Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wednesday the 27th

Near morning, he fell asleep when the nurses came in, turned on the lights and changed his wet bedding. I tried to go back to sleep, but daylight made it difficult. Around 7:30 I ate the second half of Faye's sub. At 8 I ordered breakfast for Dad. At 9 I woke him up and opened the blinds. Then someone brought breakfast in. I set him up to eat in bed. Faye came at 10. I made some vitamin water for Dad. I made it stronger to help him provide a stool sample for the lab. But it wasn't enough so I rubbed his tummy. He kept telling me to rub harder because it was moving something. He also wanted me to move the head of the hospital bed up and down. The nurse put a bed pan under him. It seemed to take a long time, but he finally was able to produce a specimen.
Chris came to the hospital to visit Dad. He stuck around for awhile. He watched us go through the stretching exercises with Dad. The OT came and asked questions, then stood him up and got him in the chair I slept in. Dad ate his lunch in the chair. The blood doctor came in to talk about blood thinners. He said to use a low dose while Dad is in the hospital.
Chris then took Faye back to the house so she could get her vehicle. Then he came back to the hospital. He watched Dad and I eating lunch so I told him it was ok for him to go back to his parents' house. The case worker came by to discuss Dad's living conditions. She wanted to send his info to three acute rehab places. Ok by me. I called Faye and told her.
Later the hospitalist came by. He said he didn't think Dad had pneumonia and wanted to order a CT scan of his lungs to be sure. He had an x-ray and saw signs of water. But he thought the high white cell count could be entirely due to the blood clot. He talked about options if Dad did not meet the criteria to be admitted to acute rehab.
Dad wanted to lay down, but in his own bed at home. I told him we couldn't leave. He wanted to call a taxi. I gave him the walker and stood there while he tried to get up on his own. He couldn't do it. I delayed so supper would arrive while he was still in the chair. And it did. But he needed a change and the nurses arrived during supper. So we interrupted supper, cleaned him up and put him in bed. The nurses left and I fed him as much supper as he wanted. Then, I ate the rest. Someone came to take the tray. I put on the TV news and Dad kind of watched it.
Faye showed up at 8. We talked. I tried to explain all that the hospitalist told me about non-acute rehabs and assisted living. We got interrupted by Patrick calling, and then the nurse. They come in a lot to take vitals and to change pee pads. Faye gave me Dads dirty clothes to take back. She gave me keys to the Olds, which I then drove home. William met me there and let me in. He presented me with a pair of practically new shoes from Goodwill. I took off the other ones he gave me, and put on the new ones. They felt fine at first, but then I realized the arch support was in the wrong place. I paid him for the first pair. He gave me a key to the house. Patrick left to take stuff to the storage unit. I wondered if he did not want to be alone in the house with me. I spend some time catching up on my blog posts. I also took some pics for Faye. I was really tired, so I did not do everything she asked me to before I went to bed.

* This pic was actually taken on black friday. *

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