Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The interrupted morning

I got up at 8. I brushed and swished and did more sewing on the fish. I made coffee and started reading e-mail. Chris called to ask if anyone had come over to fix the roof and I said no, but that I didn't want anyone coming over while I was in the bathroom. Well, later a man came over and said the roofer would be over when he finished the house across the street. Then the man asked if he could change out the water heater. I said ok, but thought “I don't have time for this.” He shut off the water, and started draining the heater. I exercised and drybrushed. He came back and said he only needed to change a part after all. When he had done it, I asked him not to come back before noon. I finished my meditation morning with music and tapping, and put on an audio. I could listen as I cleaned. When I was done, I got ready to walk. As I locked the door behind me, I saw the roofer drive up in a truck. I asked if he needed to see inside because I was leaving. He said no, but kept talking about how he was going to do such a good job. I said “fine” and tried to leave but he kept on. Finally I had to tell him I was short on time. I walked around the circle, not having time for more. He was on the roof when I got back. I showered, dressed and ate a fat bomb.
I gathered up Korean packaging and went to see the Korean doctors. I checked online to find the status of an application we had filled out together. Then I helped them write a sheet of fermented juices and their benefits. Afterward, we did a list of herbal teas. These were all new top-of-the-line products made in Korea by a new company. Many of them I had never heard of and cost over $100 a bottle. I promised to add them to their Facebook page.
Then he brought me a basin of hot water and gave me a foot detox and massage. He told me that acupuncture was a good treatment for tremor. Afterward, she started giving me a finger massage, bending each finger backwards. She got interrupted by a walk-in customer. The massage made my fingers hurt so I took the opportunity to pack up and say it was time to leave. She gave me some ginger tea to take home.
Chris was home when I got there. The roofer was still on the roof, banging away. I listened to more of the audio from earlier. I made and ate salad and the last of the pork heart. I also ate my daily portion of nuts. I called Dad, but did not talk long.
I paused the audio, and went to church. There was still daylight when I left, but hardly any when I arrived. The members were gathering for the Holden Evening Service. I sat in my usual pew. Doris gave me a bag of patterns. Then the service started. A variety of people took singing parts in the service. So there was singing, and then Patrick got up and gave his faith story. Then there was more singing, and the service was over.
After the service, the choir gathered to practice. There was one new piece and we sang through all the music for the rest of the month. We were done by 8:10. I ran by the office to drop off the bank bag. Roz talked to me in the parking lot. Then I met Doris by my car. She gave me a dressmakers dummy. A really nice one, too. I thanked her and went home.
Chris was waiting. I made tea. Then we sat in the living room and watched a movie from Netflix called The Circle with Tom Hanks. It was good, but every introverts nightmare. I wrote up my blog post for the day. I took the bathroom rugs out of the dryer and put them back where they belong.

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