Sunday, September 22, 2019

The many effects of light

I was lying in bed awake for more than an hour. My mp3 headphones weren't doing what I expected and I wondered if I needed more powerful headphones. I did not feel like getting up at 7:30 when the alarm rang. But I didn't stay in bed too long because I had to leave for church at 9.
I showered, and read e-mail while my hair dried. Then I got dressed. I had some protein powder, then 2 fat bombs. I practiced my choir music at the piano. I combed my hair and grabbed the grocery list and bags to be recycled. I headed to church.
Somehow I got there a little early. Stacey asked if she could have a strip of denim to fix a pair of jeans and I told her to come over any time. I got compliments on hair and dress. I had made the dress, but no one asked so probably meant I did a good job. I warmed up with the choir, realizing that I practiced the wrong piece. Cecelia was there to help me.
Don came in and sat by me before church started. I asked him about the sports he had reported on before he retired. Then the pastor started the service. After the service, I made sure Don got out to the hallway. But the pastor was not there to shake hands, etc. I talked to several people about the changes with Vanco. Ron gave me a hard time, but its ok because I can see how much he enjoys it.
I went to Publix. I stopped at the seafood counter to buy fish. I asked lots of questions. The man gave me a recipe card and put the fish in a special tray that goes right in the oven. It sounded so simple. He might have thought I was a secret shopper. If I was, I would have given him full marks.
I picked up the rest of the food I needed and checked out. When I got home, I put food away, changed my clothes, and washed the cans. Then I chopped up some liver and mixed it with a new spicy spread that I bought in the produce section. I went through my e-mail and listened to the next episode of Love as Medicine.
I laid down for awhile. Then I started a long podcast on the many effects of different kinds of light. While it played, I did some sewing and then made my usual breakfast. I did not get any stomach upset like yesterday so I don't know what caused it. The speaker touted the many benefits of sunlight, especially at dawn and sunset. So I considered getting up early tomorrow just to see.
I trimmed grass along the back of the house. Then I watered the plants out front. Stacey never came over. Sunset was close so I went for walk. I got back in half an hour and saw that Chris had called. So I called Chris back. We talked for a bit but there wasn't much to say and he was invited to a low country boil. So we wrapped up the call in a short time.
I set alarm for 6:27, which was an optimistic gesture. I moved the air purifier to bedroom. I watched Royal Pains, and used massage ball and roller. Then I took my evening supplements, and put away the laundry. I sketched out my day and wrote this blog post. It is 9pm and I am almost ready for bed.
* Here is a pic from the meeting on Tuesday night. *

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