Sunday, August 11, 2019

Shopping in the dark

I got up before my alarm went off. I had been dreaming but I can't remember it now. I took a shower and wrapped my head in a towel while I checked e-mail and listened to something. Later, when I unwrapped my hair, I found myself able to scratch 'stuff' off my scalp on the right side. Dead skin? I got dressed and went to church.
I parked in back so I could stop at the restroom just inside the door. The light was very dim and flickered badly. I turned it off when I left. I walked to the narthex. Ron made some comment about troublemakers. :) Eric greeted me energetically and we talked about his wife coming home. I went in and sat by Don. The service started before I could read the bulletin insert.
I listened to the readings, but the sermon was about something else and I wondered if I missed something. Later I wanted to check the bulletin but I had already put it in the recycle bin at church. I mentioned the bathroom light to the head of Property. I also chatted with Jennifer and Susan.
I drove to Publix for groceries. The lighting was very dim, but they were open for business, running on generators. I picked up the usual. I had to really search for undented cans of coconut milk. I got oils and soup. Then the lights came back on. I went over to the produce section. I was able to get bananas, but the refrigerated sections were covered with tarps. I wasn't allowed to lift the tarps until the temps had been restored. However, a nice man in a store uniform went in the back and got me two packages of asian chopped salad mix.
When I got home, I changed clothes. There was a message on my laptop that it needed to update so I let it. I put the food away, and washed all the canned items. I read some e-mail on the desktop while waiting for the long update to finish. Then I spent all afternoon deciding which supplements to take over the next 14 days. I tried to improve the process but could not think it through. I took a break at 2 to lay out in the sun for a few minutes. Then I finished up the supplements. I made and ate breakfast although by that time it was more like a very late lunch.
I called Michele to find out how she was doing because Rowan died. She mentioned that she cooked pork in her crock pot. So then I called Chris to ask about cooking beef heart in the crock pot. I opened the freezer to get it and found a beef tongue first, so I took that from freezer and put it in the fridge to thaw.
I read e-mail for a bit, then went for the weekend walk with dabs of Icy-Hot on my limbs. I haven't been bitten while wearing it, although it is too soon to tell if it is just coincidence. When I got back, I saw Cecily was inviting calls, so I called. Al answered with Cecily in the background. He mentioned a product called Stabil that I can put in Chris' gas tank to keep the gas fresh until he comes home.
I commented on the Fox reunion Facebook page. I read some articles, then watched two episodes of Royal Pains and one of Frasier. I lasered acupuncture points and drybrushed while I watched. Later, I took magnesium powder and washed it down with hydrogen water. Then I wrote up my blog post while listening to part of a QnA call from one of the recent summits.
* This was the cake served at the reunion. I grabbed it off of Facebook. *

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