Sunday, December 30, 2018


I woke up early to use the restroom. I intended to go back to sleep, but Cecily got up early to do stuff in the kitchen and dining room. Even with the earplugs, it was too much noise overhead to go back to sleep. But I kept trying. At 9:30 she called downstairs that we had to leave at 10:30 for church. So Chris and I got up. I washed up and he took a shower. I got dressed and took my breakfast box upstairs to the kitchen and made breakfast. I took the box down again and ate breakfast in the dining room.
Not much later it was time to leave. Michele did not come with us. We piled in Marie's SUV and she drove us to St. Ann's, which coincidentally is the name of Al and Cecily's church in Chester. It was a big church, but not full, decorated for Christmas. We sat near the front. The man in the pew behind greeted us warmly. There was guitar music while we waited for the service to start.
Although there was a priest, it was a deacon that gave the homily. I liked that part and the Christmas hymns that we sang. But pretty much everything else left me feeling unprepared, like I hadn't done my homework. The liturgies they sang and tunes (if you could call them that) were unfamiliar. Chris had the service book turned to the right kind of service, but the words were slightly different and the tunes were completely different. I stood mute while it seemed everyone else knew what to say or sing.
At the end, when we were traipsing out, I wanted to take a picture of the banner with the large star on it. But Cecily said we had to hurry because we had lunch reservations. I had also wanted to share my experiences with the priest so they could make accommodations for visitors who did not know the words or tunes, etc. But we did not stop, heading towards Marie's car.
From the church, we went home. Chris and Marie changed clothes. She and Al took the dogs for a short walk. Then Michele and I piled into the 3rd seat of the SUV, while the others took the back and front seats. Marie drove us to Silverado's, a southwestern restaurant. We were shown to a corner booth. When the drinks were brought, I ordered green tea and took some digestive enzymes. We placed our orders and chatted until they arrived. Mine sounded so good, but there was so little of it, considering half of it was polenta with sugar in it. However since I had taken the digestive enzymes, I ate it anyway. Cecily and Al each got a small frypan of eggs, mushrooms, homefries, onions, etc. Cecily shared hers with me and still took a lot home. I think everyone had something left over but me.
Al paid the bill and we went home. The dogs were happy to see us. I sat in the livingroom to sew some binding. Michele left to meet some friends. Marie put on football. The others gathered to watch so I went downstairs to jot notes to my blog and read e-mail.
While I was sewing and listening to an audio, Marie came down to get the Christmas boxes. Then I heard people upstairs taking ornaments off the tree and vacuuming up the needles after carrying it out. Then Marie came back down with the boxes of ornaments and lights.
Later Faye called from Dad's house. She had some questions. Then I noticed the time. I went upstairs to see if supper was in progress. I sat in on the food channel until Cecily left to help Marie warm up chicken wings and meatballs and other leftovers for supper. I took some digestive enzymes. Michele came home. The table was set, so we sat down. Chris said a prayer and the meal commenced. After supper, some had dessert. I ate two dried orange slices dipped in chocolate.
I sat in the living room while Cecily did puzzles on her tablet and watched the food channel. The show ended at 9 and Cecily went to bed. Marie changed it to football. I sat with them awhile longer. Then I boiled some ginger and turmeric slices to make tea. I filled all my water bottles with it. Then I took them downstairs. I took my evening supplements and settled in to write my blog post. I plan to do a bit of yoga to relax before going to bed.
* Santa is riding a horse behind the bar at Silverado's *

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