short break to drink some salt water, then mowed the rest quickly because time was short.
I took a shower and put better clothes on. I drove to the clinic of the Korean doctors, arriving at 2:15. She had a tax problem with California that needed fixing. My phone was at home, so I used her cell phone to call the California tax board. After waiting 20 minutes, someone answered, but hung up when I responded. So I called again, with the landline. The wait was more like 40 minutes.
While I waited on the phone, Dr. Hwang rubbed the itchy part of my scalp with pieces of onion. She said I should always dry my hair with cold air after a shower. I didn't think that was going to happen. Dr. Lee showed me a piece of paper he got that said Final Notice and talked about student loans. It had him worried but I read it and explained that it was an ad for a loan company. Hopefully it was the final notice and they would not contact him again.
When the state of California answered, it was in the form of a woman whose native language was not English. We had quite the discussion trying to straighten out what happened and what needs to happen. Apparently the state of California charged Dr. Hwangs account a $150 processing fee for taking out $0 for owing tax penalties. Say what? Anyway, before I left, Dr. Grace asked me to write a letter of strong language to the landlord about the physical issues of the space. I agreed, half-heartedly. They gave me a box of jujube juice packets and I left.
I ran through the rain to my car and drove home. I told Chris what I had just been through. Then I jotted some notes for my blog.
I listened to an audio on fasting. I put a vitamin patch on my cheek by the cracked tooth. I wrote the letter for Dr. Hwang and e-mailed it. I emptied the chocolate molds and put the chocolates in baggies. Then I heated up the remaining chocolate. I put nuts, coconut flakes and even sunflower seeds in the bottom of the molds. Then I poured chocolate over them. The molds went into the fridge to harden. I drank a packet of onion juice. I read through more e-mails. I made up two weeks of supplements and ordered more.
When Chris was ready, we watched the first episode of Good Witch series and the first episode of Dr. Blake Mysteries. Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I looked up some of the actors in Good Witch. Apparently it started as a movie. So I looked it up on Youtube and the next thing I knew, I was halfway through it and it was almost midnight.
* This is Jodi's other quilt. *

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