Saturday, April 13, 2019

Getting ready for Palm Sunday

In the middle of the night, I got physically restless. So I got up and took some magnesium (which I had taken before I went to bed) and had some water. I felt better and went back to bed. I didn't sleep right away. But I think I was sleeping when I heard Chris get up to shut my alarm off. I slept again and got up at 8:30.
I took the first supplement. I brushed and swished and trimmed blocks. Then it was time for the next one. I soaked nuts and rinsed sprouts. I checked e-mail. I washed dishes. I called Michele. I made and ate breakfast.
I laid out the blocks to audition the order. Jennifer called to ask if I had a corsage pin. I looked but could not find one.
I packed up my trombone and music and headed to church. I unpacked and set up with the tuba and trumpet players. We played through the pieces and talked about when to sit up front and when to sit in the pew. After the practice, I put my trombone in the choir room. Mary ran through the anthem with me. Then Jennifer and I talked about health stuff. I gave her some vitamin C and glutathione patches and she gave me apple chips and a vase of azaleas.
After she left, I called Leanne who wanted to do something with me today. It was going to take her half an hour to get there, so I made some phone calls; short one to Chris, longer one to William and a long one to Dad, who was having his usual brain fog. I walked circles around my car while talking. Leanne drove up while I was on the phone.
I got in her car and she took me over the mountain to see the flowers and then past her road, and on around to 431. We were going to go to a thrift shop, but my back protested before we got there. So she pulled off at the mall and we walked around the parking lot, talking. When my back had recovered, we headed out again, but saw a sign for a yarn shop so we pulled in. We walked around the shopping center and the yarn shop. The lady expounded upon the reasons why working with yarn was better than working with quilt fabric. We nodded and smiled, but neither of us were about to quit quilting in favor of knitting.
I was tired and needed my chillow, so she took me back to my car. Then I drove myself home. I got the mail. Chris and I walked around the outside of the house spotting wasp nests. They were quite small and he knocked them down. Then I sat with my chillow having lunch and jotting notes for my blog.
I copied some pages from Elaine's work book on the printer with no problem. Then I printed out new patient forms from the chiropractic website, but the copy was completely unreadable. Chris downloaded it to his laptop and e-mailed it to me so I could use the old desktop to print it. Slight better copy, but still mostly unreadable. However, I read the form on the screen and wrote answers where it seemed they should go.
Chris made sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts. I had some of each. I looked for fabric to cover the rolled up towel. I did not see anything in my stash that I wanted to sacrifice for the job. Then I found some gray bags from Lowes. I cut one into three inch strips, sewed them together and wrapped them around the towel ring. But it did not look any better than the towel. Sigh.
I made tea. I practiced the flute. I practiced the choir anthem. Chris and I folded laundry. Chris packed for his trip tomorrow. Chris made up the bed with clean sheets while I put on the pillow cases.
We watched two episodes of ST:NG. I took evening supplements and wrote my blog post.
* Another spring picture *

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