Friday, May 22, 2020


I got up before 7, just cause I was awake and thinking about Facebook blocking my posts. Chris was already working. I asked him if he could access my Facebook page. When he did, he didn't see anything after April 19th. So he checked my security settings and saw they had been changed from Public to only two people. He changed it back for me, saying it made more sense to him that I had done it inadvertently than that Facebook had done it. I didn't see how I could have since security settings are not easy to find. So then I went back and 'liked' things that I posted recently, hoping people will see them now.
I brushed and swished. I used the inversion table for a few minutes. It felt like being on the chiropractor's table. I watched Teeter videos on how to do stretches and how to adjust the table. There was no way to adjust the table to my center of gravity, except by reducing the leg length, which means the body part is in the wrong place for me. However, there is a lower back support piece that I put on which makes it more comfortable. I went back and forth between the laptop and the table, each time it was better. At the end, I could almost fall asleep in a slightly downward position. However, if I raised my arms to stretch, boom!
I watched a number of videos, mostly interviews. When I could play them out loud, I quilted. Otherwise, I had to sit in front of the laptop and listen. It was after noon by the time I made and ate breakfast, trying to get through another one. Looking through all the videos I haven't seen yet, I noticed that the ones from April seemed so outdated. That made me wonder which of the current ones will seem outdated next month. I watched part of one with Del Bigtree live, but it took too long. So I ended it and put on my walking shoes. I went around the soccer field and down the old road. I saw a bush full of green blackberries.
When I got back from walking, I went to the post office and got a mailer. There was mail, but nothing special. When I got back, I caught up on the daily meditations. I tapped with several videos and an interview. I had a salad for supper, and some strawberries. I got a text from Mary who got the two masks I made already. I cleared out some more e-mail and got the unread ones below 200. Sigh.
Then I quilted in off white and then in turquoise. When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of Legends of Tomorrow. Then Chris went to bed and I blogged. Now to decompress on the inversion table...
* Growing a sweet potato *

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